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Feminisms, gender equality and inequality is a hot issue that been discussed in society

nowadays. At first, we had mentioned that the 3 main objectives of this research. Here will be a

further explanation on why choose them as the research objectives.

The first objective is to identify the concept of feminism, gender equality and inequality.

We had found that there is some amount of people not really understand about the feminisms and

gender equality issues and. This is very important and needs to be educated in the society to let all

the human know that when the feminisms and gender equality consists in the society how the

society will be and when the gender inequality happen what will be the effect. Through this, we

will know that actually we have our own right to be treated fair no matter what gender we are as

well human worth to have it to make ourselves be more quality and confident to live in the world.

The second objectives are to identify the factors of gender equality and inequality. Why

they will be gender inequality in the society from a long time ago until now there are many causes

behind them one of the cause is the traditional and culture of the society. The traditional and culture

will make the people mindset to think that the male is allowed to get the education and for the

female. Besides that, there are also other factors that cause gender inequality such as bad mentality,

religion, education level and so on. Just because of these factors the gender inequality happens and

make the male and female can even stand on the same level in society.

The third objectives are to discuss the student perception of feminism, gender equality

and inequality. To know what actually the student perception on this hot topic we are going to

carry out research among the student. So, we are going to promote this issue to our friend or course

mate and let them have the awareness on this issue and start to treat everyone in their life start

from themselves by now.

To achieve the objectives of this research we had to carry out the quantitative research


between the undergraduate students in UTAR. The first question will be to determine their

perception of feminism. All of them have stated that feminism is that the woman has their own

right to voice out, to fight, to deserve their right and also treated equally as the man. Through their

answer, we can found that the undergraduate students have the basic knowledge on this issue and

they also know that this issue is really important to emphasis on it by society.

The second question is going to ask about is that feminism is important in society and why.

Based on the answers that given, all of them totally agree to say that the feminisms is important

because the woman is a unique living thing in the world and they need to have the same right as

man even though they are different gender and when the feminisms is emphasis in the society it

also can help to avoid happening the gender discrimination and make all the people live harmony

together. Based on their response we can find that the male and female undergraduate student are

open-minded and they accept the feminism to be in the society and they know that woman is great

and worth to treat fair as the man.

Next, the third question is asking the candidates to provide some ways to achieve

feminisms in society. The undergraduate students had recommended some ways to be done such

as treated the female and male equally in our life to avoid gender discrimination and try to believe

that what man can do woman also can do it as well as them. Besides that, in the education sector,

the woman is allowed to have the education and need to educate all the human about there is no

difference between man and woman since kindergarten. Besides the education in the school, we

also can do some talk or campaign to educate all the public to create the awareness on feminisms

among the public and also support the NGO to fight for the woman right as well. Based on what

the candidates had provided, to practice the feminisms what we can do is the cooperation from

every related party.


Follow by the fourth question is going to determine the understanding of each

undergraduate students on the meaning of gender equality. Through their understanding, they

stated that gender equality is that every gender needs to be treated equally such as in the socially

value-goods, opportunities, resources, authority and rewards on their life. From the question, we

also can see that the candidates understand gender equality as well.

For the fifth question which is going to ask the undergraduates students on why gender

inequality needs to be an advocate in society. The candidates had stated in the previous time the

woman is been discriminated by the society and they are the subordinates of their husband, in this

case we need to be fair, and avoid sexism as well as we respect every human right and not being

limited by its own gender. The woman and man is free to do whatever they want, the man can be

the president sure the woman also can, woman doesn’t mean the one who just born and married to

someone else in the future and man are the one can get education and have the responsibility to

earn money and take the family, They can choose what they want to do as well and always needs

to be aware of the diversity its nature, that everyone if is the same despite their differences. Based

on what the candidates are given, they really support gender equality to be advocates in society to

protect the right of a human.


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