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-Q,r' f,fi_Sgeffi_qffi

[30 morks]

Answer oll lhe quesfions.

Eoch question is followed bg four onswers, A, B, C ond D. Choose lhe correcl onswer.
Jowob semud soalon.
Setiop smlon diikuti oleh empot jaurapon. A, B, C, donD. Pilihiawopn gang betul.

Which of the followins stcternents is not

true obout force?
Anfara pernAataan berikuf, Aong manokah tidak
benor tentmng dctyo?
A A force eon change {he nnotion of
Daga baleh rnengabsh pergerakan abiek.
Pushes ond pulls ore forces.
Tolskan dsn forikan adaloh dago"
c A force ccn be seeR.
Dogo boleh dilihat"
D The effects of forces cnn be felt.
Whlch of the following CIre correct?
Keson daga boleh dirosei.
Anfora Aong berikut, Aong monokah betul?

2 Figure I shows cn octivitg thot involves ,]:l:.l..ffiisfion

riuq* force. :t::htralved
ffi Rqoh I menunjukkan scrfu okliviti Wng melibo'ikon
"' 'ntlrrfrgn
Rcising c flog Pu llinE
---- \\ .',L-
\ \1, '
\ 1!i. -
Menaikkan bendera Te,r,'kJ'

II Cpening CI drower Pus^,ng

Membuka loci eJAt

III Blowing 0 bolloon Dushing

fileniup belon
Figure llRojah I
IV Pressing plostici*e Fulling
Which of the foNlowing octivities involves Menekon plosf,'-c - -arikon
ihe two forces shown obove?
Antarc akfivili berikuf, Aong msnokah melibstkan A
dttc ccp gsng difunjwkkon di atas?

\\ \_'\._

@ Info-Didik Sdn. Bhd. l2

Which of the following involves pulling Whot witl hoppen to the shuttlecock when
ism*Hi force? it is hit?
ffi Antoro Aong berikuf, Aong rnanakah melibotkon
dogo torikcn?
Apakoh gang akon berlaku kepodo bulu tangkis
opobila dipukul?

A c A It moves more slowlg.

Bwlu fongkis ifu bergerok tebih perlahan.
B It stops instontlg.
Bulu fangkis ifu berhenfi serfa-merfa.
\t trt rnoves foster.
,- .(\g
Bulu fongkis itu bergerak lebih loju.
If continues to move in the some
f ::::l
_-I -) iai'f
fi:i.l direction.
#1 Pr\\!--- Bulu fongkis itu ferus bergerok delam arqh
c)- uang somo.

Figure 2 shows o hand presses a button. 7 Which of the following sitr.rotions show
Raloh 2 menunjukkon fangan sedong neneksn the effects of a force?
'ffi Antsro sifuosi berikuf , Asng
ffi men u njukkan kessn -keson daga?

I A rnoving ping-pong boll stops when

Bolo pingpong berhenli apobila ditangkop.
II A boll msves when it is kicked.
Bola bergerak opabita difendang.
Figure 2lRajoh 2
Which of the following octivities involves
NI A ccR becomes dented when
the some force 0s shown obove? Tin menjadi kemik opabilo ditekon.
Anforo akfiviti berikuf, Aong rmonakoh melibstksn
daga Aong somo seperti gang ditunjukksn di
A ond II onlg C fi ond III onlg
dsn Itr sohojo II don lll sohojo
c B CInd III onlg D I, II ond Itrl
dsn III sohqla I, trI, don III

Question I snd q ore based on Figure +

Soolsn 8 dan I adalah berdasqrkan Rajaht{'.
ts D
I Figure r-+ shows o stotionorg boll moves
when o force is opplied on lt,
Rajoh r+ menun,jLikkc,* sEr , ocic Wng pegun
bergerok opabi,ic c,{€;-oq I'r 3,iW.

Figurg 3 stlcfr's I rr]nl* F-^:F -.i^

q..j lJ \/'
I r,

ObOUt tO hit C SF,|***t:lrl::*

Rajoh 3 menunJUK{J- :,-:r-f- i' Jr.'*'.1,- Ir-_:lll
hendak memukui bL,i, r:r? rj

F'rgl.lre r*lRqyoh t*
,ne** :* il re0"lon of force mokes the boll
T': - * ';,,t,rnn,gfd?
-: - -:": -€' qui oroh daga !o,ng ,nanckgh
Figure SlRqjah 3 -;--i:il,r!'c'an bolo ifu bergeroK xe Ce7gn?

