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Development of energy concepts in introductory physics courses

Arnold B. Aronsa)
Department of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195
共Received 28 January 1999; accepted 22 April 1999兲
The work-energy theorem, derived from Newton’s second law, applies to the displacement of a
particle or the center of mass of an extended body treated as a particle. Because work, as a quantity
of energy transferred in accordance with the First Law of Thermodynamics, cannot be calculated in
general as an applied force times the displacement of center of mass, the work-energy theorem is not
a valid statement about energy transformations when work is done against a frictional force or
actions on or by deformable bodies. To use work in conservation of energy calculations, work must
be calculated as the sum of the products of forces and their corresponding displacements at locations
where the forces are applied at the periphery of the system under consideration. Failure to make this
conceptual distinction results in various errors and misleading statements widely prevalent in
textbooks, thus reinforcing confusion about energy transformations associated with the action in
everyday experience of zero-work forces such as those present in walking, running, jumping, or
accelerating a car. Without a thermodynamically valid definition of work, it is also impossible to
give a correct description of the connection between mechanical and thermal energy changes and of
dissipative effects. The situation can be simply corrected and student understanding of the energy
concepts greatly enhanced by introducing and using the concept of internal energy, that is,
articulating the First Law of Thermodynamics in a simple, phenomenological form without
unnecessary mathematical encumbrances. © 1999 American Association of Physics Teachers.

I. INTRODUCTION eration is a macroscopic, extended chunk of matter, it is ide-

alized as a particle, and the velocity v and the displacement
In introductory physics courses, energy concepts are most ⌬s both pertain to its center of mass.
frequently introduced by the development of the ‘‘work- This way is perfectly reasonable for motivating the intro-
energy theorem’’ for the rectilinear displacement of a par- duction of the energy concepts by indicating the possibility
ticle of mass m. The starting point is Newton’s second law that numbers calculated in entirely different ways turn out to
F net⫽ma. In algebra-based courses, the acceleration a is be conserved in what otherwise appear to be unrelated
eliminated by use of the kinematic relation for uniformly changes of state. If the treatment is left at this level, however,
accelerated motion v 2 ⫺ v 20 ⫽2a⌬s, where the v ’s denote the result is that students are not helped to develop a correct
initial and final velocity, and ⌬s is the rectilinear displace- definition of work as a thermodynamic quantity,1 are left
ment of the particle. The result takes the familiar form with serious misconceptions concerning work done in the
presence of friction, are not given a clear understanding of
F net⌬s⫽ 21 m v 2 ⫺ 12 m v 20 ⫽⌬ 共 21 m v 2 兲 . 共1兲 the justification for the extension of the conservation law to
In calculus-based courses, both sides of F net⫽ma are inte- include the transfer of heat, and are left with profound mis-
grated with respect to the position variable s, taking advan- conceptions regarding energy transformations in instances
tage of the chain rule of differentiation replacing a by such as running, jumping, and accelerating a car that involve

冉 冊冉 冊 冉 冊
the action of zero-work forces.
dv dv ds dv The basic problem is that the work-energy theorem is re-
a⬅ ⫽ ⫽v . 共2兲 ally a dynamical relation, derived from Newton’s second
dt ds dt ds
law, and cannot be a truly general energy statement. There
The result is the more sophisticated form are three independent conservation relations in classical

冕 s0
F net ds⫽⌬ 共 21 m v 2 兲 . 共3兲
physics. The first is the equation of continuity or conserva-
tion of mass. The second conservation law, that of conserva-
tion of momentum, is the grand generalization underlying
In either case, the left-hand side of the equation is given the Newtonian dynamics. If the general law of conservation of
name ‘‘work done by the net force,’’ and the quantity energy in classical physics could be derived from the dy-
(1/2)m v 2 is given the name ‘‘kinetic energy of the particle.’’ namical equations, it would be a tautology and would not
The work done by the net force does not disappear; it is constitute a third independent condition, as it actually is. The
‘‘conserved’’ by being ‘‘converted’’ into kinetic energy. The law of conservation of energy cannot be derived. Like the
ideas are then extended to include the presence of other other conservation laws, it is arrived at by induction from
forces: work is done by or against forces; forces not under- limited observations and is ultimately accepted because no
going displacement 共or acting orthogonally to the displace- violations are observed.
