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Jalan Kayu Jati Raya No. 11 A, Rawamangun – Jakarta 13220, Indonesia

Tlp. (021) 4750321, 4758702 Fax. (021) 4722371 Website:


Aturan Pelaksanaan UAS:

1. Soal UAS dikerjakan selama 120 menit (2 jam).
2. Bagi yang sudah selesai mengerjakan sebelum waktu berakhir, diizinkan meninggalkan ruangan setelah
menyetorkan lembar soal dan lembar jawaban UAS.
3. Selama mengerjakan soa UAS, mahasiswa diperkenankan membuka catatan atau buku, namun tidak
diperkenankan menggunakan ponsel dan/atau berdiskusi dengan teman.
4. Pelanggaran terhadap poin 3, mahasiwa diperkenankan meninggalkan ruangan dengan sanksi nilai UAS
menjadi nol (0).

A. Tentukan kalimat-kalimat berikut benar (B) atau salah (S) disertai alasannya!
1. When I was a kid, I live in Jakarta.
2. His father has explained him how to play the game many times this morning.
3. Maya is understand the material.
4. Her mother’s advice will be affected her future.
5. Let’s give him a space to sit, won’t you?
6. The song had been sung by your father before you came.
7. Who had not submitted the assignment?
8. He was not considered bright student when he was in elementary school.
9. He was not considered bright student when he was in elementary school.
10. She wants to be a professor when she was 9 years old.
11. Where we will find her?
12. Nobody loved us, do they?
13. He is an alumnus of STEI.
14. They have been working together for 15 years.
15. Does she able to make a great work?

B. Bacalah teks berikut dan kerjakan poin 1-10!

Louisa May Alcott

(5)​Louisa began writing to try to bring in money for the family​. (6) ​Her first poem was published in
Peterson’s Magazine​.​ It didn’t bring in a Born in (1) ​1832​ the second of four daughters to Amos and Abigail
Alcott, Louisa was known to have a very bad temper. Her family struggled financially. Her mother had to
work hard because (2) ​her father had a hard time maintaining a job​. As a child, Louisa and her sisters had
(3) ​grand imaginations​. (8) ​They would make up stories and plays​. They pretended to be fairies in the
lot of money, but (9) ​it gave Louisa a lot of confidence.​ She served as a nurse to wounded soldiers
in World War I until she became ill. (4) ​She almost died​ before she miraculously recovered. Louisa struggled
with illness the rest of her life.
Louisa is best known for ​Little Women,​ a book that received immediate success. The book was
based on Louisa’s life with her family. (10) ​This book helped Louisa become an established author.​ (7) ​She
would go on to write other books​, such as ​Good Wives, Little Men​, and many more. The books ​Little
Women ​and ​Little Men h ​ ave been made into plays, as well as movies.

1. Buatlah pertanyaan yang jawabannya adalah poin 1-4!

​ ari klausa atau kalimat pada poin 5-7!
​ uestion tags d
2. Buatlah q
3. Buatlah bentuk pasif dari klausa atau kalimat pada poin 8-10!

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