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Sports play a great role in our life as it keeps us healthy, wealthy and active. We

can have a healthy mind only when we have a healthy body. Great achievements come

our way when we maintain our physical and mental well-being. It involves different

physical activities that both men and women need to promote and enhance their

physical and mental health. It plays different roles in strengthening the nation by

building the character and health of its citizens. It brings speed and activeness to

human’s way of acting.

Moreover, sports activities have been made essential for the student’s athlete

good physical health, mental health and professional career. Sports support physical as

well as mental development and it is very beneficial especially for the students. People

who are much interested and good in the sports can live more active and healthy life.

Involving yourself in different sports activities benefits a person in many ways. It

increases mental power and provide physical strength too.

On the other hand, coaches play an important role in enhancing and developing

the skills and strengths of every athletes. According to the study, “the quality of

coaching has the greatest influence on whether or not participation in high school sports

becomes a positive experience for the young athlete” ( n.d.).

Moreover, most people consider a coach’s primary job is to be encouraging to

individual athletes, as well as the team. Great coaches help produce winning players
and teams. They have a huge impact on athlete’s personal lives and goals and how

they perceive themselves and their community. Individual athletes look to coaches for

leadership and encouragement beyond the sports environment, and this also carries

over to athletic performance.

Furthermore, the benefit of being a student athlete, besides factors such as

enjoyment associated with sport participation and the opportunity to preserve one’s

athletic goals, involve receiving more public recognition and being afforded a position of

social privilege or higher social status than most non-athletes (Harvey, 1999).

The focused of this study is on the level of readiness of teachers in coaching

track events among secondary schools of District III – San Narciso, Quezon. It is

important to know the level of readiness of teachers in coaching track events in able for

the athletes to be knowledgeable, physically fit and to perceived ability. Also, the level of

readiness of teachers in coaching track events will help the athletes in achieving their


Also, the researcher is encourage to conduct a study about this. In the process of

doing the study, the researchers will be able to assess how the level of readiness of

teachers in coaching track events helps their athletes’ performance in the field.

Statement of the Problem

This study will investigate the teachers level of awareness in track coaching

events among secondary schools of District III – San Narciso, Quezon, on the

effectiveness of Individual Performance Commitment Review (IPCR) as the basis of

enhancing office performance.

Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Length of Service

1.2 Educational Attainment?

2. What is the level of readiness of the respondents in coaching track events among

secondary schools?

3. Do the teachers performance in teaching variables significantly influence

athlete’s performance in the field?

4. Do the athletes performance in the filed variables significantly determine

teachers level of readiness in coaching track events among secondary school of

District III – San Narciso, Quezon?

Conceptual Framework

The importance of the teachers' level of readiness in coaching track events in the

life of the athletes is very significant. The development of athlete’s life is really essential

in order to know how coaches motivated them to be a better and good athlete.

Moreover, the performance of teachers can have a possible impact to the

performance of athletes in the field.

The conceptual paradigm of the study is thus illustrated as follows:


Teachers Performance in Teaching Athletes Performance in the Field

 Demonstrates Knowledge  Achieve the goal

 Motivate Students  Perceived Ability
 Plans And Uses Evaluative  Physically Fit

Figure 1. Conceptual paradigm of the study.


Harvey, 1999, S.J. Harvey., “Hegemonic masculinity, friendship, and group formation in
an athletic subculture” Journal of Men's Studies, 8 (1999), pp. 91-125.

______________ file:///C:/Users/hp/Downloads/pe%20thesis/70-07.pdf

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