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Determination of sugars in molasses by HPLC following
Solid-Phase Extraction
a b ac
Wanxia Xu , Lei Liang & Mingjun Zhu
School of Bioscience and Bioengineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou
Higher Education Mega Center, Panyu, Guangzhou, 510006, People’s Republic of China
Guangdong Key Laboratory of Sugarcane Improvement and Biorefinery, Guangzhou
Sugarcane Industry Research Institute, Guangzhou, 510316, People’s Republic of China
Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Fermentation, Purification and Analysis, Shenzhen
Polytechnic, Shenzhen Guangdong 518055, People’s Republic of China
Accepted author version posted online: 21 Mar 2014.

To cite this article: Wanxia Xu, Lei Liang & Mingjun Zhu (2014): Determination of sugars in molasses by HPLC following Solid-
Phase Extraction, International Journal of Food Properties, DOI: 10.1080/10942912.2013.837064

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Determination of sugars in molasses by HPLC following

Solid-Phase Extraction
Wanxia Xu1, Lei Liang2, and Mingjun Zhu1,3,*

School of Bioscience and Bioengineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou
Higher Education Mega Center, Panyu, Guangzhou, 510006, People’s Republic of China
Downloaded by [Baskent Universitesi] at 12:40 20 December 2014

Guangdong Key Laboratory of Sugarcane Improvement and Biorefinery, Guangzhou
Sugarcane Industry Research Institute, Guangzhou, 510316, People’s Republic of China

Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Fermentation, Purification and Analysis,Shenzhen Polytechnic,

Shenzhen Guangdong 518055, People’s Republic of China

Running head: Determination of sugars in molasses

*Address correspondence to Mingjun Zhu, School of Bioscience and Bioengineering, South

China University of Technology, Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center, Panyu,
Guangzhou, 510006, People’s Republic of China. E-mail:


Fructose, glucose, and sucrose in sugarcane molasses are determined simultaneously by high

performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using maltose as internal standard (IS) with

refractive index detector (RID). The mixture of the diluted samples and IS was purified with

Sep-Pak C 18 solid-phase extraction (SPE) and filtered through a 0.22-μm membrane before

injection. The results showed that the linear ranges for fructose, glucose and sucrose were


3.30-16.48 g/L, 1.80-9.02 g/L and 5.94-29.70 g/L with the squared correlation coefficients (R2)

being 0.9986, 0.9987 and 0.9955, respectively. The method is simple, quantified, and

time-saving for determination of sugars in sugarcane molasses.

Keywords: solid-phase extraction, high performance liquid chromatography, sugarcane

molasses, sugars, internal standard.

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Sugarcane molasses, a by-product from sugarcane refining, is a thick and dark syrup, resulting

from the crystallization and removal of the majority of sucrose from the original juice. The current

total supply of molasses is 300-400 million tons per year in China. In general, molasses contains

about 50% sugar by dry weight, predominantly sucrose, fructose and glucose. Furthermore, unlike

refined sugars, molasses contains trace amounts of vitamins and several minerals. Because of its

unusual properties, molasses is widely used in baking, as an animal feed additive or as a

fermentation feedstock. Therefore, determining accurately the content of fructose, sucrose and

glucose in molasses is important for the development and effective utilization of molasses.

The conventional approaches used to determine sugars are either polarimetry or chemical assay

methods, such as Lane-Eynon method for determining total sugar[1] and DNS method for reducing

sugar.[2] Both the classical and official methods for determining sugars in molasses require


considerable time, contain inherent errors, and are based on empirically derived constants.[3] The

analysis methods of the oligosaccharides include the near-infrared spectroscopy,[4] the thin layer

chromatography method, gas chromatography (GC)[5] and high performance liquid

chromatography (HPLC).[6, 7] GC has been used to separate carbohydrates employing several types

of derivatization modes. Since the nonvolatility of carbohydrates is caused by polar hydroxyl,

amino, and carboxyl groups, the derivatization of these groups can greatly increase the volatility of
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carbohydrates, but the usual challenge to GC is the appearance of multiple peaks in the

chromatogram due to the presence of tautomeric forms of reduced sugars. The GC method is

particularly accurate in determining low sugar concentrations, but sample preparation is time

consuming. The HPLC method can directly determine oligosaccharide with a simple sample

preparation. So HPLC is one of the most promising methods for sugar analysis, due to its

universality, time efficiency, accuracy and selectivity for the quantification of carbohydrates.[8]