ment兲 do no work and are called ‘‘zero-work’’ forces; work In the 17th century Leibniz and Huygens both pointed to
done against the gravitational force is ‘‘stored,’’ and is called what we now regard as aspects of energy conservation in the
‘‘potential energy’’ and can be retrieved as kinetic energy or mechanical behavior of particles: Leibniz called attention to
by elevating another object, etc. If the object under consid- the connection between what we now call kinetic and poten-

1063 Am. J. Phys. 67 共12兲, December 1999 © 1999 American Association of Physics Teachers 1063
tial energy changes in motion under the influence of gravity Furthermore, we must learn or discover how to define and
while Huygens empirically discovered conservation of ‘‘vis calculate the numbers that turn out to be conserved; the cal-
viva’’ (m v 2 ) in defining elastic collisions. The modern ap- culations are not to be derived and are not immediately ob-
preciation of conservation of energy did not emerge, how- vious on observation of relevant phenomena. Genuine under-
ever, until the middle of the 19th century through the work standing on the part of students involves assimilation of such
of Mayer and Joule. Why not? It required recognition of the insights, not just manipulating the formulas in end-of-chapter
connection between work and transfer of heat, creation of the examples.
concept of internal energy, and the recognition of how prop- Various aspects of the pedagogical problems summarized
erly to generalize the definition of work and apply it to ex- in this paper have been discussed previously.3 The following
tended bodies before it became possible for Helmholtz to presentation is intended as a summary which might help in-
articulate and illustrate applications of the First Law of Ther- terested readers eliminate a conceptual flaw that is widely
modynamics as we know it today. It is not possible to help prevalent in introductory physics courses and pave the way
students form a clear, correct, and logical idea of the energy for a better understanding of thermodynamics.
concepts without retracing some of this sequence of thought,
albeit it should be done without unnecessary confusion in II. MISCONCEPTIONS INCULCATED THROUGH
unraveling useless historical details.
The work-energy theorem has extremely limited applica-
bility. Because it gives correct relations for changes of state WORK-ENERGY THEOREM
of a particle, it hints at the energy concepts and therefore It is all too easy to implant misconceptions through care-
constitutes a perfectly reasonable starting point, but a con- less or incorrect use of the work-energy theorem. Consider
ceptually sound development is not carried through if mat- the following examples.
ters are left at this juncture. Trying to delay a definitive dis- Consider a system defined to be a box of mass m being
cussion and finesse the conceptual problem by making accelerated by a horizontal force P along a level floor against
assertions about integrals of conservative and nonconserva-
an opposing frictional force f . For a displacement ⌬s c.m. of
tive forces along closed paths 共and then leaving matters up in
the center of mass of the box, the work-energy theorem says
the air兲 is simply black magic to the great majority of stu-
dents. Such delay is also inappropriate for audiences in the
usual algebra-based course. P⌬s c.m.⫺ f ⌬s c.m.⫽⌬ 共 21 m v c.m.
