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ANNOUNCEMENT: Dissolution of the Marriage of Tom Gorman to Amanda


CAUSE: On July 2nd, 2011 Amanda Rachwitz and I exchanged wedding vows
before God and family pledging lifelong love and fidelity in a ceremony on the rim
of The Grand Canyon.

On October 6th, 2016 discovery was made by me, and proof presented to
Amanda, of a sexual relationship between herself and another married man, at
which time she confessed to having carried on a secret affair with this man for
two years. Though elated to receive my initial offer of forgiveness, her
subsequent request for me to accept the continuance of their affair, in an 'open
love' arrangement, and continue with her as my spouse living in my home and
sleeping in my bed was met with my demand that she cease the affair, turn from
her infidelity and renew our marriage in faithfulness to me alone. At no time in
the proceeding one hundred+ days has Amanda offered any evidence of a return
to faithfulness.

While Amanda's secret infidelity effectively ended the marriage at that time, I
declare the permanent dissolution of our marriage this 20th day of January, 2017.





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