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6, DECEMBER 2011

Simulation of Gradient-Coil-Induced
Eddy Currents and Their Effects on
a Head-Only HTS MRI Magnet
Michael Poole, Hector Sanchez Lopez, Osamu Ozaki, Hitoshi Kitaguchi, Iwao Nakajima,
Shin-ichi Urayama, Ken-ichi Sato, Hidenao Fukuyama, and Stuart Crozier, Member, IEEE

Abstract—In this paper, we simulate the effects of eddy currents Gradient coils [1] are arrangements of wire placed inside the
induced by switched gradient coils in the cylindrical cryostat room-temperature bore of the MRI magnet that are designed
structures of a high-temperature superconducting (HTS) magnetic to conduct currents over 600 A switched at kilohertz. Their
resonance imaging magnet. A novel network method was used
with spectral decomposition of the current density in the φ- and presence is essential for MRI because they generate magnetic
z-directions to simulate the effects of X-gradient coils. Two types fields that manipulate nuclear spins in such a way that images
of active magnetic shielding were simulated, and it was found can be created from nuclear magnetic resonance signals [2],
that one type is able to reduce the power of the eddy currents in [3]. The high-current and fast switching in the gradient coil is
the cryostat to a greater extent than the other. These results will
inform the design of gradient coils that protect the HTS magnet
desired for fast imaging. The magnetic fields generated by the
from eddy-current-induced heating and vibrations. gradient coils linearly vary in the region of interest (ROI) but
extend out to the cryostat of the superconducting magnet. In
Index Terms—Eddy current, gradient coils, high-temperature
superconducting (HTS), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), accordance with Faraday’s law, these changing magnetic fields
network method. induce an electromotive force within the conducting layers of
the cryostat, which generates eddy currents (also known as
Foucault currents). These eddy currents cause many deleterious
effects in MRI, i.e., resistive dissipation of eddy currents results

M AGNETIC resonance imaging (MRI) is one of the most

common applications of superconductivity. A highly
uniform intense magnetic field is generated by a supercon-
in ohmic heating, Lorentz forces cause mechanical vibration,
and secondary magnet fields, which severely disturb imaging,
are generated.
ducting magnet, most commonly made of a niobium–titanium Some standard methods exist to prevent the generation of
(NbTi) wire, immersed in liquid helium at 4.2 K or less. High- eddy currents and to counteract their effects. Passive shielding
temperature superconducting (HTS) magnets that can operate provides a highly conducting surface interposed between the
without liquid helium are indeed an attractive prospect. The gradient coil and the magnet cryostat [4]. Eddy currents are
development of this new generation of HTS magnets for MRI generated in the passive shield, and the magnitude of eddy
requires careful consideration in the design and engineering currents reaching in the cryostat is reduced. This transfers some
of the other parts of the MRI scanner. Of particular concern of ohmic heating and vibration from the cryostat, in which
is the interaction between the gradient coils and the magnet. the superconducting wires reside, to the passive shield, where
This interaction is simulated in this paper to assess ways to active cooling and vibration damping may be applied more
minimize the potentially harmful effect of the gradient coils on easily. The temporally varying secondary magnetic field from
an HTS magnet. the eddy currents remains.
The secondary field is smaller than, and opposite in sign too,
Manuscript received December 13, 2010; revised February 17, 2011; the linearly varying gradient field, and it exponentially decays
accepted February 17, 2011. Date of publication October 24, 2011; date of
current version December 2, 2011. This paper was recommended by Associate with some characteristic time constant(s). A technique known
Editor M. Parizh. This work was supported in part by the MedTeQ Centre of as preemphasis [5], [6] attempts to counteract the secondary
Queensland and in part by JST-SENTEN, System Development Program for magnetic field by adding extra current during switching with the
Advanced Measurement and Analysis.
M. Poole, H. Sanchez Lopez, and S. Crozier are with the School of same time constant(s) and opposite sign to the secondary field.
Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, University of Queensland, A filter can be designed to modify the waveform of electric
Brisbane, Qld 4072, Australia (e-mail: current in the gradient coil, which results in the restoration of
O. Ozaki is with Kobe Steel Ltd., Kobe 651-2271, Japan.
H. Kitaguchi is with the Superconducting Wire Unit, National Institute for the desired temporal behavior of the magnetic field in the ROI.
Materials Science, Tsukuba 305-0047, Japan. This approach alone does not address the problems of ohmic
I. Nakajima is with Takashima Seisakusho Co. Ltd., Tokyo 191-0065, Japan.
S. Urayama and H. Fukuyama are with the Human Brain Research Centre,
heating and vibration in the cryostat and, in fact, increases them
Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto 606-8507, Japan. somewhat due to the temporarily increased current.
K. Sato is with Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd., Osaka 554-0024, Japan. Active shielding [7] was proposed in which an additional coil
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at is interposed between the primary gradient coil wires and the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TASC.2011.2166071 cryostat. A linearly varying field is still generated in the ROI,