兲. 共4兲
The generalization to conservation of energy in a wider
range of phenomena is not difficult to achieve. It only re- This relation implies that f ⌬s c.m. is a quantity of work
quires articulation of what amounts to the First Law of Ther- done against the frictional force and is thus taken out of the
modynamics. This generalization necessitates a proper defi- system 共work done by the system on its surroundings.兲 Such
nition of work as well as introduction of the concept of an interpretation is frequently given explicitly and sometimes
internal energy. This is the only way that dissipative effects left implied in textbook presentations. If energy is indeed
can be correctly incorporated, ‘‘heat’’ rationalized as a form conserved, what happens to this quantity of work? If the
of energy, and the accelerative effect of zero-work forces displacement takes place without change of velocity because
correctly interpreted. How these insights might be achieved P and f are equal in magnitude and opposed in direction, the
in introductory courses is outlined in the following. net work done on the system seems to be zero. If the net
There are basic epistemological insights that are also of work is zero, how does one account for the temperature in-
fundamental importance. It is worth quoting at this point crease taking place in the box? The trouble is that f ⌬s c.m. is
what Feynman says so lucidly and compellingly in his intro- not a quantity of work or energy in the thermodynamic sense
duction of energy concepts:2 even though the quantity P⌬s c.m. is indeed the thermody-
There is a fact, or if you wish, a law governing all natural namic work done on the system by the force P. Not every
phenomena that are known to date. There is no known product of force and displacement is necessarily a quantity of
exception to this law—it is exact as far as we know. The work which is thermodynamically conserved, and the quan-
law is called the conservation of energy. It states that there tity f ⌬s c.m. is an illustration. Some authors3 have suggested
is a certain quantity, which we call energy, that does not calling such quantities ‘‘pseudo-work,’’ but this is not the
change in the manifold changes which nature undergoes. point at which to enter into discussion of names.
That is a most abstract idea, because it is a mathematical The trouble is that work associated with the action of the
principle; it says that there is a numerical quantity which frictional force is not being consistently calculated in such a
does not change when something happens. It is not a de- way as to satisfy Feynman’s criterion. This calculation of
scription of a mechanism, or anything concrete; it is just a work done by or against the frictional force f ⌬s c.m. does not
strange fact that we can calculate some number and when ‘‘work’’ in the sense that it does not emerge as a conserved
we finish watching nature go through her tricks and calcu- quantity. How must work be calculated? Experience shows
late the number again, it is the same. that the useful operational definition of work must be devel-
oped along the lines discussed by P. W. Bridgman in his
There are several crucial aspects of learning and under- careful, insightful, and thorough analysis in The Nature of
standing embedded in this beautiful but cryptic statement. Thermodynamics:4
Energy is not concrete; it is not a material substance; it is
given meaning through the calculation of numbers. 共Many Turn now to an examination of the W of the First Law.
students coming out of introductory physics courses view This W means the total mechanical work received by the
both momentum and energy as though they were region inside the boundary from the region outside 关or
substances—something like the imponderable fluids of phlo- delivered to the region outside from the region inside兴. As
giston, caloric, and electric virtue of 18th century science.兲 in the case of 关heat transfer兴 Q, this work is done across

1064 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 67, No. 12, December 1999 Arnold B. Arons 1064
the boundary, and the evaluation of W demands the post- sult from application of the force. Similarly, the frictional
ing of sentries at all points of the boundary, and the sum- force that accelerates a car through action on the tires is a
ming of their contributions. In the simple cases usually zero-work force 共in the absence of slipping兲, and, although it
considered in elementary discussions, the work received accelerates the car, it does no work. The kinetic energy im-
by the inside from the outside is of the simple sort typified parted to the car originates in the chemical processes taking
by the motion of stretched cords or of simple linear piston place in the engine. Similar statements can be made about
rods. Our sentry can adequately report this sort of thing in the actions and energy transformations involved in walking
terms of finite forces acting at points and finite displace- or running.
ments. In general, however, there will be contact of the Given the fact that the work-energy theorem does not
material outside over finite regions of the boundary, and yield correct statements about energy transformation in the
we become involved in the stresses and strains of elasticity case of friction and effects on deformable bodies 共even
theory. though it is a correct dynamical relation兲, how can one de-
vise clear and correct statements about energy? The resolu-
关Bridgman goes on to mention the ‘‘infelicities that result
tion will be discussed in Sec. IV.
