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BANGALORE – 560 003
G—È.G—È.G≈È.“. Æ⁄¬fiOÊ⁄–, »⁄·¤^È% / HØ√≈È — 2017

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¶´¤MO⁄ : 05. 04. 2017 ] —⁄MOÊfi}⁄ —⁄MSÊ¿ : 31-E
Date : 05. 04. 2017 ] CODE NO. : 31-E
…Œ⁄æ⁄fl : ¶ ~fiæ⁄fl ∫¤ŒÊ — BMW«ŒÈ
Subject : Second Language — ENGLISH
( ‘ʇ—⁄ Æ⁄p⁄¿O⁄√»⁄fl / New Syllabus )
( À¤≈¤ @∫⁄¥¿£% + Æ⁄‚¥´⁄¡¤»⁄~%}⁄ À¤≈¤ @∫⁄¥¿£% / Regular Fresh + Regular Repeater )
[ V⁄¬Œ⁄r @MO⁄V⁄◊⁄fl : 80
[ Max. Marks : 80

Qn. Objec- Marks

Nos. Value Points Total
tive Comp. Exp.
( Prose )

I. Multiple Choice Questions : 3×1=3

1. Comp. B— he was in no hurry to sell his land 1 1

2. Rem. A— her father 1 1

3. Rem. D— Geneva 1 1

II. Answer the following questions in 2 - 3 sentences

each : 4×2=8

4. Comp. Swami’s father felt that it was disgraceful that

Swami was sleeping beside his granny or his
mother as if he was a baby. He wanted Swami to get
courage by sleeping alone. His father wanted him to
11 1
learn not to be afraid of darkness. 2 2 2

RF+RR-0G1024 [ Turn over

31-E 2 CCE RF+RR
Qn. Objec- Marks
Nos. Value Points Total
tive Comp. Exp.
5. App. When Swami was sleeping alone in the room, he
saw something moving in the room, he was filled
with horror. He imagined that it was the devil who
would pull him out and tear him to pieces. He
decided to save himself and as the figure came
nearer, he crawled out of the bench caught hold of
it and dug his teeth into it. In his fright, Swami had
bitten the burglar. The burglar’s cry made his father
and cook and the servant to come there and caught
the burglar. Later he was arrested. So everyone felt
11 1
that Swami was a hero. 2 2 2
6. Comp. Don Anselmo lived in Rio en Medio, where his
people had been for hundreds of years. He tilled the
same land they had tilled. His house was small and
wretched but quaint. There was a creek. The
orchard was beautiful. He said that the trees in the
land belonged to the children of the village. They
were his kith and kins. Every time, a child has been
born there since he took possession of the house
from his mother, he had planted a tree for that
child. So they belonged to the children of that
11 1
village. 2 2 2
7. Comp. All new technologies, all new brands of industry are
the result of research by scientists. It is through
their work that we have medicines, electronics,
synthetic fibres, new sources of energy, modes of
transport and the green revolution. This proves that
scientists are the most practical people in the
11 1
world. 2 2 2
III. Read the following extracts and answer the
questions that follow : 3×3=9
8. Comp. a) Baleshwar 1 1
b) Dinesh Talreja 1 1
c) Become unconscious. 1 1
9. Comp. a) The third monster 1 1
b) Wangjia 1 1
c) His name was Wangjia. He came there to see
the bird of happiness. 1 1

CCE RF+RR 3 31-E
Qn. Objec- Marks
Nos. Value Points Total
tive Comp. Exp.

10. Exp. a) The programme organiser of the concert who

gave a long speech. 1 1

b) Smita 1 1

c) To request them to come to her house to have

concert for her dying brother Anant as he was
suffering with cancer. 1 1

IV. Answer the following question in about 8 - 10

sentences : 1×4=4
11. Exp. Pepe was the only person who had faith in
Columbus and tried to warn him about how
desperate the others had become. When the sea-
men rushed to kill Columbus, Pepe stopped them
with his arms spread out and told that they would
have to kill him first. His loyalty put the others to
shame. He hated the seamen as they drank too
much. He liked Columbus because he had a vision,
he was a man of principles, who gave much
importance for duty, discipline and loyalty and also
he was an eminent leader. So he always wanted to
be in the company of Columbus. 2 2 4
Satish Gujral is among the foremost artists of India.
He is one of the few artists who is accomplished in
several art forms like painting, sculpture and
architecture. Satish Gujral is also a writer.
Exhibitions of his works have been held all over the
world and displayed in prestigious museums like
the Museum of Modern Art, New York, The
Hiroshima Collection, Washington, and the National
Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi. He had published
four books of his works in various arts. He was
awarded the Order of the Crown for the best
architectured design of the 20th Century for his
design of the Belgium Embassy in New Delhi. He
has also been honoured with the ‘Padma

RF+RR-0G1024 [ Turn over

31-E 4 CCE RF+RR
Qn. Objec- Marks
Nos. Value Points Total
tive Comp. Exp.