Authors such as Nejib et al.[9] and Sims[10] have reported the HPLC method as an established and

preferred method for the determination of individual sugars in carbohydrate mixtures, for its

accuracy and simplicity.

Generally, carbohydrates do not absorb ultraviolet (UV) and visible radiation or emit fluorescence

without suitable prior derivatization, because they possess neither chromophore nor fluophore.

Some carbohydrates absorb near UV radiation in the region of 180-220 nm. Based on


measurement of the absorption in this range, however, the detection is nonselective. But

carbohydrates can be measured by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Evaporative Light

Scattering Detector (HPLC-ELSD).[11] While HPLC-ELSD has high sensitivity and can use

gradient elution, it has good reproducibility only at low sugar concentrations. High-performance

anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection (HPAEC-PAD) is one of the

most useful techniques for oligosaccharide determination,[12] but amperometric detection

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possesses poor stability, and new electrode materials have been constantly explored. High

Performance Liquid Chromatography-Refractive Index Detector (HPLC-RID) today have

achieved considerable improvement in constant velocity and optical element temperature control

for the detection stability. Thus, the HPLC- RID method is widely used in carbohydrate

analysis,[13] due to the reliability of the detection results of glucose, fructose, and sucrose. For the

above reasons, the HPLC-RID method was used in this study, together with an Agilent Zorbax

Carbohydrate column.

Although numerous methods have been published concerning the HPLC determination of

carbohydrates in natural products,[14, 15] the internal standard (IS) method has seldom been used.[16]

An IS preferred over the external standard (ES) because the IS can eliminate the problems

concerning the injection of exact volumes into the liquid chromatography, variations in mobile

phase composition, and potential changes in the ageing of the column. In this study, maltose was


selected as the IS for the HPLC determination of the sugars because its physical and chemical

characteristics were similar to those of the three sugars and the used molasses contained no

maltose.[3, 17]

For the molasses detection by HPLC, different sample pretreatment procedures of decolorization

and purification were tested. This was necessary because of the presence of pigment and nitrogen
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compound mixtures in molasses, which could interfere with the detection and could shorten the

lifespan of chromatographic column.[18] In this study, solid-phase extraction (SPE) was selected to

clean samples, and results were calculated from peak areas automatically generated by a

computing integrator. This work aimed to establish and to apply simple extraction and analytical

conditions to identify and quantify carbohydrates in molasses by HPLC using RID and an

amino-bonded silica column.


Instrumentation and reagents

The HPLC system consists of a model 1525 Binary pump, a model 7725 manual-sampler, a model

2414 RID (Waters Assoc., Milford, MA, U.S.A) and Agilent Zorbax Carbohydrate column

(250×4.6 mm I.D., 5μm) protected with a guard column (12.5×4.6 mm I.D.). UtimateTM XB-NH 2

column (250×4.6 mm I.D., 5 μm) was from Welch Material Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.


UV2802SH-type ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer was purchased from UNICO (shanghai)

Instruments Co., Ltd. (USA). TGL-19G Centrifuge (5 mL) was supplied by Shanghai Anke

company, Ltd. (China).

HPLC-grade acetonitrile (A998-4) was purchased from Thermo Fisher Scientific (U.S.A), and

HPLC-grade methanol was acquired from Kermel Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd. (Tianjin, China).
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Water used in the study was double-deionized water (Milli-Q, Millipore Corp., Milford, MA) of

18.2 MΩ/cm resistivity. Molasses was obtained from Zhanjiang Sugarcane Research Center of

Guangzhou Sugarcane Industry Research Institute (Guangdong Province, China). HPLC grade

sugar standards (Sucrose, fructose, glucose and maltose) were supplied by Aladdin Chemistry Co.