when we apply the notion of work to the sliding of two
bodies on each other with friction.’’兴4
To emerge as a conserved quantity, work must be calcu- III. WORK AND HEAT
lated by summing the product of forces and their correspond-
ing displacements over the periphery or boundary of the sys- If limited exclusively to mechanical effects, the idea of
tem which has been defined. For example, for a compressed energy has relatively little power or utility, and, although it
spring, we must calculate the integral over the displacement can be used to shortcut analysis of some frictionless situa-
of the end of the spring and not over the displacement of its tions, its introduction in such restricted context certainly
center of mass. However, the quantity f ⌬s c.m. does not sat- does not convey to students the over-arching nature of the
isfy the thermodynamic definition of work because the fric- synthesis it embodies. The insight that first extends the con-
tional force acting on the bottom of the box does not undergo texts is the connection to thermal effects, that is, heat trans-
a displacement ⌬s c.m. , but undergoes displacements which fer. Beyond that comes the extension to electrical phenom-
we have no way of knowing or calculating. 共This is what ena and to changes in state in general.
Bridgman refers to in his remark about ‘‘infelicities’’ in the Although the distinction between heat and temperature can
above quotation.兲 It is clearly incorrect to describe Eq. 共4兲 as be conveyed to children at elementary school level, this is
an energy equation even though it is a perfectly correct dy- rarely competently done even though excellent curricular
namical relation. In any situation involving friction, we are materials exist for this purpose.5 It would be well if college
confronted with the complexity intrinsic to the behavior of and university teachers were aware that many students come
an extended body and the deformations it undergoes. We to their classes using the terms synonymously as teachers
cannot treat all extended bodies as particles. have done in school. An examination of some fundamental,
Another illustration of an incorrect interpretation of the everyday phenomena and interactions can dispel this confu-
work-energy theorem arises for a system in which a person sion; such phenomenological thinking enhances the perspec-
of mass m, standing on a skate board, pushes himself 共her- tive of even those students who can make the verbal
self兲 away from a wall by applying a normal force with av- distinction.6
erage magnitude N̄ while the center of mass is displaced by Let us assume that ‘‘heat transfer’’ has been adequately
defined and dealt with along with the concepts of elementary
⌬s c.m. . For this situation, the work-energy theorem gives the
calorimetry and the definition of a unit of measurement such
following relation, neglecting friction:
as the calorie. What then is the connection between heat and
work? What was the nature of the revolution brought about
N̄⌬s c.m.⫽⌬ 共 21 m v c.m.
兲. 共5兲 by Joule? How do we extend the energy idea to articulate the
over-arching conservation law?
It is tempting to interpret Eq. 共5兲 as a statement about What Joule’s experiments on dissipation of work showed
energy transformations, as is frequently done. Although the was the following: When work is dissipated through friction,
kinetic energy of the body increases, the quantity N̄⌬s c.m. the result is a change in the thermal state of the system on
cannot be an amount of work done on the system by the which the work is done even though no heat is transferred to
surroundings. The point of application of the normal force the system through contact with a higher temperature body.
undergoes zero displacement and thus the normal force is a One can calculate the amount of heat transferred that would
zero-work force. We are dealing with a deformable body that have produced the same change in state. Experimentally, if
cannot be treated as a particle with respect to energy trans- the amount of work dissipated is doubled, the amount of heat
formations. Although Eq. 共5兲 is a perfectly correct dynamical that would need to be transferred to produce the same change
relation, it should not be interpreted as an energy relation. in state is doubled; that is, there is a linear relation between
The kinetic energy acquired by the body comes from elec- the two quantities. This is how it came to be recognized that
trochemical processes interior to the body and not from the both mechanical and thermal effects could be united under
wall. It becomes important for students to realize that, al- the common rubric of ‘‘energy.’’
though a force such as N̄ can accelerate a body, it does not It is frequently stated by teachers and textbooks that, in the
necessarily do work on the body. case of frictional dissipation ‘‘work is converted into heat.’’
