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Alipasha Imanivala

Ms. Mina


11 October 2018

The Outsiders Theme Assignment

Theme: Loyalty

Ponyboy knows loyalty as an essential need in order to remain into a group

because, in order to keep remaining among your homies, you got to have their back. In

this novel, Ponyboy learns to be loyal and carrying since his childhood because he has

grown up with his older brothers, Darry and Soda and they thought him how to be

carrying and loyal to the members of the gang. Through the story, we can find lots of

examples of loyalty. Out of those examples, I can mention the loyalty of Ponyboy.

When Johnny went to the burning church to save the children, Pony followed him and

he didn’t leave his friend alone. ”I had’t realized Johnny was right behind me all the

way (6.45). “The outsiders” illustrates the loyalty of both Socs and Greasers and it

teaches the reader that nothing is more important than having each other back through

the conflicts.

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