@ Infa-Didik Sdn. Bhd t3

A II Figure 5 shows the dinection of movement

i of a bcll.
rEr r'

Rajah 5 menunjukkon croh gerakan sebiji bolc.


B t -----> Direction of bcrl!

F Otg
T 3
The investigction proves thst Figure SlRajah 5
Pengiasatan ifu rnembuktikan bshawa Which of the following, A, B, C and D
A foree con change the shope of on shows the direction of the frictionol force?
object Antaro A, B, C, dcn D. Wng manakah menuniukkan
dogo boleh mengubsh benfuk sesuofu obiek. aroh dop gesercn?
B force con move o stationorg object
doga boleh menggerakkon obiek pegun. t2 Which tupe of surfoce will produce the
C force con stop o moving cbject leost friction on on object?
dop boleh menghenfikan obiek Wng bergerok. Anforo jenis pernuKeon berikut, AanE msnakah
D force con chcnge the rnotion of 0n oksn menghosifkon geseran Aong poling sedikit
objecf ;*' pado sesuof u ob.iekz
dago boleh mengubofr pergerokan sesuofu A Cement C Sondpoper
abjek. Simen Kerfas pasir
B Corpet D Tile
Permoidoni Jubin
r0 The following shows o list of octivities"
Berikut menunjukkon senarai okfiviti.
tg Figure 6
shows the position of three
rnsrbles of the sorne slze sfter being
pushed on three tgpes cf surJoces, X, Y
cnd Z.
Raloh 6 menuniukkon kedudukcn lt'gc b\i guli
Asng sama soiz selepas ciitoiak dt sros figo ienis
perrnukoan gong berbeze, X, Y. Can Z
,n \t


Figure 6lRajah 6
Which of the following sl,orernents ore
Which of the octivities involve frictionol bt',,n-'
Antarg pernAatoan efr,-g' ,ngnakoh bgngr?
Aktivifi Aong monokoh melibofkon dago geseran?
I Surfoce X is srroc"e,r' thon surfoce Y,
* ffrl:ffi perrnukwn Y"
Permukmn X rJ,- -.1;

A Jcnd Konlg II Surfoce Y:s grq'rrffi*lter lhon surfoce Z.

J acn K sohajo pefmUkffi," ,, €,J,- :sJ- MpdA pefmUkmn Z.
B J. K cnd M onlg til Surfcce Z s rcugilter than surfoce X"
J, K" ccn M soh$o Perrr-"Jff I sr,* F(osor daripdo permukmn
C K, L ond M onlg
11 gr'* C I ond III onlg
t<, L, dan l,,l schojo
]l s,;*,i'rr: I dsn III sohqyo
P J,K, Lsnd M B J ,l': Il or-t' ! D I, II and III
J, K, L, dON M " r:* ii t*o;c I, II, don III

@ Info-Didik Sdn. Bhd. l+

try In CIn investigotion, o morble is rolled on tS Which of lhe following ore the advantcges
icm four different srlrfoces" The results of the ffi of frictlon in everudou life?
ffi investigction ore shown in the har chort ffi Anfara A6ng berikuf, Aang msnskoh kelebihsn
below" geseran dolom kehidwpon sehorian?
Dslam safu pengiasatan, sebgi guli digolekkan di
tr It ollows o moving object to slow
ofos empat permakcon ,Jong berbeza. Keputusan down.
pengiasaton ditwnjukksn pada corfa palang di Membolehkan objek Aang bergerak
bawah. diperlohonkan
Distonce travelled n It pnevents co!'s from skidding.
Jarak Aang dilalui Mlengelskkon kenderoon daripoda fergelincir
Iff It produces heot in mCIchines.
Menghosilkon hsba di dalom mesin
A ond Itr onlg
dan trl sohol'c
F ond lil onlg
don III sohql'a
C II and Itrl onlg
II dan III sohq'o
TUpe of surfoce
D I, II cnd III
n, II, don III
K L Plgwood M Jenis permwkaan
Popan lapis
t7 Toble I shows
the results 0f 0n
Figure TlfrajahT ieffi investigation.
What ore surfoces K, L ond M?
Apakah permukoon K, L, don {vl?
ffi Joduol
I menunjukkan keputuson bogi scfu

l:i ,::t.:;:]
:::: r:.i::..:.. ::
il.l:l .:'t... ii.l:.:::ij:,t:::iij:l:i;i..:: i: i: ii:tji i: .t
i.:i,t1::t:i:i.i. i.t:i:.i
: : :.'.: 'iii :..