1051-8223/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE


but it is close to zero outside and at the cryostat vessel. This

greatly reduced magnetic field causes a large reduction in the
induced eddy-current magnitude and therefore addresses ohmic
heating, vibration, and the secondary magnetic field effects on
Several variants of the aforementioned methods have been
presented, and it is common to find them used in conjunction
in commercial MRI scanners. It is possible to design gradient
coils with active shielding to optimally deal with the secondary
field effects [8] or ohmic heating and vibration effects [9]. In
this paper, the design of gradient coils for an experimental HTS
magnet system was considered, and therefore, ohmic heating
and vibration in the cryostat are of more concern than the
secondary magnetic field. The differences between the two
approaches are studied by simulation with respect to measures
of gradient and shielding performance.
A network method has been recently developed [10] that
is capable of efficiently simulating the eddy current in finite-
length multilayered thick cylinders, which are generated by
any gradient coil, i.e., X, Y, and Z. This method presented
Fig. 1. Cross-sectional scale drawing of the HTS magnet and gradient coil
an improvement over previous network methods that were structures. The ROI, gradient coil unit, X-gradient primary and shield layers,
only able to simulate Z gradient coils [11], [12]. The total WB, CS, BN, and magnet wires are shown.
power of the eddy currents induced in each cryostat layer
can be calculated, which directly relates to the heat energy G EOMETRIC AND E LECTROMAGNETIC P ROPERTIES OF THE
deposited per second and is thought to be closely related to the HTS M AGNET C RYOSTAT AND S UPPORT S TRUCTURES
power of mechanical vibration and, hence, noise [13]. Through
Fourier–Bessel relations [14], the magnetic field produced by
the eddy currents is computed. Eddy-current simulations can
be time harmonic or transient.
Gradient coils are designed using different shielding
approaches, simulated with the network method, and compared
to find suitable coils that protect the magnet as much as

A. Geometric and Electromagnetic Problem Definition simulation. A frequency of 1 kHz is assumed for any time-
A cross-sectional drawing is shown in Fig. 1 of the principal harmonic simulation unless otherwise stated.
structures of the HTS MRI system for the purposes of eddy-
current simulation; it is a vertical bore system for human head
B. Network Method for Eddy-Current Simulation
imaging. The ROI is centered at the origin and is an oblate
spheroid with major and minor diameters of 250 and 200 mm, To simulate the 3-D eddy currents that occur in the WB,
respectively. The gradient coil set (includes the gradient coil, CS, and BN, we use a recently proposed network method [10].
shim coils, and associated cooling mechanism) is shown by Finite-element simulations are not feasible since an elementary
shaded boxes surrounding the ROI. It is asymmetrically posi- calculation of the approximate number of mesh elements re-
tioned about the origin with each coil extending 180 mm down- quired to accurately simulate the CS alone with a resolution
ward and 410 mm upward. The inside and outside diameters of 0.6 mm would be approximately 15 000 000. Furthermore,
(ID and OD, respectively) of the complete gradient coil set are since this is a boundary element method (BEM), we need not
350 and 494 mm, respectively. The magnet housing consists mesh the air between the conducting structures. The method
of the “warm bore” (WB), “cold shield” (CS), and “bobbin” works by subdividing the thick conducting cylinders into sub-
(BN) for the purposes of the electromagnetic simulation, the layers. On each sublayer, the eddy currents are approximated
geometric and electromagnetic properties of which are given in as a finite number of truncated sinusoidal functions of the type
Table I. The magnet wires are shown (as boxes with crosses originally used in the design of gradient coils [15], [16]. The
inside) but are not part of the eddy-current simulation. In expression for inductive coupling between each of these basis
addition, as part of the CS, there will be about 20 layers of functions (and themselves), as well as their power dissipation, is
approximately 0.06-μm aluminum “supershielding,” which are well known and makes use of the Fourier–Bessel expansion of
assumed to be magnetically transparent and not included in the Green’s function in cylindrical coordinates [14]. The gradient

