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I. Multiple Choice.

________ 1. The sensation experienced through the sense of hearing.

a. Sound b. Silence c. Rhythm d. pattern

________ 2. A lack of sound or noise.

a. Sound b. silence c. Rhythm d. pattern

________ 3. Is the regular pulse of music.

a. Sound b. silence c. Rhythm d. beat

________ 4. Is a pattern of music in time.

a. Sound b. silence c. rhythm d. beat

________ 5. Sound in music is symbolized by _____.

a. Note b. rest c. accent d. time signature

________ 6. The pair of number seen at the beginning of a musical score.

a. Note b. rest c. accent d. time signature

________ 7. A rhythmic pattern repeated continuously in a composition.

a. Pattern b. ostinato c. beat d. rest

________ 8. Layers of sound in music.

a. Texture b. ostinato c. musical composition d. rhythm

________ 9. An additional music used to support a melodic line.

a. Accompaniment b. beat c. rhythm d. ostinato

________ 10. This means showing little change.

a. Steady b. changing c. pulse d. accent

II. Create an ostinato pattern in twos, threes, and fours.



I. Multipe choice.

________ 1. Show length, height, and size.

a. Lines b. space c. shape d. illusion

________ 2. Lines that shows strength and height.

a. Curved b. horizontal c. vertical d. diagonal

________ 3. Can show calmness, restfulness, and sense of balance.

a. Curved b. horizontal c. vertical d. diagonal

________ 4. Lines that make objects appear unstable or not balanced.

a. Curved b. horizontal c. vertical d. diagonal

________ 5. Can suggest swiftness, motion, or grace in movement.

a. Curved b. horizontal c. vertical d. diagonal

II. Draw the following.
1. Show spaces in 5 circles using size.

2. Show spaces in 5 squares using overlapping to show which one is closest to the viewer.

3. Draw 5 hearts that show distance.

4-5. Draw 5 triangles that shows distance, color the triangles that are closer to the viewer

darker in color value, and the triangles that are far lighter.

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