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MITOSIS AND MEIOSIS Anatomy of a Chromosome Metaphase

Why do cells divide? For growth, + Centromere – point where sister + Chromosomes are pulled to
repair, and reproduction chromatids are joined together center of cell
Mitosis + P-arm – short arm; upward + Line up along “metaphase plate”
+ Organisms grow by the addition + Q-arm – long arm; downward Anaphase
of cells
+ Telomere – tips of chromosome + Centromeres divide
+ In multicellular organism some
How do cells divide? Cell cycle is + Spindle fibers pull one set of
of these cells perform functions
the sequence of phases in the life chromosomes to each pole
different from other cells
cycle of the cell. Eukaryotic cell
+ Precise alignment is critical to
+ The process of a cell becoming cycle: Mitosis, Gap 1 (cells that
different is differentiation cease division), S phase (DNA
synthesis), Gap 2 Telophase
+ Under normal conditions, once
an animal cell becomes specialized Getting Ready to Split + Nuclear envelope form and
it can no longer form an entire chromosomes
+ Cell cycle has two parts:
organism, however, plan cells are
totipotent, and any cell can form an + Chromosomes uncoil
- growth and preparation
entire plant (interphase) + Cytokinesis
- cell division; mitosis
When do cells divide? Most - animals – pinching of
(nuclear division),
limiting factor in size is the size of plasma
cytokinesis (cytoplasm
the cell membrane. Cells must - plants – elongates and the
obtain nutrients; As volume cell plate forms (future cell
increases, cell surface area does Interphase wall and cell membrane)
not increase as greatly; Larger
cells require a larger surface area + Occurs between divisions Meiosis
for survival. + Longest part of cycle What is meiosis? A division of the
Cell Division vs. Nuclear nucleus that reduces chromosome
+ G1 or Gap 1 (5hrs)
Division number by half; Important in
- the cell just finished sexual reproduction; Involves
+ Cytokinesis – the actual division dividing so in Gap 1 the combining the genetic information
of the cell into two new cells cell is recovering from of one parent with that of the other
+ Mitosis – the division of the mitosis parent to produce a genetically
nucleus of the cell into two new distinct individual
+ S phase or Synthesis stage (7hrs)
nuclei Terminology
- DNA replicates
Note: Sometimes cells go through + Diploid – two sets of
mitosis without going through + G2 or Gap 2 (3hrs)
chromosomes (2n), in humans 23
cytokinesis pairs or 46 in total
- this is preparation for
Terminology mitosis
+ Haploid – one set of
- organelles are replicated
+ Chromatin – thin fibrous form of chromosomes (n), gametes or sex
- more growth occurs
DNA and proteins cells, in humans 23 chromosomes
+ Sister chromatids – identical Chromosome Pairing
structures that result from + Chromosome condenses
+ Homologous pair
chromosome replication, formed
+ Microtubules form
during S phase - each chromosome in pair
+ The nuclear envelope breaks are identical to the other
down (carry genes for same trait)
- only one pair differs – sex between two chromatids, Review Mitosis and Meiosis
chromosomes X or Y becoming distinct.
