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The Scary Noise 7 parts

The kids enter where Peter has heard a noise.

Adam : This is it. this is the exact place..
Beatrice: I don’t see anything?
Callum: Of course not, Peter said he heard a noise.
Adam: Yeah, I didn’t see anything…
Dawn: Which makes it more creepy.
Effie: Plays tricks with your imagination…
Frank: Perhaps it was a scary ghost…whoaaaa
Effie screams
Beautrice: Stop it, your just scaring Effie!
Frank: Are you afraid..?
Effie: No, your just giving me ear ache!
Giesla: Effie’s right. I don’t like this place. It’s as though something or someone is watching
Adam: There it is again!
Beatrice: There’s nothing here apart from tree’s birds and insects…
Harriet: Is this a joke. You’re playing a big joke, just to scare us
Ingrid: And you were told by the teacher not to go into the wood. We were told to stay by
the lunch tables!

Adam: It’s this way…c’mon guys they all go to leave Effie

Effie: Noooooo
Adam: It’s ok, my Dad is a professional explorer….
they leave
Effie: Now what am I going to do…I don’t remember which way is back to the coaches….
she sits and cries…I’m lost, I’m cold and top it all off, no one remembered it’s my

They a come back in and surround her


The Worlds Worst Youtube

Intro Music

Youtuber: Hey guys…Welcome to my channel. Before we go any further, you got hit the
subscribe button and check out this message from my sponser

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Youtuber: So I thought I’d do a vlog top 5 of the world’s worst. At number 5, the world’s

Juggler comes out and throws one ball and drops it

Juggler: Me try again….oh dear, me think’s me try cooking

Youtuber: At number 4. The worlds worst mime artist

mime artist enters and drinks a glass of wine

Mime Artist: I thought you said Wine artist! Hang on I can do mime. Does a fish! Then does
pulling his finger off!

Youtuber: At number 3. The worlds worst comedian…

Comedian: Why do you call a fake noodle….an impasta!! There’s more. How does Jack Frost
get to work…by icycle!!!

Youtuber: At number 2. The world worst impressionist…

Impressionist comes in and cuts of his ear

Impressionist: Van Gough!!

Youtuber: At number 1, the world’s worst Fortnite dancer

Fornite Dancer comes in with some dental floss and starts flossing his teeth…

Youtuber: What have we got here? I think he doesn’t understand what flossing is! And there
you have it…don’t forget to like and subcribe

Advert 2 Shake and Vac

Show and Tell

Teacher: Good Morning class…Today is a very special day. It’s the day for show and tell.
Has everyone brought something…

Class: Yes

Show and Tell

Teacher: Who would like to go first..

Katie puts her hand up…

Teacher: Yes Katie, come to the front..she does So Katie what have brought along with you.

Katie: It’s in this box..

Teacher: Would you like to get it out?

Katie: No

Teacher: Oh

Katie: But you can all come and see it….

The children make disparaging remark, showing off apart from Sally

Teacher: That is enough….Sally you we’re the only one who was respectful to Katies show
and tell..

The children come up and look in the box and make strange faces..shrugged shoulders

Katie: Did you see anything..


Katie takes out a magnifying glass…You didn’t look hard enough….She hands it to Sally. Sally
takes the magnifying glass and shows the tiny word written in the box….

Sally: Can you read it


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