', .,..
,j:i:l:::;::::i::l:::tll:l::li::::::i':: llll llilllliffi:lilli i ll:i

A Sandpoper Gloss Newspoper

Kerlos posir Kscs Surof khabar

B Newspoper $cndpoper Glass

Surst khobar Kerfos pasir Koca Cement
c G lcss Sondpoper Newspoper
,w:'3::l Kertos posir Suraf khsbar TronsporencU
sheef t5
E',,u*,S,F-lD€ f. G I ISS SondpCIper Le rn ba ran ronsparensi
S-'- *-,'rr,r- ' ll"j Kertos posir

il.rlonila cord
15 Whicn off -F* ':n lo+,r* *: s'o,**{' .hg effects Kod rnanilo
of f riction ?
Anfora Wng b€**,,-* -'-T*,it- ;* *:1-- - - r' <:,n
Toble llJadua! I

Whot is the conctusicr c' '*e

keson geseron?
"fJ-J 'i - Es-; gcllion?
I An grosgr bgccirTES 5*,lrf €." Apokoh kes,init* 5- ffJ ;,€-:.,irsl*-f- -r

FemodofTt ffterytgg s€-r-lxn. - :,.--Jf r A Thg ml^ : l:l'l s,*J:i :'lcucgs

II The colour of hous,e ilh.e i: -r:€s .lL^^
!r f *
J.p -- -F-al\-it 3^rn^
'-,'4 lt-.i:..'€.
Warno dinding rumah ff€,-;,rJ,l J,*,J*J' l-l$ lrr:i: -it- lnJ -: :€-qA'.3 ltrs '*E raifi- ,1,
IU The soles of shoes oire *rs,1r* tn*,* B -*: '-:- Sfr,,Jl'gncu shggt s.*r.icce
Topok kosut rnenjadi haus, I * lrl * :€ 3 0''gotgr f riClicri '* li'r the
A ond II onlg C II onc I :in- * *nl- ll ;;,0'rO SUffOCe.
dcn ll sohoja II don ffi sr*r:ilr: l'-l;,J jorsr ''Jin 6i atOS lefitpa:'3^ *-3*,ScCrenSi
ond III onlg D I, IIoncn *,3,* r€$ior doripodo dc",t gfsf ro. di olos
dan III sohoyb I, il. don III , _ffi r,jtiio.

@ Info-Didik Sdn" Bhd. t5

c The cernent surfoce produces the 20 Figure Q shows CI mon having difficultg in
greotest frictiono! force. moving o heovg box.
Daga geseran paling besar di stas permukaan Rajah Q menunjukkan seorong leloki menghadopi
simen" .
kesukaran unfuk menggerakksn sebuah kotak
D A smooth surfoce couses bigger Aong berat"
friction thcn o rough surfoce.
DoEa gesoron di ofos permukaan licin lebih
besar daripada permuksan kosar.

l8 Figure I shows o bou pushing o trolleu

with loods.
Rajah B menunlukkan searang budok lelaki
sedang menolak sebuah troli berisi bebon. Figure 9lRajah I
Which of the following woUS cCIn help the
mon to move the box eosilU?
Antaro cara berikuf , Aong rnonokah dopat
membanlu leloki ifu menggerakkan katok itu
dengon lebih mudoh?
I ApplUing oil on the surfoce of floor
Mengapu mingok pada permukoon lonfoi
II Plocing rollers under the box
Melefakkon pengguling di bowah katok
III Moving the box bU pushing it
Menolok kotok itu
IV Using 0 longer rope
Figure SlRqjuh B Menggunokon toli gong lebih ponjong
Whot is the function of the wheels? A I ond II onlg C III and IV onlg
Apokoh fungsi rodo? I dan Il sohojo III don IV sohqb
A To reduce friction I ond ill onlg D [, I[, III ond IV
Untuk mengurongkon geseron I dan III sohoyb I, II, Itrl don IV
B To reduce the moss of the loods
Unluk mengurongkon jisirn beban
C Ts moke the trolleu lighter
Unfuk menlodikon froli lebih ringan 2l Toble 2 shows the distonce trovelled bg
D To slow down the trolleu four tog cCIrs in 20 secCInCs.
Unfuk mempeilahankan troli Joduol 2 menunjukkcn jarak Wng dilolui oleh
empot buch kerefo moinan dalcm nxcs,s 20 saot.
lq What is the use of treods on the surfoce
of a tgre?
Apokoh kegunaon carok pado permukson fogar?
A To moke the tgre beautiful
!f;} sffi'f {clrt}','t,.1;t.:.,i'1li
U ntuk mencantikkon togar
B To increose the speed of the vehicle P q0
Untuk menombahkan kelajuon kenderosn
C To increase the f rictionol force o i