+ Both are forms of nuclear
- Diakinesis – coiling and
Phases of Meiosis division
contraction of the
+ A diploid cell replicates its chromosomes continue; + Both involve replication
chromosomes The bivalents migrate
close to the nuclear + Both involve disappearance of
+ Two stages of meiosis membrane; The nucleolus the nucleus, and nucleolus, nuclear
disappears, and the nuclear membrane
- Meiosis I and Meiosis II
- only 1 replication membrane begins to break + Both involve formation of
down; Spindle apparatus spindle fibers
Synapsis – pairing of homologous begins to form
chromosomes forming a tetrad Differences
Metaphase I
Crossing-over – chromatids of + Meiosis produces daughter cells
tetrad exchange parts + Tetrads or homologous that have ½ the number of
chromosomes move to center of chromosomes as the parent. Go
Meiosis I cell from 2n to 1n
Prophase I Anaphase I + Daughter cells produced by
+ Chromosomes condenses + Homologous chromosomes meiosis are not genetically
pulled to opposite poles identical to one another
+ Homologous chromosomes pair
each other Telophase I + In meiosis cell division takes
place twice but replication occurs
+ Each pair contains four sister + Daughter nuclei formed only once
chromatids – tetrad
+ These are haploid (1n) Value of Variation
+ Prophase is subdivided into five
sub stages: Meiosis II + Variation – differences between
members of a population
- Leptonema – replicated + Daughter cells undergo a second
chromosomes (leptotene) division; much like mitosis + Meiosis results in random
appear as long slender separation of chromosomes in
+ No additional replication occurs
threads gametes
- Zygonema – pairing of Prophase II
+ Causes diverse populations that
homologous chromosomes
+ Spindle fibers form again over time can be stronger for
(synapsis); The pair is
referred to as bivalent or Metaphase II
tetrad (zygotene)
+ Sister chromatids move to the
- Pachynema –
chromosomes continue to
become shorter and thicker Anaphase II Gregor Mendel – father of genetics
(pachytene); A series of
exchange genetic material + Centromeres split Pea Characteristics
can occur (crossing-over) + Individual chromosomes are - Height
between specific regions pulled to poles - Pod shape
of the homologous - Pod color
chromosomes Telophase II and Cytokinesis
- Seed shape
- Diplonema – the tetrad - Seed color
+ Four haploid daughter cells
tends to repel each other - Flower color
result from one original diploid
(diplotene); Crossing-over - Flower arrangement
have taken place; Chiasma
is the area of contact
Gametes – reproductive cells - Testcross – crossing an factors, one from each
produced by sexually reproducing organism with unknown parent
organisms genotype with one that is F F
homozygous recessive for
- Male gametes – sperm f Ff Ff
the trait
- Female gametes – eggs
f Ff Ff
+ Parents differ by a single trait
Fertilization – fusion of egg and
Fair skin
sperm + Crossing two pea plants that
differ in stem size, one tall one + Law of Segregation
- Self-fertilized – fusion of
sperm and egg from same - Each individual has a pair
plant T = allele for tall of factors controlling each
- Cross fertilized – fusion of trait, one inherited from
t = allele for dwarf
egg and sperm from two each biological parent
different plants TT = homozygous tall plant - During the formation of
Produced hybrids: gametes these two factors
+ F1 – first generation tt = homozygous dwarf plant
separate. Only one ends up
+ F2 – second generation Punnett Square in each sex cell
Genes – the hereditary information + A useful tool to do genetic
that determines a single trait crosses f Ff Ff
Alleles – alternate forms of a gene + For a monohybrid cross, you f Ff Ff
+ When an organism inherits two need a square divided by four
1:2:1 genotype
identical alleles for a trait, + We use the Punnett square to 3:1 phenotype
organism is said to be homozygous predict the genotypes and
for the trait (EE, ee) + Law of Independent Assortment
phenotypes of the offspring
+ When an organism inherits two - When genetic factors
Mendel’s Laws
different alleles for one trait, the segregate in the gametes,
organism is called heterozygous + A scientific law is an evidence- they segregate
for the trait (Ee) based description of a natural independently of one
phenomenon in a given set of another. A dominant allele
Dominant vs. Recessive Allele circumstances for one trait does not
guarantee inheritance of a
Dominant (E) – an allele that is + Mendel’s three Laws of Heredity dominant allele for a
expressed whenever it is present describe what Mendel observed in different trait