Ltd. (China).

Membrane filters (0.22 μm) were purchased from MEMBRANA Company (Germany).

Macroporous resins (Seplite LX-38, LXA-8, LX-17, XDA-8) were acquired from Xi'an LanXiao

Technology Co., Ltd. (China) and resin D101 was from Tianjin Bochum Resin Technology Co.,

Ltd. (China). Waters Sep-Pak C 18 SPE cartridge (WAT020805) was purchased from Waters

Company (Milford, MA, U.S.A). The SPE column was preconditioned by passing it through 2.0

mL of methanol, followed by 4.0 mL of double-deonized water.



Mixed standard stock solution of sucrose, fructose and glucose was prepared by dissolving 2.970 g

of sucrose, 1.648 g of fructose and 0.902 g of glucose in 100 mL water, which was stable for ≥ 6

months at -20°C.The working solutions of sugars were prepared by pipetting 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6 and

2.0 mL of the above mixed standard stock solution into five 2 mL amber glass volumetric flasks,
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and then making up to the mark with water, respectively. Maltose (IS) solution (10.095 g/L) was

prepared by dissolving 2.019 g of maltose in 200 mL deionized water, which was stable for ≥ 6

months at -20°C.

Calibration standard solutions were prepared by pipetting 1.0 mL of the IS stock solutions into five

2.0 mL amber glass volumetric flasks and making up to the mark with 1.0 mL of the above sugars

working solutions separately. Mobile phase (75% acetonitrile in water) was obtained by adding

250 mL deionized water to 750 mL acetonitrile and mixing well by sonication.

Sample preparation

The use of the linear calibration equations was mandatory in the indicated range, and thus the

molasses was required to be diluted by mass ratio as follows: 50 g of molasses was weighed and

poured into a 250 mL glass-stoppered Erlenmeyer flask before being diluted to 150 g with water,

and then mixed uniformly. 100-mL aliquot of solution was used for determination of the Brix (Bx).


The above diluted molasses (26.7°Bx) was accurately measured (1.0 mL aliquot), poured into a

10-mL volumetric flask and diluted to the scale mark with water, which was used as the working

molasses solution. Next, 4.0 mL aliquot of the working molasses solution and 4.0 mL aliquot of IS

solution were added to 10-mL centrifuge tubes and mixed thoroughly, followed by the procedures:

(a) Direct injection—The sample-IS solution was filtered through 0.22-μm membranes
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before injection.

(b) SPE cleanup—The sample-IS solutions were passed through the activated Sep-Pak C 18

SPE column like this: 8 mL sample-IS solutions was first poured into the activated C 18 SPE

cartridge, followed by inserting the plunger, discarding the initial 3-mL eluate and collecting the

follow-up 3-mL eluate which was passed through 0.22-μm membrane prior to HPLC at the

optimum chromatographic conditions.

(c) Macroporous resin decolorization method—3 mL of the above working molasses

solution was pipetted into 5 mL of centrifugal tubes and mixed with 50 and 100 mg of five

different Macroporous resins, respectively (Seplite LX-38, Seplite LXA-8, Seplite LX-17, Seplite

XDA-8 and D101). Next, the centrifugal tubes were sealed with PARAFILM and incubated at

30°C, 150 rpm for 3 h in the shaking table. After adsorption, 3 mL of liquid supernatant was

harvested by centrifugation for 10 min at 12000 rpm using a TGL-19G centrifuge. Finally, 1 mL of


the harvested supernatant was used for the analysis of sugars using HPLC, and 2 mL of the

supernatant was used for the absorbance measurements using the UV2802SH-type

ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 560 nm. The decoloration rate (Dec.) on

the samples was calculated as follows:

A 0-A
Dec. = ×100
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where A 0 is the original absorbance of the working molasses solution, and A is the absorbance of

the working molasses solution pretreated as described above.