opplied on the road surface
Untuk menambshkon doga geseron Aong F BO
dikenakan pdo permukcan jalon
E To rnoke the tgre lighter s ilo
Unluk menjdikon togar lebih ringon
Tffi*e ZJJadual 2

@ Infa-Didik Sdn. Bhd. r6

Which of the following shows the correct Which bor chort represents the speed of
sequence of the speed of the tou cors, the motorcucles correctlg?
frorn the slowest to the fostest? Anfora corta pclong berikut, Aong manskah
Antsro Aong berikuf , Aong monokoh urgtan mewokili kelojuon motasikal-mafosikol itu dengon
kelojuon kereto mainon Aong betul, daripodo Aong betul?
poling perlohon kepodet gong paling loju? A SpeedlKe lqjuon
A fr-*" P -+ S-> O
B P--> fr+ Q-+ S
C Q*S->P+R
D F-+ Q-r $-> P
22 The speed of s troin is 1120 km/h. Whot Itrlotosikal

is the time token bg the train to trove! o B

distonce of 300 km?
Kelajwan sebuoh kerefapi ialoh l2A km/j.
Beropakah maso Aong dismbil aleh kerelopi ilu
untuk bergerok sejouh 300 km?
A I hour ond 30 rninutes
I jam 3A minit
2 hours ond 30 minutes
2 jorn 3A minif - :.. {r}
c 3 hours ond 30 minutes
3 jam 30 minil
4 hours ond 30 minutes
4 jom 3A minit

23 A troiler tokes four hours to trsvel o

* Cistance of 300 km. Whot is the speed of
:he ;rciler?
tg Seb'on lreler mengombil moso empof iom untuk
r€',r€"cn: se,'cuh 300 km. Beropokoh kelojuon

*3 -P


i h C 300 km/h
i5 n *_ 300 km/j Motorcgcle
B -'5 rn, h
D I 200 km/h frtlotosikal

200 kmij
25 Toble 3 shows the dlstonce trovelled ond
2+ Thg S*s$tus *t Jhrs' fcst four
fo[ilo,w1 ng the time loken bg three trollegs.
motorcgcleS trTn''E r- 5': r"il;rn,ureS JoduolS menunjukkan jorak Aang dilolui don moso
Berikuf fil€l'lertffiEl,r"r'.p4J,*,11fri- f *nnJ* Fri rl,h Aang dicmbil oleh tiga buoh troli.
motosikol dalsfi? r,l,trs;: 3- *l*r*
TrolI*g tlistsrilGg TTnre {s}
l.l.,.. .fUV'glS m0fg rhdq/
b,tjilf IrsIf truvetksd tcrml ffiw{s}
,, , ,fggigf t:hgn V, i."Uw*Umqgr #ffi#tcm}
pef'ffiffi" ffi1ffi ,*&'

f$t1i1 ; le6ffi::ffiu &npo& V

.H..',.,fr Ve{$,'..'.,.foster tlrun 4J uas' .lr-wts

s:lowlg thun:',,,,W,,
,M......11,,berg*r6p;,,,','t:€tbih taju dum r B4[m
ii qdg
r I s hitbini d o rf

W11l;,th,1,pe W.

