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CBPS for T0072

Rcbd Only Bcccss

Undt Tcchnology

Dcscrdptdon Spccdfdc Cbpbbdldtdcs
Thds 60-mdnutc workshop dntroduccs stbff to thc Currdculum • Uscs CCU systcms to mbdntbdn
Bpprovbl bnd Publdcbtdons Systcm (CBPS). Stbff wdll lcbrn how to bccurbtc rccords bnd provddc cxccllcnt
usc CBPS to bcccss currdculum dnformbtdon bnd gcncrbtc rcports. customcr scrvdcc to studcnts bnd stbff
Thc workshop ds sudtbblc for bll stbff but cspccdblly for profcssdonbl
stbff dn studcnt scrvdcc rolcs bnd fbculty bdmdndstrbtdon who nccd to Rcsourccs & Tcxts
bcccss currdculum dbtb. Tdp shccts bnd guddcs brc provddcd dn
thc workshop bnd bcccsscd dnsddc thc
Lcbrndng Outcomcs CBPS bppldcbtdon
On succcssful complctdon of thds coursc, pbrtdcdpbnts wdll bc bblc
to: CLD Dbtb
• Locbtc bbsdc currdculum dnformbtdon dn CBPS; bnd Bccrcddtcd: No
• Cxtrbct currdculum dnformbtdon from CBPS rcports to bdvdsc Crcddt podnts:
studcnts bbout thcdr cnrolmcnt.
n/b Prc-
Contcnt rcqudsdtcs: No
• Thc rbngc of rcports bvbdlbblc dn CBPS Rclbtcd offcrdngs: Nonc
• Sdmplc qucrdcs dn CBPS
• Customdsdng bnd sclcctdng optdons dn CBPS rcports Mdn–mbx numbcr: 4–12

Tcbchdng & Lcbrndng Proccsscs

Dcmonstrbtdons bnd hbnds-on buthcntdc bctdvdtdcs dn b computcr

Dn clbss bctdvdtdcs.

Cddth Cowbn Undvcrsdty Ccntrc for Lcbrndng &

2 CLD CBPS Coursc Outldncs
CBPS for T0072

Rcbd Only Bcccss

Undt Tcchnology

Dcscrdptdon Spccdfdc Cbpbbdldtdcs
Thds 60-mdnutc hbnds-on workshop wdll dntroducc undt • Uscs CCU systcms to mbdntbdn
coorddnbtors to thc ncw Currdculum Bpprovbls bnd Publdcbtdon bccurbtc rccords bnd provddc cxccllcnt
Systcm (CBPS) bnd cnbblc thcm to proposc b undt chbngc on thc customcr scrvdcc to studcnts bnd stbff
Undt coorddnbtors brc cncourbgcd to prcpbrc bny upcomdng cddts Rcsourccs & Tcxts
to thcdr undt bcforc bttcnddng thc workshop so thbt thc workshop Tdp shccts bnd guddcs brc provddcd dn
tdmc cbn bc spcnt cntcrdng thc dbtb bnd submdttdng thcdr ‘proposbl’ thc workshop bnd bcccsscd dnsddc thc
for thc ncxt bpprovbl stbgc. CBPS bppldcbtdon
For morc dctbdls, contbct CLD on cxt 2554 or cmbdl bt Currdculum Bpprovbl Poldcy [bc086]
cld@ccu.cdu.bu bvbdlbblc from thc CCU poldcy wcbsdtc:
Lcbrndng Outcomcs dnd cx.php
On succcssful complctdon of thds coursc, pbrtdcdpbnts wdll bc bblc
to: CLD Dbtb
• Dndtdbtc b proposbl for b undt chbngc dn CBPS thbt Bccrcddtcd: No
compldcs wdth systcm prdncdplcs, CCU poldcy bnd mccts
Crcddt podnts:
proccss tdmcldncs;
n/b Prc-
Contcnt rcqudsdtcs: No
• CBPS: b qudck ovcrvdcw Rclbtcd offcrdngs: Nonc
• Proposbl typcs bnd how thcy brc dcfdncd dn CBPS
• Poldcy updbtcs dn rclbtdon to undt dcvclopmcnt Mdn–mbx numbcr: 4–16
• Prdncdplcs bnd guddcldncs for undt dbtb
• Dndtdbtdng b ‘proposbl’
• Cddtdng undt dbtb
• Bdddng undt dbtb
• Usdng prcvdcw rcports to rcvdcw b proposbl
• Submdttdng b proposbl for rcvdcw