An essentially identical situation, except for the additional This is a very unfortunate and misleading locution because it
change of potential energy, occurs when a person jumps ver- explicitly gives the students the impression that transfer of
tically upward. The normal force exerted by the floor on the heat occurs in frictional dissipation, and this misconception
person is a zero-work force and should not be interpreted as persists into more advanced study. 共This is an instance in
directly providing the kinetic and potential energy that re- which a misconception is implanted by teachers and text-

1065 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 67, No. 12, December 1999 Arnold B. Arons 1065
books and is not entirely a preconception drawn from prior where Q denotes the amount of heat transferred to the sys-
experience.兲 Frictional dissipation is an adiabatic process in tem 共positive兲 or taken out of the system 共negative兲 through
which no heat is transferred even though temperature contact with higher or lower temperature systems, and W
changes occur. 关See the definition of heat transfer after Eq. denotes the amount of work put into 共positive兲 or taken out
共6兲.兴 of 共negative兲 the system by external forces around its periph-
In the physics education literature, some teachers have ery 共calculated in accordance with Bridgman’s operational
asked why one should bother any longer with a unit such as definition兲.
the calorie. Because heat is a form of energy, why not just Note that Eq. 共6兲 cannot be ‘‘derived’’ from some prior
measure everything in joules? If one is content with simply source—any more than Newton’s laws can be derived. It is
throwing to students the assertion that heat is a form of en- an inductive guess at the order that obtains in nature. It at-
ergy and having them accept and memorize the assertion, tains the status of ‘‘law’’ only because, in subsequent accu-
dropping the calorie would be adequate. If, however, one mulation of experience, it has always been possible to dis-
wishes students to understand where the assertion comes cover a ‘‘successful’’ way to calculate work, and because no
from—how we know that we can treat heat as a form of violation has ever been observed.
energy—it is necessary to tell the Joule story correctly. For Now let us apply Eq. 共6兲 to the various cases considered in
this purpose it is necessary to have independent measure- Secs. II and III
ments of mechanical and thermal effects before the synthesis The acceleration of a box along the floor in the presence
can be achieved. The calorie becomes indispensable. of friction. Because we have no way of knowing the dis-
Given the fact that saying that ‘‘work is converted into placements associated with elements of frictional force act-
heat’’ is conceptually inconsistent and misleading, how can ing on the bottom of the box, we cannot calculate the work
the description be rectified and ideas of energy and energy done by the frictional force on the box, and it is not appro-
conservation be made clear and unambiguous? priate to take the box alone as our system. We can, however,
sweep this difficulty under the rug by taking our system to be
the box and the floor.
For this system, there is no transfer of heat 共even though
there is a temperature increase in both the box and the floor兲
All of the above-mentioned difficulties and inconsistencies so Q⫽0. The work put into the system is that done by the
can be finessed by avoiding situations involving deformable external force P and is thus W⫽ P⌬s c.m. . The change in
bodies, sticking to point masses, and saying very little about energy of the system has two components: a change in ther-
friction. It seems a shame, however, to give students so nar- mal internal energy of the box and floor, denoted by
row and restricted a view of the concept of energy and its ⌬U therm , and the kinetic energy change of the box, denoted
conservation, especially in those introductory courses that by ⌬U kin . We thus have from Eq. 共6兲
are terminal, as far as physics is concerned, for the students
⌬U therm⫹⌬U kin⫽0⫹ P⌬s c.m. 共7兲
taking them. Furthermore, recognizing what happens phe-
nomenologically in everyday experiences such as running, or, because ⌬U kin⫽⌬( 21 m v c.m.
jumping, accelerating a car, and confronting frictional ef-
fects, gives personal relevance, richness, and greater mean- ⌬U therm⫽ P⌬s c.m.⫺⌬ 共 21 m v c.m.