(i.e., to 2, 10, and 12) and the total power dissipation in the WB
was compared.
2) Number of Basis Functions: The electric and magnetic
fields mainly possess low spatial frequencies in the φ and
z-directions at the WB and CS. Increasing the number (and,
therefore, the maximum spatial frequency) of the basis func-
tions will model the eddy currents with increasing accuracy.
Enough basis functions are chosen to produce approximately
the same error as the number of sublayers does. Again, the total
power dissipation in the WB was calculated for increasing num-
bers of basis functions until a low-enough error was reached.

D. Gradient Coil Design

The geometry of the system is axisymmetric, and therefore,
we use an axisymmetric inverse BEM [17], [18] to design
the gradient coils. Alternatively, asymmetric sum-of-sinusoids
[19], [20]) or triangular boundary element [21], [22] methods
Fig. 2. Wire pattern for the X-gradient coils used in this simulation designed could have been used.
with (a) MEF and (b) MEP. The primary coils are shown on the left and their
shields on the right. Red wires indicate reversed current with respect to blue
Many properties of the gradient coil can be optimized in
wires. the design process, and improving one property usually means
that other properties of the coil become worse. This tradeoff
coil is modeled as a set of short infinitely thin wire elements is governed by an optimization functional U (ψC ) that contains
that may carry a time-harmonic or arbitrary transient waveform each of the properties of the gradient coil that are of concern.
current to excite the electromagnetic system. The optimization functional that was minimized in this paper
This method obtains the current density of each sublayer is given in (1) as a function of the free parameters of the
in the system. From this wealth of information, it is possible values of the stream function at each node on the gradient coil
to calculate useful parameters that relate to some objective surface ψC
measure of the efficacy of shielding. In this paper, we use the 
total power in each layer that gives a measure of the amount U (ψC ) = f (ψC ) + αe(ψC ) + βP (ψC ) − λp Tp (ψC )
of heat generated and some indication of the vibrational power p=x,y
imparted to each layer [13]. The peak current density may (1)
also be of interest as it relates to the maximum local Lorentz
where f (ψC ) is the field error in the ROI, e(ψC ) is the shielding
force experienced by the cryostat. Also of use are measures of
term, P (ψC ) is the power dissipation of the gradient coil,
the maximum magnetic and average gradient fields generated
and Tp (ψC ) is the pth torque value. α and β are user-defined
in the ROI caused by the eddy currents.
tradeoff parameters that control the coil design, and λp are
Lagrange multipliers used to ensure torque balancing. p may
C. Selection of the Simulation Parameters reflect either the x or y component of the torque.
Within the method described above, there are two principal
Before studying different gradient coils, we need to decide
ways to enforce the active shielding of a gradient coil. Gradient
upon some parameters for the network method simulation. The
coils are designed with both approaches and simulated with the
choice of parameters should provide a tradeoff between calcu-
network method. Only one cryostat surface can be accurately
lation accuracy and computational time. In the φ-direction, the
modeled with the inverse BEM to enforce the shielding, which
eddy currents are modeled as a sum of cos(mφ) basis functions
was selected to be the CS.
for m = 0, 1, 2, . . . , M . In the case of the X-gradient coils
1) Minimal Eddy Field (MEF) Shielding: The first aims to
studied here, we can assume that m = 1.
minimize sum of squares of the secondary magnetic field in the
1) Sublayers: The network method separates each thick
ROI. This can be written as
cylindrical layer into a number of sublayers. Each sublayer is

