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Social stigma associated with divorces is slowly fading in India…

Divorces are riddled with stigma in India. But women are challenging that
perception now and pushing for a change. Through stand-up comedies,
spoken-word poetry, Instagram accounts and support groups, they are
fighting the stigma around divorce, one act, one verse, one post at a time

Seeking a divorce from a troubled marriage is no more limited to the

celebrities and the elite as increasing number of middle class people are
also hitting the splitsville due to high stress level and more options
available to find a second partner.

Divorces in Metros…

The reason for rise in divorce cases in metros than the other cities is also
because people are more career oriented and materialistic here and as a
result, they have less time for family. The role of women in the family is
changing as they are doing jobs and matching steps with their husbands.
They are being more assertive and in many cases, it leads to a divorce.

Arrange marriage vs Love Marriage…

In an arranged marriage, family pressure is too much for couples to bear.

Even when parents realise they have made the wrong choice, they find it
easier to force their children to stay in a marriage than admit their mistake.
When things seem hard, everyone thinks the best way to get the couple to
bond is to encourage them to have a child which only makes things worse
for the couple.
In Love marriages, the family pressure is usually on the couples to make
the marriage work on their own as it was their independent decision. And
when things do not work for a coupe they find themselves isolate which
again makes things worse.

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