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Subject: Process Recording

1. Dominic Santini Orais Carangue

- I noticed in the whole interview that there is no interviewee-interviewer interaction, the
client seems bored and not interested. This is by far a different interview I have seen for the
whole class.

2. Angelie Eniego
- In the beginning of the interview I noticed that the interviewer was lack of energy, it looks
like the client was the one who is the interviewer by the way he speaks there is confidence.
She has mannerism that can caught attention and shows friendly environment to the client
with her smile. The whole interview was more on by the client though the purpose of the
interview was meet because I learn something about the “Roles and Functions of the client”.
On the client side, I noticed that he is very interactive. He answers confidently and you can
already know that he knows very well about his job by the way he promptly answer the
interviewer’s questions.

3. Mark MJ Castillo
- I noticed in the beginning of the interview that the interviewer explain to the client that the
whole interview was recorded and will not be publicized for it is confidential. I can see that
there is client-interviewer interaction. The client was very respectful by the way he always
said “Sir” at the end of the sentences. On the interviewer side, he shows comfortable vibe
that makes the client comfortably shares his life and answer all his questions.

4. Diohna Vince Pancho

- The video was very noisy and shaky. I noticed that the interviewer was taking down notes
which I found different from the previous interview. Also, I noticed that she has an
introduction that explains the purpose of the interview to the client which makes the client
trust her with regards to her information.

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