The chromatographic separation of sugars (sucrose, fructose and glucose) and the IS method was

achieved with a Waters HPLC system in an isocratic mode. The samples were analyzed on a

Carbohydrate column (250×4.6 mm I.D., 5μm,) equipped with a guard column (12.5×4.6 mm

I.D.). The column and RID temperatures were set at 30 and 35°C, respectively. The mobile phase

was composed of acetonitrile and water (75: 25, v/v), and the flow rate was 1.0 mL/min. The

injection volume was 10 μL. Peak detection and integration were done using Breeze

Chromatographic System (Waters Company, Milford, MA, U.S.A). Maltose was used as an IS and

the internal method was applied for quantification. After the column was equilibrated with mobile


phase, the flow rate was kept at 1.0 mL/min and 10 μL standard solution was injected to the

chromatographic column. The sample-IS solutions were determined by standards, and the

detection of each sample-IS solution was repeated in triplicate. The column was washed at the end

of each experiment for more than 30 min with the mobile phase.

Method Validation
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The calibration curves were prepared for each sugar by injecting the five concentrations of

calibration standard solutions into the HPLC system (10 μL). Linear regression calibration curves

(y=ax+b) based on five points which included 0, represented by the plots of the peak-area ratios of

each sugar to IS multiplied by the IS concentration (y) versus the concentration of the each sugar

calibration standards (x), were constructed using the weighted (1/x2) linear least-squares

regression as the mathematical model.[19] The limits of detection (LOD) was determined by signal

to noise (S/N) ratio method. It was estimated as the minimum concentration of analyte providing a

S/N ratio of 3:1,[20, 21] by injecting a series of diluted solutions with known concentration. The

precision of the HPLC method was assessed for each sugar (sucrose, fructose and glucose) by

repeating five times the analysis of the sample-IS solution prepared as described in “sample

preparation-method (b)”. The precision, reported as RSD, was calculated by the following




where A r is the mean peak area ratios of each sugar to IS, and SD is the standard deviation of the

response. To investigate the recovery of the assay, three different concentrations of each sugar

standard solution were added to the molasses sample, and then the IS-sample solutions were

treated as described in “sample preparation-method (b)”. Each sample was injected to HPLC-RI
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three times.


The capacity factor (k) of the columns was calculated using the following equations:

t R -t M

t R is the time that sample components require from sample injection to the maximum peak,

t M is the retention time of component that is not retained in stationary phase of column. The

recovery was calculated as follows:

Cs — C n
Recovery (%) = Ca × 100


C s is the concentration of each sugar found in the spiked sample-IS solutions, C n is the

concentration of each sugar in the unprocessed sample-IS solutions, and C a is the concentration of

each sugar added in the spiked sample-IS solutions.


Comparison of two sample pretreatment methods

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Besides saccharides, sugarcane molasses contain pigments, nitrogen compounds and inorganic

ions such as potassium, calcium, sodium, and magnesium. Pigments in sugarcane molasses

include polyphenols plant pigments and pigments generated in the course of production, such as

pseudo-melanin caused by reducing sugar decomposition, the reaction between reducing sugar and

amino acid, and caramel pigments resulting from charred sucrose in the process of heating.

Nitrogenous compounds encompass proteins, amino acids and amide. The presence of the

substances influences the separation of sugars, and particularly the pigment substances can even

pollute chromatographic column easily, reducing separation degree and lifespans of the column.[14,

Despite little difference in saccharide peak shapes between pretreated and unpretreated

samples, the long-term accumulation of the pigments in the chromatographic column can reduce

the column lifespan. So it is necessary to pretreat the sample before injection.


The macroporous resin decolorization method and the Sep-Pak C 18 SPE column purification

method were used to pretreat sugarcane molasses samples in this study. The decolorizing effect of

XDA-8 resin on molasses samples was more significant than that of the other resins (data not

shown). However, the sugar loss of the macroporous resin method was more significant than that

of the SPE column purification method, which affecting the accuracy of the subsequent

measurement (see Table 1).