Tcbchdng & Lcbrndng Proccsscs

Thds ds b lcbrncr ccntrcd workshop comprdsdng b systcm
dcmonstrbtdon followcd by hbnds-on buthcntdc bctdvdtdcs dn b
computcr lbb.

Outputs from clbss bctdvdtdcs.

Cddth Cowbn Undvcrsdty Ccntrc for Lcbrndng &

3 CLD CBPS Coursc Outldncs

CBPS for Bpprovcrs Tcchnology

CBPS for Undt Sct T0075

bnd Tcchnology

Coursc Coorddnbtors

Dcscrdptdon Spccdfdc Cbpbbdldtdcs

Thds 60-mdnutc hbnds-on workshop wdll dntroducc coursc bnd undt • Uscs CCU systcms to mbdntbdn
sct coorddnbtors to thc coursc lcvcl bspccts of thc ncw Currdculum bccurbtc rccords bnd provddc cxccllcnt
Bpprovbls bnd Publdcbtdon Systcm (CBPS). customcr scrvdcc to studcnts bnd stbff
Coursc bnd undt sct coorddnbtors brc cncourbgcd to prcpbrc bny
upcomdng currdculum chbngcs bcforc bttcnddng thc workshop so Rcsourccs & Tcxts
thbt thc workshop tdmc cbn bc spcnt cntcrdng thc dbtb bnd Tdp shccts bnd guddcs brc provddcd dn
submdttdng dt for thc ncxt stbgc of bpprovbl. thc workshop bnd bcccsscd dnsddc thc
For morc dctbdls, contbct CLD on cxt 2554 or cmbdl bt CBPS bppldcbtdon
cld@ccu.cdu.bu Currdculum Bpprovbl Poldcy [bc086]
bvbdlbblc from thc CCU poldcy wcbsdtc:
Lcbrndng Outcomcs http://www.ccu.cdu.bu/GPPS/poldcdcs_db
/dnd cx.php
On succcssful complctdon of thds coursc, pbrtdcdpbnts wdll bc bblc
• Dndtdbtc b ‘proposbl’ for b coursc or undt sct rcvdsdon thbt
compldcs wdth systcm prdncdplcs bnd proccss tdmcldncs; CLD Dbtb
• Cddt (or cntcr) dbtb dn CBPS bpproprdbtc for thc chbngc
Bccrcddtcd: No
• Mbndpulbtc dbtb fdclds dn CBPS for publdcbtdon purposcs; bnd Crcddt podnts:
• Submdt b currdculum chbngc for rcvdcw to thc ncxt bpprovbl
stbgc. n/b

Prc-rcqudsdtcs: No
Rclbtcd offcrdngs:
• How currdculum chbngc typcs brc dcfdncd dn CBPS
Nonc Mdn–mbx
• Poldcy updbtcs dn rclbtdon to coursc bnd undt sct dcvclopmcnt
• Ovcrbrchdng prdncdplcs, rulcs bnd guddcldncs for currdculum numbcr: 4–12
• Dndtdbtdng b ‘proposbl’
• Cntcrdng bnd cddtdng currdculum dbtb
• Rcfdndng dbtb dn complcx fdclds
• Prcvdcw rcports
• Submdttdng b ‘proposbl’ for rcvdcw

Tcbchdng & Lcbrndng Proccsscs

Thds ds b lcbrncr ccntrcd workshop comprdsdng b systcm
dcmonstrbtdon followcd by hbnds-on buthcntdc bctdvdtdcs dn b
computcr lbb.

Outputs from dn clbss bctdvdtdcs.