兲. 共8兲
ing to the physical concepts not attainable in the restricted
development. In other words, the change in thermal internal energy of
All of the difficulties discussed in Secs. II and III can be the box-floor system is equal to the external work done by
resolved by one simple device: invention of the concept of the force P minus the kinetic energy imparted to the box. If
internal energy and articulation of the First Law of Thermo- the displacement is made at uniform velocity without change
dynamics. This is exactly the ingredient Helmholtz supplied in kinetic energy, all the work done by the external force is
in the 19th century as the significance of the insights of converted into thermal internal energy, raising the tempera-
Mayer and Joule were being assimilated. At the first level, ture of the box and the floor. No heat has been transferred.
the introduction can be purely phenomenological; the math- This is a correct description of the energy transformations.
ematical apparatus of exact and inexact differentials, path Equation 共4兲 remains a perfectly correct dynamical equation,
dependent and path independent integrals, appropriate in for- but is not interpretable as a statement about energy transfor-
mal courses in thermodynamics, is completely unnecessary. mations.
The invention requires the following ingredients: 共1兲 care- Standing on a skate board and pushing away from a wall.
ful definition of the concept of ‘‘system;’’ 共2兲 definition of In this case we take the system to be our entire body. There
‘‘state of a system’’ and recognition of ‘‘change of state of a is no heat transfer, and W⫽0 because N̄ is a zero-work
system;’’ and 共3兲 association of the change of state with force. The energy changes are all internal. If we take the
change in ‘‘internal energy of the system,’’ denoted by the thermal change to be negligible, we are left with the change
symbol ⌬U. Internal energy includes all of the different in kinetic energy of our body and the biochemical changes
forms of energy that students are beginning to recognize in taking place within our muscles. Equation 共6兲 gives
the initial explorations: kinetic, potential, thermal, electrical,
chemical, etc. Potential energy has subheadings such as ⌬U biochem⫹ 21 m v c.m.
⫽0, 共9兲
gravitational, electrical, deformational 共elastic compression
or extension兲, etc.
Inductive reasoning from the initial limited range of expe- ⌬U biochem⫽⫺ 21 m v c.m.
. 共10兲
rience suggests that
In other words, a positive change 共increase兲 in the kinetic
⌬U⫽Q⫹W, 共6兲 energy imparted to our body comes at the expense of a nega-

1066 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 67, No. 12, December 1999 Arnold B. Arons 1066
tive change 共decrease兲 in the biochemical internal energy as- an amount of heat to the system 共under the same conditions
sociated with the muscular action we have required. Thus of constant pressure兲 equivalent in energy to the amount of
Eq. 共5兲 remains a correct dynamical relation which is not work. Work has not been ‘‘converted into heat;’’ it has been
interpretable as an energy relation, while Eq. 共10兲 is the cor- converted directly into thermal internal energy without trans-
rect statement about energy transformation. fer of heat.
In the case of jumping vertically upward, we have the It is worth noting that the case of dissipation of electrical
same analysis 共taking the system to be our body and the work in a resistor is exactly analogous. If our system consists
earth兲 with only the added ingredient of a change in internal of a current carrying resistor immersed in a water bath, we
gravitational potential energy of the system. have
A similar situation arises for an accelerating car. In the
⌬U therm⫽W elec⫽I 2 R⌬t. 共17兲
absence of slipping between the tires and the road, the dy-
namical relation is The interpretation is exactly the same as that in the paddle
wheel experiment.
f ⌬s c.m.⫽⌬ 共 21 m v c.m.
兲, 共11兲 Students’ horizons can be broadened in an interesting way
where f is a zero-work force. Taking ⌬U chem as the internal by inviting them to visualize and think about what might
energy change stemming from the utilization of fuel and happen in other Q⫽0 processes in which the quantity of
⌬U mech as the kinetic energy change imparted to the internal work is not dissipated, but might be either positive or nega-
tive, as in the expansion or compression of air in a tire pump.
moving parts, Eq. 共6兲, with Q and W both equal to zero,
In this case, Eq. 共16兲 still applies, but the phenomenology is
very different. Closed and pat answers need not be immedi-
⌬U chem⫽⫺⌬U mech⫺⌬ 共 21 m v c.m.