Recessive (e) – an allele that is patterns of inherited traits Height – Hh
masked whenever the dominant Three Laws of Heredity Eye color – Ee
allele is present Mother – Hhee
+ Law of Dominance Father – HHEe
+ Dominant and recessive alleles
(FOIL method)
influence an organism’s phenotype - Traits are controlled by
two factors that can be Non-Mendelian Law
Genotype – genetic makeup of an called “dominant” or
individual. It is determined by the “recessive” + Law of Incomplete Dominance
alleles present for each trait - A ‘dominant’ trait shows if - Neither trait is dominant or
Phenotype – physical appearance the offspring inherits at recessive. A heterozygous
of a trait. It is the expression of the least one dominant factor individual is a blend of the
genotype from one parent two traits (Ee)
- A ‘recessive’ trait shows *Red x White = Pink
+ Testcross is used to determine only if the offspring
the genotype of an individual inherits two recessive
+ Law of Co-Dominance + The remaining 44 chromosomes linked alleles are
(non-sex chromosomes) are known expressed even if they are
- When both alleles are
as autosomal chromosome or recessive
expressed. Both are
autosomes - Sex-linked genes move
from fathers to daughters
+ The total number of
B B and from those daughters
chromosomes in human cells
to their sons
W BW BW (autosomes and sex chromosomes)
is represented as: 46, XX for + Hemophilia – sex-linked
W BW BW females and 46, XY for males disorder in which the blood is
*Dalmatian dog unable to clot because it lacks a
Chromosomes 21 and 22
certain protein
Epistasis – one gene completely + The smallest of human
masks another gene - It is caused by a point
autosomes chromosomes 21 and
mutation and is carried on
*Pigment (C) or No pigment (c) 22, were the first to be studied
the X chromosome, so it
More pigment (black=B) or less + Genetic disorders on usually affects males
(brown=b) chromosome 22 are responsible for
Albino = cc + Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy –
one form of leukemia (cancer of
sex-linked disorder that results in
the blood) and neurofibromatosis,
the progressive weakening and loss
a tumor causing disease of the
of skeletal muscle
HHUMAN HEREDITY AND nervous system
SEX-LINKED DISORDERS - Affected muscle tissue
+ Genetic disorders on
starts to break down during
Human Chromosomes chromosome 21 include
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
+ Humans have 46 chromosomes - Is carried on the X
(ALS) or Lou Gehrig’s disease
in their cells chromosome and is caused
Sex-linked Genes and Disorders by a defective version of a
+ Cell biologists analyze gene that codes for a
chromosomes using karyotypes Sex-linked gene – gene located on muscle protein
either the X or Y chromosome
Karyotype – a picture of Dominant, Recessive, and
chromosomes arranged/grouped in + Special patterns occur on each Chromosomal Disorders
order in pairs sex chromosome
+ All genetic info, including
Sex-chromosomes vs. Autosomes + Because the X chromosome is human disorders, is in the Human
larger, it carries more sex-linked Genome (our complete set of
+ Two of our 46 chromosomes are
genes and disorders genetic info)
known as sex chromosomes,
because they determine a person’s Types of Sex-linked Disorders Recessive Alleles and Disorders
+ Colorblindness – sex-linked Recall: Recessive alleles aren’t
+ Females have two copies of a disorder in which an individual expressed in heterozygous
large X chromosome (XX) and can’t perceive certain colors. It is individuals
males have one X and one Y passed to offspring on the X
chromosome (XY) chromosome + Disorders caused by recessive
alleles don’t affect a carrier’s
+ Females can only pass on an X - If an X carries the health but may be passed on to
to a child and males pass on either recessive allele for offspring
X or Y, determining the sex of a colorblindness it may or
baby may not be expressed in a Types of Recessive Disorders
female but will be
+ All human egg cells contain an X + Phenylketonuria (PKU) – genetic
expressed in a male
chromosome, while ½ of the sperm disorder in which the body lacks
- Males receive one X
cells carry X’s and ½ carry Y’s the enzymes to break down the
chromosome, so all X-
amino acid phenylalanine (in milk
and other foods). Can be tested and regulator (CFTR) gene cause the + Achondroplasia – a form of
treated CFTR protein to become dwarfism
Result: Phenylalanine builds up in *Achondroplasia is the most
the tissues causing severe nerve + Albinism – genetic disorder in common form of short-limb
damage and possible mental which individuals have no skin dwarfism, a disorder in which bone