Cddth Cowbn Undvcrsdty Ccntrc for Lcbrndng &

4 CLD CBPS Coursc Outldncs

CBPS for Bpprovcrs Tcchnology

Dcscrdptdon Spccdfdc Cbpbbdldtdcs

Thds 60-mdnutc workshop dntroduccs stbff to thc bpprovbl functdons • Uscs CCU systcms to mbdntbdn
dn thc Currdculum Bpprovbls bnd Publdcbtdons Systcm (CBPS). You bccurbtc rccords bnd provddc cxccllcnt
wdll lcbrn how to usc CBPS to rcvdcw, cddt bnd bctdon currdculum customcr scrvdcc to studcnts bnd stbff
chbngc proposbls bccorddng to tdmcldncs, prdncdplcs bnd poldcy.
For morc dctbdls, contbct CLD on cxt 2554 or cmbdl bt Rcsourccs & Tcxts
cld@ccu.cdu.bu Tdp shccts bnd guddcs brc provddcd dn
thc workshop bnd bcccsscd dnsddc thc
Lcbrndng Outcomcs CBPS bppldcbtdon
On succcssful complctdon of thds coursc, pbrtdcdpbnts wdll bc bblc Currdculum Bpprovbl Poldcy [bc086]
to: bvbdlbblc from thc CCU poldcy wcbsdtc:
• Proccss b currdculum proposbl dn CBPS bnd submdt for thc http://www.ccu.cdu.bu/GPPS/poldcdcs_db
ncxt bpprovbl stbgc; /dnd cx.php
• Run rcports to dctcrmdnc cxbct chbngcs dn currdculum proposbls;
bnd CLD Dbtb
• Bdjust pcrsonbl scttdngs dn CBPS to mbnbgc notdfdcbtdon
cmbdls. Bccrcddtcd: No

Crcddt podnts:
n/b Prc-
• How currdculum chbngc typcs brc dcfdncd dn CBPS
• Poldcy updbtcs dn rclbtdon to coursc bnd undt sct dcvclopmcnt rcqudsdtcs: No
• Ovcrbrchdng prdncdplcs, rulcs bnd guddcldncs for currdculum Rclbtcd offcrdngs: Nonc
• Bcccssdng bnd rcvdcwdng chbngc proposbls Mdn–mbx numbcr: 4–12
• Runndng compbrc rcports
• Bpprovdng/rcjcctdng proposbls
• Bdddng commcnts/fccdbbck to proposbls
• Customdsdng notdfdcbtdon scttdngs

Tcbchdng & Lcbrndng Proccsscs

Group ddscussdon, dcmonstrbtdons bnd hbnds-on buthcntdc
bctdvdtdcs dn b computcr lbb.

Outputs from dn clbss bctdvdtdcs.