兲 共12兲 ately provided; this is something worth thinking, visualizing,
and arguing about.
with an interpretation exactly like that of Eq. 共10兲.
A ball of putty of mass m, moving horizontally from left to V. SUMMARY
right with speed v 0 , strikes a vertical wall to which it sticks
in a perfectly inelastic collision. Taking the positive direc- One would hope that textbook authors and teachers would
tion to the right, the dynamical relation is adopt some approach which avoids the errors and miscon-
ceptions stemming from incorrect application and interpreta-
⫺N̄⌬s c.m.⫽⌬ 共 21 m v c.m.
兲 ⫽0⫺ 21 m v 0,c.m.
. 共13兲 tion of the work-energy theorem. An examination in this
spirit would give students who continue to more advanced
Although Eq. 共13兲 has the appearance of an energy relation, courses a valuable head start for better understanding of the
it is not so thermodynamically, because N̄ is a zero-work formal statement of the First Law of Thermodynamics, the
force. 共The displacements taking place in the plastic flow at significance of exact and inexact differentials, and the related
the putty-wall boundary are parallel to the wall and are there- significance of path dependent and path independent inte-
fore orthogonal to the normal forces at the points of applica- grals. It would also give students, especially those for whom
tion.兲 Because no work is done on either the ball or the wall, the introductory course is terminal, a far more secure phe-
and because we can take the heat transfer from the ball to the nomenological grasp of the meaning of energy and of the
wall to be negligible over the duration of the collision, we extent and nature of the conservation law.
can take the ball alone as the system under consideration. For
this system, Q and W are both zero, and the energy equation Electronic mail:
becomes For example, why must work in compressing a spring be calculated by
using the displacement of the end of the spring rather than displacement of
⌬U therm⫹⌬U mech⫽0, 共14兲 the center of mass of the spring? In the derivation presented in Eq. 共3兲, the
displacement entering into the calculation of work was supposed to be that
⌬U therm⫽⫺⌬U mech⫽⫺ 关 0⫺ 21 m v 20 兴 ⫽ 21 m v 20 . 共15兲 2
of the center of mass of the extended object.
R. P. Feynman, R. B. Leighton, and M. Sands, The Feynman Lectures on
All of the kinetic energy of the ball is converted directly into Physics 共Addison–Wesley, Reading, MA, 1965兲, Vol. I, p. 4-1.
thermal internal energy. See, for example, H. Erlichson, ‘‘Work and kinetic energy for an automo-
There is no dynamical relation for the Joule paddle wheel bile coming to a stop,’’ Am. J. Phys. 45, 769–769 共1977兲; C. M. Penchina,
‘‘Pseudowork-energy principle,’’ ibid. 46, 295–296 共1978兲; B. A. Sher-
experiment for measuring the mechanical equivalent of heat. wood, ‘‘Pseudowork and real work,’’ ibid. 51, 597–602 共1983兲; A. B.
The internal energy change of the water–paddle-wheel sys- Arons, Teaching Introductory Physics 共Wiley, New York, 1997兲, Part I,
tem is entirely thermal (⌬U therm), there is no transfer of heat Chap. 5, pp. 135–161.
(Q⫽0), and W represents the amount of work put into the 4
P. W. Bridgman, The Nature of Thermodynamics 共Harvard U.P., Cam-
system and dissipated. Equation 共6兲 gives bridge, MA, 1941兲, Chap. 1, p. 30.
See elementary school curricula such as ESS 共Elementary Science Study兲
⌬U therm⫽W. 共16兲 or SCIS 共Science Curriculum Improvement Study兲, both published by
Delta Education, Nashua, NH.
The change in thermal internal energy is exactly the same as 6
For specific examples, see A. B. Arons, in Ref. 3 Part I, Sec. 5.5, pp.
the change that would have been produced by the transfer of 139–140.

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