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TASK 3 (M2 LA1)


Sekolah Asal : SMAN 5 KERINCI
No Peserta PPG : 19100515710163

No Text Questions
1 Text 1 Historically speaking, how do you see Eiffel and Borobudur?
Based on opinion, the Eiffel tower is one of the towers that has its own beauty
and unique. This tower cannot be separated from the history of the group. The
tower was built between 1887 and 1889 as the entrance of the Universelle Fair
to celebrate a century of French Revolution. Eiffel was actually planning to
build a tower in Barcelona, for the Universal Fair of 1888, but the responsible
parties at the Barcelona city hall thought it was strange and expensive, and did
not fit the city. Afterwards, Eiffel sent his draft to the person in charge of the
Universal Exhibition in Paris, and he built the tower later, which was 1889.
The tower was inaugurated on March 31, 1889, and on 6 May. In its
construction, Eiffel took a cautious stance, including the use of moving pallets,
auxiliary rails and screens, so that in the process of working only one person
Historically, no written evidence exists that explains who built the Borobudur
and what its uses are. The development time is estimated by comparison
between the type of script written on Karmawibhangga's closed legs with the
type of script commonly used in 8th and 9th century royal inscriptions. It is
estimated that Borobudur was built around AD 800. This time period
corresponds to the period between 760 and 830 CE, the peak of the triumph of
the Syailendra prefecture in Central Java, which was then influenced by the
Sriwijaya Empire. Borobudur development is estimated to spend more than 75
- 100 years and actually completed during the reign of king Samaratungga in
Based on the two text above, I have to say that Eiffel Tower and Borobudur
Temple is a relic of history that has links with past events. They are built
because of a human interest in the process of building a civilization and this
becomes a separate cultural value for each country and it should be the
government and its citizens to see the history with reference to the relics.

Text 2 Of the four key elements, which is the most influential element
that can guarantee the success of democracy?
Of the four key elements, I myself am more likely to have the view that a key
element in the success of democracy is the fair and equitable application of law
to all citizens. That way, the democratic process will work well because it is
protected by the relevant law. The law will ask its citizens to play an active
role in democracy and the government will run its system in accordance with
the law. As a result, the democratic government will be elected by the people
Text 3 What are the interests in the encyclopedia relevant to Indonesian context?
I think that the educational linguistics and linguistics ethnography is the
interests in the encyclopedia relevant to Indonesian context because as we
know Indonesia consists of various ethnicities. This interest will be relevant to
Indonesia Context in order to understand how social and communicative
processes operate in a range of settings and contexts.

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