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Popcorn and couch

I am a cinema lover. I do not know anything about TV programs, but I do not need them either. Commented [T-1]: No se nada de programas de tele
From my point of view, to know about cinema you should watch many movies. Commented [T-2]: Con películas, programas y tv, se
utiliza “watch” en vez de “see”
My favorite film is Cinderella Man. I have seen it many times.
The main actor is Russell Crowe. He acts as an old boxer called Jimmy Braddock. Commented [T-3]: Actúa como…
On one hand, Braddock fights to win battles and, on the other hand, struggles to help his family. Commented [T-4]: boxeador

I think watching movies is the best way to live an unknown situation and, in addition, to learn
about a foreign language. Commented [T-5]: Lengua extranjera

Como puedes ver por el número de fallos, has mejorado considerablemente. El vocabulario es
el adecuado, aunque un pelín mejorable. De lo demás no puedo decir nada. Las
construcciones, los nexos, la estructura, los tiempos, etcétera están perfectos.

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