then considered as infinitely thin. There needs to be enough e(ψC ) = [BEz (rk , ψC )]2 , rk ∈ ROI (2)
layers to accurately represent the skin depth of the eddy current k
in each surface. The gradient coil shown in Fig. 2(a) was used
to drive the system. The number of sublayers was chosen so where BEz (rk , ψC ) denotes the z component of the magnetic
that their thickness was less than one fifth of the skin depth field due to the eddy currents at the point rk from a gradient
in each layer (see Table I) resulting in 1, 5, and 6 layers for coil defined by ψC . A linear relationship between the induced
WB, CS, and BN, respectively. Representing the thick cylinders currents in the cryostat and the currents in the gradient coil
as a finite number of sublayers necessarily introduces some can be defined through their stream functions ψE and ψC ,
small error that decreases with decreasing sublayer thickness. respectively, and a mutual coupling that either assumes a step
To estimate this error, the number of sublayers was doubled change in time or a time-harmonic change of ψC [8].


Fig. 4. RMS current density Jφ (ρ, φ = 0) for each sublayer of the magnet
cryostat and support structures.
Fig. 3. Variation of the power dissipated in the WB as the number of basis
functions used in z. A gradient field of 10 mTm−1 was used at 1 kHz.
With 28 sinusoidal basis functions in z (14 sine and
14 cosine), 1 in φ, and 1 + 5 + 6 = 12 sublayers, the eddy-
2) Minimal Eddy Power (MEP) Shielding: The second way
current simulation had a total of 336 basis functions.
of enforcing the active shielding is to minimize the power of the
eddy currents in the cryostat by
C. Simulation Results of the HTS System
e(ψC ) = PE (ψE ). (3)
1) Eddy Currents: The simulation yields the stream func-
tion of the eddy-current densities on each sublayer of the sys-
tem. These data were reconstructed to obtain the eddy currents,
III. R ESULTS which are a complex-valued 3-D vector field. There is a consid-
A. Gradient Coils erable amount of information that we represent here by showing
Jφ in the ρ- and z-directions at φ = 0. Jρ := 0 by the network
Two actively shielded X-gradient coils were designed for method, and Jz can be derived from Jφ and ∇ · J = 0. All
the MRI system described above, i.e., one with MEF and the current density data presented possess cos φ behavior. Fig. 4
other with MEP shielding. The wire patterns of the primary shows the eddy-current density behavior through the thickness
and shield coils are shown in Fig. 2, and their relevant coil (ρ-dimension) of the three cylindrical layers of the magnet
properties are given in Table II. Fig. 2 shows the position of cryostat and support structures. The root-mean-squared (RMS)
the centers of the wires for one half of each coil unwrapped value of the current density was calculated by summation in
from its cylindrical shape onto a flat plane. each sublayer in the z-direction. Data from both coils (MEF
and MEP) are shown in the same graph for comparison.
Similarly, the sum of squares of the current density was
B. Selection of the Simulation Parameters
calculated in the ρ-direction for each layer to obtain the total
1) Sublayers: The total power deposited in the each layer current density in the WB, CS, and BN. Data for the MEF and
of the cryostat was simulated for 1, 5, and 6 sublayers in the MEP gradient coils are separately shown in Fig. 5(a) and (b),
WB, CS, and BN, respectively. The difference between the respectively. The amount of eddy currents in the CS is slightly
power dissipation in the WB compared to 2, 10, and 12 layers less than that in the WB, and the amount induced in the BN is
was 0.7%. approximately 20 times smaller than that in the WB.
2) Number of Basis Functions: The number of sinusoidal 2) Total Power: The total amount of power that is dissipated
basis functions per sublayer was increased from 4 to 30, and in each layer for each gradient coil was computed and appears
the resulting power dissipation in each layer is plotted in Fig. 3, in Table III. This gives a comparative simulated measure of the
as well as the asymptotic power dissipation value (based on amount of heating that occurs in each layer and is indicative of
an exponential fit). The number of basis functions required to the vibration power imparted to the layer.
produce less than 1% error with respect to the asymptotic value 3) Eddy-Current Magnetic Field: The magnetic field gen-
was 28. erated by the eddy currents BEz in the ROI for both types of