retardation hair or eye pigment tissue does not develop properly,
especially the long bones of the
+ Tay-Sachs Disease – a fatal *Occurs in all races
arms and legs. Affects about 1 in
genetic disorder that causes lipids
+ Galactosemia – genetic disorder 25,000 individuals of all ethnic
to accumulate in the brain when
in which galactose (a sugar) groups
the body fails to break them down
accumulates in tissues
+ Hypercholesterolemia – genetic
- Appears frequently in
Result: Mental retardation, eye and disease in which a person has
Jewish families of
liver damage excess cholesterol in the blood
central/eastern European
ancestry Dominant Alleles and Disorders Result: Heart disease
Result: Nervous system breakdown Recall: Dominant alleles are Codominant Alleles and
including: blindness, brain always expressed in a person’s Disorders
damage, and eventually death in phenotype, ex: freckles, widow’s
+ Codominant alleles are both
the first few years of life. Has no peak, farsightedness, broad lips,
expressed at the same time
cure and polydactyly (extra/long
fingers/toes) Types of Codominant Disorders
*A defective gene on chromosome
15 (HEX-A) causes Tay-Sachs + If passed on, dominant disorders + Sickle Cell Disease – genetic
disease. This defective gene causes usually kill the offspring before disease in which one allele causes
the body to not make a protein he/she is capable of reproduction a change in the shape of normal
called hexosaminidase A. Without red blood cells
this protein, chemicals called + For this reason, dominant
gangliosides build up in nerve cells disorders are very rare - Affected blood cells are
in the brain, destroying brain cells moon-shaped or “sickle-
Types of Dominant Disorders
shaped” instead of round
+ Cystic Fibrosis (CF) – common + Huntington’s Disease – a fatal
genetic disorder in which the body Result: Poor blood-flow during
genetic disorder in which the
produces excessive secretions of which the cells clump together
nervous system gradually
thick mucus blocking and damaging parts of the
deteriorates, especially the brain
circulatory system. Can cause
- Appears frequently in Result: Progressive loss of muscle weakness, anemia, brain damage,
people whose ancestors control and mental function until spleen damage, heart damage, and
came from Northern death occurs even death
- Signs of the disease show What causes sickle-cell disease?
Result: Malfunction of tissues in up later in life (late 30’s or
the body and mucus accumulation - Sickle-cell disease results
in the digestive tract (digestive from Pleiotropy (when a
difficulty) and in the lungs *Huntington’s disease is a single gene affects more
(breathing difficulty) relatively rare fatal inherited than one trait)
condition that gradually kills off - Is commonly found in
*Cystic fibrosis is a progressive, healthy nerve cells in the brain, African-Americans whose
genetic disease that causes leading to loss of language, ancestors are from west-
persistent lung infections and thinking and reasoning abilities, central Africa
limits the ability to breathe over memory, coordination and - People who are
time. In people with CF, mutations movement heterozygous for sickle-
in the cystic fibrosis cell disease are generally
transmembrane conductance
healthy and are resistant to - It is caused by having two
malaria X chromosomes and one Y
chromosome in each cell
Chromosomal Disorders
Allele pair = XXY
+ Most chromosomal disorders are
caused by mutations Result: The extra X chromosome
interferes with Meiosis and usually
+ The most common form of
keeps them from reproducing
mutation that results in
chromosomal disorders is
Nondisjunction (the addition or
loss of a whole chromosome when
the chromosomes are supposed to
separate in meiosis
Types of Chromosomal
+ Down Syndrome – chromosomal
disorder that results from an extra
copy of chromosome number 21
- An affected person has
three number 21
chromosomes in each cell
Result: Mental retardation and
physical abnormalities
*Down syndrome is also called
Trisomy 21, Trisomy meaning
“three bodies” or three copies
+ Turner’s Syndrome – sex
chromosome disorder in which
females have underdeveloped
sexual characteristics
- It is caused by the
presence of only 1 sex
chromosome (Monosomy),
an X, in the cells
Allele pair = X0 due to a mutation
in sex cells (germ mutation)
Result: Affected females are
sterile, and their sex organs don’t
develop at puberty
+ Klinefelter’s Syndrome – sex
chromosome disorder in which
males have underdeveloped sex

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