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As shown in Table 1, Dec. of these two methods were both about 87%, but the total sugar loss for

the macroporous resin method (11.32%) was about 17-fold higher than that of SPE method

(0.69%). The sample-IS solutions were passed through the Sep-Pak C 18 cartridges that had been

primed with 4.0 mL of methanol and 8.0 mL of water. The substances including pigments and

polyphenols in the sample were loaded onto the Sep-Pak C 18 cartridge, but the sugars were not

absorbed due to their stronger hydrophilicity, indicating that substances including pigments,

polyphenol and lipid can be removed. In summary, the SPE cleanup method is of higher

discoloration efficiency, lower sugar loss and better chromatographic peak separation. Therefore,

SPE was used to remove the interferents of molasses samples in this study.


Selection of Chromatography column

Chromatographic separation column is the core of the HPLC method, which directly influences

the component resolution and analysis results. Agilent Zorbax Carbohydrate column and

UtimateTM XB-NH 2 column were compared on the separation and determination of carbohydrate

material. As shown in Table 2, the retention time of the three sugars on the Carbohydrate column
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increased gradually, suggesting the moderate interval and good separation effect, while the

retention time of fructose and glucose on XB-NH 2 column was too close to be well separated. As

to capacity factor (k) of the columns, the larger the capacity factor, the greater capacity of the

component that stationary phase fixes, which indicates that the components flow more slowly

from the column and has the longer retention time. If the difference between the capacity factors of

two components on the same column is greater, the difference between retention times of the two

components on the same column may be significant, leading to better separation of the two

components. As shown in Table 2, capacity factors (k) of the three sugars on the Carbohydrate

column are all larger than that of the three sugars on the XB-NH 2 column. Moreover, when

performed with common amino based columns (XB-NH 2 column), it often results in the formation

of a Schiff base (reaction between the sugar and the amine group of the stationary phase), which

might have a significant influence on the stationary phase of the chromatography (loss of amine

group and cannot be regenerated). The sugar that is bound to the surface of the stationary phase


cannot be eluted from the column, thereby affecting quantification and shortening the lifespan of

column. In addition, the pressure of the XB-NH 2 column was relatively higher than that of the

Carbohydrate column, which may decrease the lifespan of the XB-NH 2 column with a long-term

use. For the above reasons, the Carbohydrate column was selected to separate and detect sugars in

the present study.

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Optimization of mobile phase

Due to polar groups contained in the sugar molecules, solvents with strong polarity (such as water,

methanol and acetonitrile) should be chosen as mobile phase. It has been shown that a single

solvent cannot achieve ideal separation of the sugars, and thus a mixed solvent is necessary for

mobile phase. Wei et al. reported that the content of water in mobile phase had a great effect on the

retention capacity of the carbohydrates, and the carbohydrates would be eluted more quickly with

increasing content of water in mobile phase.[22] In the present work, mobile phase proportion was

optimized by choosing acetonitrile and water at the ratios of 60: 40, 65: 35, 70: 30, 75: 25, and 80:

20 (v/v), respectively. As a result, the resolution (the degree of separation of two adjacent peaks in

chromatogram) was improved and the retention time was extended with increasing acetonitrile

concentration. The acetonitrile-water ratio of 80: 20 exhibited the optimum separation with the

longest retention time, but the ratio of 70: 30 was unable to separate fructose and glucose well. In

contrast, the ratio of 75: 25 compromised on the analysis time and separation degree between


fructose and glucose. Hence, the acetonitrile-water ratio of 75: 25 (v/v) was chosen for further


Chromatographic separation

Under the chromatographic conditions, a good separation could be achieved among sucrose,

fructose and glucose (see Table 2). The retention time of fructose, glucose, sucrose, and maltose in
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mixed standard solutions were 8.62, 9.70, 13.22 and 15.74 min, respectively. The retention time of

fructose, glucose, sucrose, and maltose in the molasses-IS samples were 8.69, 9.76, 13.29 and

15.83 min, respectively. Comparing the HPLC sugar profiles of samples with the commercial

standards available, the fructose, glucose and sucrose have been identified. The chromatograms of

standard mixture and molasses samples are shown in Figures 1 and 2.