Fig. 6. Total magnetic field magnitude generated by the eddy currents induced
by both the MEF and MEP coils in the ROI.

addition, in this paper, we considered only those eddy currents

that have a current density with cos(mφ) variation, where
m = 1. The method is not restricted to the use of a single value
of m but may be performed for m = 0, 1, 2, . . . , M (including
sin(mφ) variations), but calculation time will increase as a
The eddy-current layers simulated in the model presented in
this paper have different temperatures, material properties, and
thicknesses. It was found that using 12 sublayers (so that each
Fig. 5. Square root of the sum-of-square current density Jφ (ρ, φ = 0) for sublayer was less than one fifth of the skin depth of that layer) to
each layer of the magnet cryostat and support structures for (a) the MEF and model the three thick cylinders provided less than 1% error with
(b) MEP coils. Vertical dotted lines indicate the axial extents of the gradient
coils. respect to results obtained with 24 layers. Fig. 4 shows the skin
effect through the thickness of each layer, which is prominent
in the CS, less pronounced in the BN, and negligible in the WB.
A MOUNT OF P OWER D ISSIPATED IN WATTS (W) BY E ACH L AYER FOR For the simulation of a truly superconducting material, only the
THE T WO D IFFERENT T YPES OF G RADIENT C OILS G ENERATING thin shell on the ID of the layer would need to be considered,
which is the approximation used in the design of shielding
for gradient coils. Furthermore, it was found that 28 truncated
sinusoids were needed in each layer to provide a calculation
error of less than 1%. This represents a maximum spatial
frequency of 78 mm−1 for the simulated eddy currents.
Simulation of thick cylinders using this network method ap-
gradient coil shielding is shown in Fig. 6. The field is calculated proach was previously shown to be valid for cylinders that may
across the ROI in the x-direction for y = z = 0 and has the be thick with respect to the skin depth but are thin compared
same cos φ variation as the eddy currents. The gradient field at to the other dimensions of the cylinder, i.e., the length and
the origin is 0.07 and 0.11 mTm−1 for the MEF and power coils, the radius of the cylinder are much larger than its thickness.
respectively, which represents 0.7% and 1.1% of the intended The model system used for this paper does not include the
gradient field. full cryostat but just the cylindrical bore tube. The validity
of omitting the cryostat end flanges rests on the assumption
that the eddy currents are small at the ends of the cylinders,
which is corroborated by the data shown in Fig. 5. Furthermore,
The approach to gradient coil simulation used in this paper inclusion of the full geometry of the BN is not possible as it
allows us to predict the eddy currents generated from any type is significantly different in shape to a cylinder where material
of coil. Previous methods have been restricted to zonal coils, surrounds and supports the superconductors. The full shape is
i.e., those that have no φ variation of JE (r) and are made of not modeled, but the BN is included to give an idea of the order
coaxial circular loops [11], [12]. Although not presented in this of magnitude of the eddy currents present in the BN, which
paper, we may simulate Y- and Z-gradient coils, as well as shim appear to be small and have a negligible effect on the magnetic
and other coils. We are limited in the present method to the field, and only a small amount of dissipation occurs in the BN.
simulation of eddy currents on any number of cylinders of finite In Fig. 2, it is shown that the primary coils of both different
length with any thickness and electromagnetic property. In types of gradient coil are very similar. However, the shields

