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1-what Is social media?

Social media refers to interaction among people in which they create, share, or
exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks.
The word “Social” refers to instinctual needs humans have to connect with other
humans and the word “Media” expresses what we use to make connections with
other humans.

-to know more about social media and their impact on society and especially in
shaping the next generation we have asked some friends from different ages
about what do they think on the impact of social media in shaping the next
generation. Is it good or bad, let’s see..
So, as you saw on the video social media have good and bad sides and their
impact on us only depends on how we use it.

These are some statistics about how teenagers use social media today

Access to media seems to accelerate the problem with more children being
aware of, and seeking to emulate the “grown-up” dress, behavior and values of
teens and young adults on the internet.
I would like to finish this presentation with this citation “social media is about
sociology and psychology more than technology.”

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