Linear range and limit of detection

The calibration curves were consistently linear from 5.94 to 29.70 g/L for sucrose, 3.30-16.48 g/L

for fructose, and 1.80-9.02 g/L for glucose. The mean squared correlation coefficients (R2) were all

generally≥ 0.995. LODs of three carbohydrates were investigated and the results were shown in

Table 3. Three carbohydrates in the range exhibit an excellent linear relationship. The studies on

LODs were also reported by other workers using HPLC. Kakita et al.[8] analyzed monosaccharides

and oligosaccharides by HPLC with postcolumn fluorescence derivatizatioin, and the LODs of


glucose and maltohexaose were 1.78 and 2.59 pmol, respectively. Scotter et al.[18] developed a

selective and rapid procedure by HPLC and PDA for the determination of coumarin in foodstuffs

with LOD ranging from 0.05 to 2.5 mg/kg. Wei et al.[22] reported LODs were between 0.2 and 1.2

μg for different carbohydrates in drinks by HPLC with ELSD.

Precision and recovery

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Tables 4 and 5 summarize the precision and recovery validation of molasses samples as described

above. The RSDs of precision experiments of the three carbohydrates were 4.81%, 4.42% and

3.43%, respectively, each of which was less than 5.0%, indicating that the method was precise.

Suitable amounts of the carbohydrate standards were added to the molasses samples of known

carbohydrate content, the mixtures were analyzed as described in the “sample

preparation-method (b)”. The standard addition recoveries were 100.33%, 100.30% and

96.40%, respectively. RSDs were less than 5.0%, indicating that this method was accurate. Wei et

al.[22] analyzed carbohydrates in drinks by HPLC with a dynamically modified amino column and

the recoveries of carbohydrates were between 95.8% and 103.0%. Sanchez-Mata et al.[23]

determined monosaccharide, disaccharide, and oligosaccharide in Legumes by HPLC using

amino-bonded silica column with recovery percentages between 93.33% and 101.45%.


Reproducibility and analysis of the samples

The reproducibility of our HPLC method was tested by repeating the analysis of one sugarcane

molasses sample four times. The sample pretreatment method followed SPE cleanup of sample

preparation procedures. The results are presented in Table 6. At the same time, we also adopted

“sample preparation-method (a)”, and the results are shown in Table 7. Tables 6 and Table 7
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show the RSDs range from 0.57% to 2.28% and 0.97% to 4.13%, respectively, which are less than

5.0%, indicating that the methods possess good reproducibility. The difference detected between

the two methods indicates that the SPE absorbs less sugar. Therefore, the SPE-HPLC method is

appropriate for the quantification of sugars in sugarcane molasses.


SPE-HPLC with IS method was successfully developed for the separation and determination of

fructose, glucose and sucrose in sugarcane molasses. The sample preparation of the the established

method was simple and easy to perform, and the results were accurate and quantified. The present

investigation suggests that SPE-HPLC with IS method is of high practical value for the

determination of sugars in molasses.



This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China [grant numbers

51078147, 51278200]; Guangdong Natural Science Foundation [grant number

S2012010010380]; the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, SCUT [grant

number 2012ZM0081]; and the Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Program [grant
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numbers 2012B091100163, 2011B090400033, and 2010A010500005].


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List of Figures

Figure 1 HPLC-RID chromatogram of a standard mixture of three carbohydrates with a maltose

internal standard.
Downloaded by [Baskent Universitesi] at 12:40 20 December 2014

Determination conditions: mobile phase of acetonitrile and water (75: 25, v/v), flow rate 1.0

mL/min, column temperature 30 °C, and RID temperature 35 °C.