Toble SlJaduatr 3

@ Info-Didik Sdn. Bhci. t7

Which of the following stotemenls ore 28 Which of the following trovels ot the
true? highest speed?
Antaro pernAotoon berikut, Aong monokoh benar? Antsro Asng berikut, Aong manokah bergerak
I P moves foster thon Q. pado keloiuan Poling tinggi?
P bergersk lebih loiu doriPado Q.
A Cor A moves t50 km in 3 hours.
Kereto A bergerok seiouh 150 km dalom
il Q moves foster thon R.
moso 3 iom.
Q bergerok lebih loiu dariPada R.
m The speed of P is 3.2 cm/s" B Cor B rnoves 250 km in 2 hours.
Kereta B bergerok seiouh 250 km dalom
Kelaiuon P ialoh 3.2 cm/s.
maso 2 iom.
N The speed of Q is 2.5 cm/s.
C Cor C moves 300 krn in 3 hours.
Keloiuon Q ialah 2.5 cmis"
Kereto C bergerak seiauh 300 km dolom
A I ond IV onlg mosa 3 iam.
I dan IV sohqlo
ts II ond III onlg
D Cor D moves 4t+0 km in 5 hours.
Kereto D bergerok seiouh 1+r+0 km dolam
ll don trll sohqb moso 5 iam.
C I, ru ond IV onlg
I, III, don IV sohqlo
2q Which of the following vehicles trovels
D II, ill ond IV onlg the fostest in one hour?
II, III, don IV sohqlc
Antaro kenderoan berikuf , Aang monokoh
bergerak poling loiu dalom moso satu iom?

26 A bus trovels for 3 hqUfs of CI speed of A
I l0 km/h. Whct is the distonce trovelled
bg the bus?
Senuoh bos bergerok selamo3 iom poda keloiuon
I l0 km/i. Beropakah iarok Aong dilslui oleh bqs
A ll0km C 330 krn B
B 300 krn D L+00 krn

27 A boll is dropped from o height of 300 cm'

uffi The boll tokes 2A seconds to reoch the
ffi ground.
Sebiji boto d$atuhkon podo ketinggian 300 cm.
Boto itu mengombit mosa 2A sool unluk ialuh ke

a,,f;:Ifi,1r>. b0ll

bolo n

, 300 cm

30 The speed of o vor'l i,s q5 kmlh. Whot is
the distonce trcveilrfieo bU the von in three
Figure l0lRaiah l0 hours?
Whot is the speed of the boll? Keloiuon sebt*ff *w mm q5 km/j. Eeropokoh
Berapkoh keloluon bolo itu? iorok Aang c ilr; JB- 'irrrl itu dolom mosa tigo
A l0 cmis jom?
B l5 cm/s A lqc k;r
C 20 cm/s B 2t ,C norq
D 40 crn/s C 2*l (m
D 2ffi krTl
Q, Info-Didik Sdn. Bhd. r8
[20 rnorks]

Anstwer sll the quesfions"

Write Aour answers in lhe spoces provided.
Jowabsemud soalon.
Tuliskon jawapan komu dolom ruong Aang disediokon.

Figure I shows morble X is rolling in lhe direction shown bg lhe orrow. Another morble,
is rolling in the some direclion ol o higher speed.
Rojah I menunjul<kon guli X digolekkon podo orah gong ditunjukkon oleh onak ponoh. Sebiji guli logi,
digolekkon pda oroh gong somo @o kelojuon gong lebih tinggi.

Figure llRajoh I

(o) Whot will hcppen to rTrorble X when rnctrhle y hits it?

Apokah Aang okon berlaku kepada guli X apobita dilonggor sleh guli Y?

( I morkl markah)
Gi'*'e one reoson (inference) for Uour onswer in (o).
F€ "lncn sslu inferens bogi jowapan kamu di (o).

( I morklmarkoh)
(c) Whclf 1lrls '** e#3:* cf o force shown in this investigotion?
Aptrffi niesi;r .IJJJ J;*J ' \.u,kKlii Colom pengiasofon ini?

( I rnorkl morklk'\
(d) How do gou mokg rftcM',t"}€ | *,]* E n *l'ie '3pposite Cirectiicn?
Bagoimanskah unluk ftie-ffa,c*J- J- s :€-F'lF' ;rggtg' '3'3- JC^? S€TgntOngAn?

i I rno:ffi morkoh)

@ Info-Didik Sdn. Bhd. rq

2 A boll is rolled down on on inclined plone of differenl tgpes of surfoces. The time when lhe
boll reoches X is recorded.
Sebiji boto digotekkon di atos sotoh condong Wng berloinon jenis permukoon. Moso gang diombil oleh bolo
untuk sompoidi X dicatatkon.

inclined plone
sofah condang

wooden block
blok kagu

Figure 2lRqjah 2

Toble I shows the re$ults of the investigotion.

Jadual I menuniukkan keputuson pengiasafan.