V. Multiple Choice Questions :

12. Comp. A — the land has patience 1 1

VI. Answer the following questions in 2 - 3 sentences

each : 2×2=4

13. App. The poet says that laughter not only makes us
happy, it also makes the world a better place. We
should face challenges with a smile. Life is short, let
us spend it in joy. We should remember that God
has created the Earth and the Heaven for us to be
11 1
happy. 2 2 2

14. Comp. The speaker would be alone in capsule. Nobody

would visit him nor would he have a friend near
him. He would not write any letter nor would
11 1
receive anything. He would be like a prisoner. 2 2 2

VII. Read the extract and answer the questions that

follow : 3×1=3

15. Comp. a) Gentle rain from heaven. 1 1

b) Because it is given by the God. It is divine

power. 1 1

c) Forced / Compelled. 1 1

VIII. Quote from memory : 4

16. Rem. We were crowded in the cabin,

Not a soul would dare to sleep, —
It was midnight on the waters,
And a storm was on the deep. 4 4


My day or night myself I make,

When’ver I sleep or play ;
And could I ever keep awake
With me ’twere always day.
CCE RF+RR 5 31-E
Qn. Objec- Marks
Nos. Value Points Total
tive Comp. Exp.
IX Answer the following question in 8 to 10 sentences :

17. Exp. The poet’s grandmother loved to climb trees. While

she started climbing trees, she was six years. Her
brother had taught her how to climb a tree. Even at
her old age, she used to climb trees. Others wanted
her to live gracefully, but she wanted to live
disgracefully. She would laugh and say that she
would be on the trees in the garden. One day when
she climbed the tree, she was struck and could not
come down. Then she was rescued with great
difficulty. The doctor advised her to be on the bed
for a week. The moment she felt strange and
demanded a house on the tree top. She got it and
lived like a queen in her old age. Often the poet also
enjoyed there with her drinking sherry. 2 2 4


The poet describes the old Jazz player and how he

is transformed when plays the music he loves. The
Jazz player has a rough unshaven face and sagging
stomach. He wears a faded blue shirt, a loose
necktie and an old jacket. His shoes are run down.
Across his chest is an old alto saxophone supported
from his neck by wire coat hanger. The Jazz player
at first has a weary expression on his face. He
keeps his head down and lifeless. When it is his
turn to play, he lifts the saxophone to lips.
Suddenly, he is filled with a new life. He is no longer
a helpless old man, there is power in his music
which draws people to listen. The people says that
now he is no longer an ordinary man. He is like a
bird flying higher and higher, totally lost in the
beautiful music he produced.

RF+RR-0G1024 [ Turn over

31-E 6 CCE RF+RR
Qn. Objec- Marks
Nos. Value Points Total
tive Comp. Exp.

Supplementary Reading
X. Answer the following questions in 2 - 3 sentences
each : 2×2=4
18. Exp. The police expected the students would shout
slogans like ‘British, Quit India’ and cause violence.
This would make the police arrest, beat them up
and imprison them. The students without causing
violence gave a notice to the D.S.P. They thought
that if they were arrested and kept in prison, it
11 1
would not be possible to continue their agitation. 2 2 2
Dolma says “It is not a difficult decision for me to
take up the challenge of the lofty mountains.”
Because from her childhood, she had been
fascinated by the grandeur of the snow-clad peaks
of the Himalayas. Her home in Palchan is
surrounded by beautiful mountain peaks.
19. Exp. Hanif dabbled in art sketched very well. He made
beautiful cards out of waste materials. He read
books and loved playing the drums. His dreams
came true when the subsector was named after
11 1
him. 2 2 2

Gandhiji reminded the higher castes of their duty

towards the depressed classes. Ambedkar reminded
the depressed classes of their reserved inherent
rights to equality with the higher castes. Gandhiji
put stress on duties and Ambedkar stressed on
rights. Both of them brought about great revolution
in social thought.

XI. Vocabulary

20. Rem. — Rapid growth 1 1

21. Rem. — interesting 1 1

22. Rem. — Lawn 1 1

23. Rem. — dull / dunce / foolish 1 1

CCE RF+RR 7 31-E
Qn. Objec- Marks
Nos. Value Points Total
tive Comp. Exp.

XII. Reading

24. Comp. They were not uncivilized men living in forests.

They were great men who enlightened the world. 1 1

25. Comp. History is not a story of defeats, it is the story of

conquerors of the world. 1 1

26. Comp. Vedas are immortal truths which shaped mighty

souls like Sri Rama and Sri Krishna. 1 1

27. Comp. He advises us to arise, awake, and feel proud of

glorious history. Take inspiration from it to mould
the present. 1 1


28. Exp. — What a wonderful place it is ! 1 1

29. — Recipe 1 1

30. — It was the best he had ever tasted.

He wanted to try it. 1 1

31. — Pot B is costlier than Pot A. 1 1

32. Exp. — Sequence of points
Accuracy in language 2 2 4

33. Exp. — Format, Body of the letter 2 2 4


34. Comp. — Spelling — Grabbed 1 1

Adverb — Frantically 1 1

GRAMMAR ( Language Use )

35. Comp. — C) Obey 1 1

36. Exp. — Raghu asked Kiran how his father was. 1 1

— Kiran replied that his father was doing good

but his age was 100 years. 1 1

RF+RR-0G1024 [ Turn over

31-E 8 CCE RF+RR
Qn. Objec- Marks
Nos. Value Points Total
tive Comp. Exp.

37. Comp. to, the 1 1

2 2 1

38. Comp. — completed 1 1

— is working 1 1

39. Comp. A) The homework has been completed by them 1 1

40. Comp. B) would have arranged 1 1

41. Comp. B) Does she ? 1 1

42. Comp. as, and. 1 1

2 2 1

Reference Skill

43. Comp. Dictionary 1 1

44. Exp. I and my friends are ready to have tea. 1 1

45. Comp. favour, format, fortune, future. 4 ×1
2 2


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