appear to be quite different. This comes from the way in which expected. However, only a slight reduction in the eddy-current-
the shielding is incorporated into the design functional, (1), and induced magnetic field was seen for the MEF coil.
results in different eddy currents induced in the WB, CS, and
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Michael Poole received the M.S. degree in physics and the Ph.D. degree in Iwao Nakajima was born in Shizuoka, Japan, in 1947. He received the B.S.
Magnetic Resonance physics from Sir Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance degree from Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, in 1970. He is currently a Chief
Centre, Nottingham, U.K. Executive Officer with Takashima Seisakusho Company, Ltd. His research
Then, he worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow with Sir Peter Mansfield Magnetic interests include the development and manufacturing of RF coils for magnetic
Resonance Centre. He is currently a Researcher with the Biomedical Engi- resonance imaging.
neering Group, School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering,
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. The focus of his research is the
development of new hardware and techniques for MRI. His research interests Shin-ichi Urayama was born in Hyogo, Japan, in 1968. He receive the M.Sc.
include the design, construction, and testing of innovative gradient and shim degree in human and environmental studies from Kyoto University, Kyoto,
coils for MRI. Japan.
He is currently an Assistant Professor with the Human Brain Research
Center, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine. His main subjects of
Hector Sanchez Lopez was born in Cuba. He received the Lic. in physics from research concern techniques for magnetic resonance (MR) imaging including
the University of Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba, in 1993 and the Ph.D. its hardware, imaging/reconstruction/data analysis methodologies, and investi-
degree in biomedical engineering from University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, gation into signal sources on MR images.
Lyon, France, in 2004, under the supervision of Prof. Herve Saint-Jalmes.
He is currently a Senior Research Fellow with the School of Information
Technology and Electrical Engineering, University of Queensland, Brisbane,
Australia. His research interests include include MRI instrumentation, i.e., Ken-ichi Sato was born in Nagoya, Japan, in 1948. He receive the Ph.D. degree
gradient and shim coil designs and prototype for hybrid MRI scanners (PET, in physics from Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
linac-MRI); inverse problem solution in electromagnetism and its application He is currently a Fellow with Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd., Osaka,
to gradient/shim coil design; and computational electromagnetism, i.e., eddy- Japan. His main subjects of research are superconducting wires and
current simulation. applications.

Osamu Ozaki was born in Osaka, Japan, in 1965. He received the Ph.D. degree Hidenao Fukuyama was born in Fukui, Japan, in 1949. He received the M.D.
from the University of Kobe, Kobe, Japan, in 2006. degree in 1975 and the Ph.D. degree from Kyoto University Graduate School
He is currently a Senior Researcher with Kobe Steel, Ltd., Kobe. His main of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan, in 1983.
subjects of research concern developing of superconducting magnets. He is currently a Professor with the Human Brain Research Center (HBRC),
Dr. Ozaki is a member of the Cryogenics and Superconductivity Society of Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine. He has been managing the
Japan. HBRC for ten years. The HBRC has two sections, i.e., neuroimaging and
neurophysiology, and they are collaborating each other with productive works.

Hitoshi Kitaguchi was born in Osaka, Japan, in 1960. He received the

Ph.D. degree in materials science from Okayama University, Okayama, Japan, Stuart Crozier (M’93) received the Ph.D. and D.Eng. degrees from the Univer-
in 1990. sity of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane, Australia, in 1991 and 2002, respectively.
He is currently the Director of the Superconducting Wire Unit with the He is currently a Professor of Biomedical Engineering, School of Infor-
National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan. His main subjects mation Technology and Electrical Engineering, UQ. He is the author of over
of research concern materials science and development of high-temperature 90 journal articles and patents. His research interests include magnetic reso-
superconducting wires for applications. nance engineering and the methodological development of magnetic resonance.

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