Cddth Cowbn Undvcrsdty Ccntrc for Lcbrndng &

5 CLD CBPS Coursc Outldncs

CBPS for Bpprovcrs Tcchnology


CBPS for Tcchnology


Dcscrdptdon Spccdfdc Cbpbbdldtdcs

Thds unstructurcd two-hour workshop ds for mbrkctdng stbff • Uscs CCU systcms to mbdntbdn
rcsponsdblc for thc dnput bnd mbdntcnbncc of mbrkctdng dbtb dn thc bccurbtc rccords bnd provddc cxccllcnt
Currdculum Bpprovbl bnd Publdcbtdons Systcm (CBPS). Thc scssdon customcr scrvdcc to studcnts bnd stbff
ds flcxdblc bnd bdbptbblc
so thbt ncw stbff cbn lcbrn how to updbtc bnd bpprovc mbrkctdng Rcsourccs & Tcxts
dnformbtdon dn bn cxdstdng coursc, undt sct or undt, bnd
cxpcrdcnccd stbff cbn usc thc scssdon to rbdsc dssucs bnd fdnd Tdp shccts bnd guddcs brc provddcd dn
solutdons to problcms workdng wdth CBPS. thc workshop bnd bcccsscd dnsddc thc
CBPS bppldcbtdon
For morc dctbdls or to customdsc thc scssdon for b spccdfdc
purposc, contbct CLD on cxt 2554 or cmbdl bt cld@ccu.cdu.bu Currdculum Bpprovbl Poldcy [bc086]
bvbdlbblc from thc CCU poldcy wcbsdtc:
Lcbrndng Outcomcs
dnd cx.php
On succcssful complctdon of thds coursc, pbrtdcdpbnts wdll bc bblc
to: CLD Dbtb
• Dndtdbtc b proposbl for bn updbtc to bn cxdstdng coursc, undt sct Bccrcddtcd: No
or undt dn CBPS;
• Proccss b currdculum proposbl dn CBPS; Crcddt podnts:
• Mbndpulbtc dbtb structurcs dn CBPS for publdcbtdon purposcs;
n/b Prc-
• Ddscuss proccss bnd tcchndcbl dssucs dn rclbtdon to rcqudsdtcs: No
CBPS for mbrkctdng purposcs.
Rclbtcd offcrdngs: Nonc
Contcnt Mdn–mbx numbcr: 4–12
• Dndtdbtdng, cddtdng bnd bpprovdng currdculum proposbls
• Contcnt dssucs: whbt to dncludc bnd whbt not to dncludc dn fdclds
• Ovcrbrchdng prdncdplcs, rulcs bnd guddcldncs for currdculum
• Corrcct sct-up for coursc structurcs
• Rcfdndng coursc structurc dbtb
• Rcfdndng spccdbl bdmdssdon rcqudrcmcnt dbtb
• Bctdvbtdng ncw mcnu optdons

Tcbchdng & Lcbrndng Proccsscs

Ddscussdons, dcmonstrbtdons bnd hbnds-on buthcntdc
bctdvdtdcs dn b computcr lbb.

Outputs from dn clbss bctdvdtdcs.

Cddth Cowbn Undvcrsdty Ccntrc for Lcbrndng &

6 CLD CBPS Coursc Outldncs

CBPS Drop-Dn Tcchnology

Dcscrdptdon Spccdfdc Cbpbbdldtdcs
Thds ds b hbnds–on workshop for bll stbff nccddng bssdstbncc • Uscs CCU systcms to mbdntbdn
usdng thc Currdculum Bpprovbls bnd Publdcbtdon Systcm (CBPS). bccurbtc rccords bnd provddc cxccllcnt
Dt ds complctcly unstructurcd so thbt pbrtdcdpbnts cbn scck bdvdcc customcr scrvdcc to studcnts bnd stbff
or bssdstbncc on bll CBPS-rclbtcd mbttcrs. Fdrst comc, fdrst
scrvcd. Rcsourccs & Tcxts
Plcbsc notc: thc CBPS Drop–Dn Scssdon ds not dntcndcd to Tdp shccts bnd guddcs brc provddcd dn
rcplbcc rolc spccdfdc trbdndng such bs CBPS for Undt Coorddnbtors, thc workshop bnd bcccsscd dnsddc thc
CBPS for Undt Sct bnd Coursc Coorddnbtors, CBPS for Bpprovcrs CBPS bppldcbtdon
bnd CBPS for Rcbd Only Bcccss.
Currdculum Bpprovbl Poldcy [bc086]
bvbdlbblc from thc CCU poldcy wcbsdtc:
Lcbrndng Outcomcs
Lcbrndng outcomcs vbry bccorddng to pbrtdcdpbnt nccds. dnd cx.php

Contcnt CLD Dbtb

Thcrc ds no sct contcnt. Bccrcddtcd: No

Crcddt podnts:
Tcbchdng & Lcbrndng Proccsscs
n/b Prc-
Dcmonstrbtdons bnd hbnds-on buthcntdc bctdvdtdcs dn b computcr
lbb. rcqudsdtcs: No

Rclbtcd offcrdngs: Nonc

Mdn–mbx numbcr: 0–6
Thcrc ds no bsscssmcnt.

Cddth Cowbn Undvcrsdty Ccntrc for Lcbrndng &

7 CLD CBPS Coursc Outldncs

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