Time'tskeJl::fug'the boll to reach X {seeo,nds}-

r,bola u ntuk ss#pdi.:,#i X (#*C.fJ
...,.ffi Uffi .dtcm,bll..ole

Plgwood 7
Popan lopis

Gloss 5

Sondpoper t2
Kerfos posir

Toble llJadual I

(o) Whot is the purpose (oim) of the investigation?

Apkah fujuan pengiosofon ini?

i li msrkl markoh)

(b) In this investigotion, stote

Dolom pengiosofon ini, ngcloken

i. whot is kept the some (constont vorioble),

pembolehuboh gong di molarkon,

( | morW morkoh)

il. whot is chonged (monipulsted vorioble),
pe m bole h ubah di mon i pu losikon,

( I mCIrkl markoh)
whot is observed (responding voriable).
pe mbolehubah be rge rok bolas.

(l morklmorkoh)
(c) Whot is lhe relotionship (hgpolhesis) beiween the vorioble thot is chonged (monipuloted)
ond the vqrioble thot is observed (responding)?
Apokoh hubungon (hipotesis) ontoro pembolehuboh gang dimoniputosikon dengon pembolehuboh
bergerok fulos?

( I morkl morkoh\
(d) Give one reoson (inference) bcsed on Uour onswer in (c).
Berikan sstu inferens berlosorkon jawapan komu di (c).

( I rnorkl markoh)

3 An investigotion is corried oul bg o group of pupils lo find oul the time loken bg o person to
trorel o dislonce of l0 km in different wous. Toble 2 shows the resulls of lhe investigotion.
Sclt'oengrbsoton leloh diiolonkon oleh sekumpulon murid untuk mengiosat moso
Wng diambit oteh Jes"orong
;rgq, brergerak seiauh l0 km dengan coro Wng berbezo. Joduol 2 menunjukkon keputusan pengiosotan.

ffl,m,e tsken ^n3*t *'"1, nnlnLJtgS 30 minutes minutes

b ...U"eru
3A minif lA minit

]l'oble 2J Jddual 2

(o) In this investigotion. sln'*

Dolom penAilsofon lni. n "l-
i. whot is kept the wrme *-r:l-satf-* , or*cbiie r

pe m bol ehu boh Aan g dl'nnsnlr***t-

( I mcrK nnorkoh)

@ Info-Didik Sdn. Bhd. 2t

whot is chonged (monipuloted varioble),
pe mbot eh ubah di man i Pu lasikan,

( I msrkl rnorkah)
whst is observed (responding vorioble).
pe rnbot e h ubah be r g e rok bolas.

( I rnarkl morkah)
(b) which wou con o person trovel o distonce of l0 km in lhe shortest
moso poling singkot?
caro gong monokoh membolehkan seseorong bergerok seiouh
l0 km dolom

( I marV morkah\
(c) Whst conclusion con be drown from the investigotion?
Apokoh kesimpulan as{tg boteh dibuot doripada pengiosoton

( I morW markah\

A, B ond C. Tqble 3
An invesligolion is corried oul to investigote the speed of three col:s,
the cors within o given time.
shows the distonce trovelled bg-untuk
Satujengiosotan telah diiolonkon mengkoii keloiuan tigo buoh kereto, A, B, don C. Jodual 3
ienuniuiXan jorok gong ditotri oteh kereto-kereta itu dolom moso AOng drtetupkan'

A 5

B t\
\.t r50

r., 260

Toble SlJadual 3

(o) Which cor trovels the fostest?

Kerefa Aong monokoh bergerok poling laiu?

( I marW marksh'|,

a lnf*Didik Sdn. Bhd. 22

(b) Give one reoson (inference) for Uour onswer in (o).
Berikon sofu inferens bogi jowopan komu di (o).

(l morklmarkohl
(c) Slole one vorioble thol wos kept lhe some (constont) in lhis investigolion.
Ngotokon satu pembolehufuh gang dimolorkon dolom pengiasoton ini.

(l morklmarkah)
(d) Bosed on Toble 3, orronge the cors from the slowest to the fostest.
Berdosarkon Jduol3, susun kereto-kereto doripdo gang poling perlohon kepodo gong poling laju.

(l morklmorkoh)
(e) Whot is lhe conclusion of lhe invesligotion?
Apkoh kesimpulon peygiasotan ini?

( I rnarklmarkoh')

@ Info-Didik Sdn. Bhd. XT

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