Figure 2 HPLC-RID chromatogram of three carbohydrates in molasses samples with a maltose

internal standard.
Downloaded by [Baskent Universitesi] at 12:40 20 December 2014

Determination conditions: mobile phase of acetonitrile and water (75: 25, v/v), flow rate 1.0

mL/min; column temperature 30 °C, and RID temperature 35 °C.

Table 1 Effect of sample pretreatment on sugars in molasses.

Rate of decoloration
Rate of total sugar loss(
Pretreatment method

Macroporous resin (XDA-8 resin) 86.54 11.32

Downloaded by [Baskent Universitesi] at 12:40 20 December 2014

C 18 SPE column (Sep-Pak) 87.19 0.69

Table 2 Comparison of two columns on the sugar separationa.

Agilent Zorbax Carbohydrate UtimateTM XB-NH 2

Chromatographic column
column column

Fructose 8.62 7.19

Retention time
Downloaded by [Baskent Universitesi] at 12:40 20 December 2014

Glucose 9.70 7.87

Sucrose 13.22 11.17

Fructose 1.51 1.39

Capacity factor Glucose 1.83 1.68

Sucrose 2.85 1.66

Column pressure
847 1012

Both determination conditions: mobile phase of acetonitrile and water (75: 25, v/v), flow rate

1.0 mL/min, column temperature 30 °C, RID temperature 35 °C.

Table 3 Parameters of quantitative analysis for three carbohydrates.

Regression Linear range Detection

The squared
equation correlation coefficient (g/L)

(R2) (g/L)
Downloaded by [Baskent Universitesi] at 12:40 20 December 2014

Fructose y=1.11x+0.117 0.9986 3.30-16.48 0.16

Glucose y=1.11x-0.0719 0.9994 1.80-9.02 0.04

Sucrose y=1.27x-0.396 0.9954 5.94-29.70 0.08

Table 4 The precision for fructose, glucose and sucrose (n=5)a.

Peak area ratios of each sugar to IS

1 2 3 4 5

Fructose 0.5439 0.6113 0.6031 0.6074 0.6083 4.81

Downloaded by [Baskent Universitesi] at 12:40 20 December 2014

Glucose 0.2679 0.2912 0.2942 0.3016 0.2847 4.42

Sucrose 1.2236 1.3091 1.2882 1.3132 1.3422 3.43

n is the number of samples analyzed

Table 5 Results of spiked recovery test (n=3)a.

Added Detected Average

Recovery RSD
Component of sample amount amount recovery

(%) (%)
(g/L) (g/L) (g/L) (%)
Downloaded by [Baskent Universitesi] at 12:40 20 December 2014

1.441 4.138 101.26

Fructose 2.667 2.641 5.356 101.82 100.33 2.10

4.490 7.063 97.91

0.674 2.040 95.35

Glucose 1.397 1.226 2.651 102.31 100.30 4.30

2.084 3.548 103.23

Sucrose 5.535 2.787 8.148 94.46 96.40


5.029 10.455 97.81 1.80

8.549 13.824 96.94

n is the number of samples analyzed
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Table 6 Results of sample determination by SPE (n=4)a.

Component RSD
1 2 3 4 concentration
(g/L) (%)

Fructose 2.684 2.647 2.667 2.671 2.667 0.57

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Glucose 1.389 1.402 1.436 1.359 1.397 2.28

Sucrose 5.520 5.437 5.536 5.651 5.536 1.59

n is the number of samples analyzed

Table 7 Results of sample determination by direct injection (n=3)a.

Component RSD
1 2 3 concentration
(g/L) (%)

Fructose 2.795 2.741 2.58 2.705 4.13

Downloaded by [Baskent Universitesi] at 12:40 20 December 2014

Glucose 1.401 1.412 1.39 1.401 0.97

Sucrose 5.417 5.470 5.811 5.566 3.85

n is the number of samples analyzed


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