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I. Mention or site and explain comprehensively the 5 paradoxes and controversies about Rizal.

a) Did Jose Rizal really marry Josephine Bracken ?

Scholars say that there were no accounts of the marriage between Rizal and Josephine,
but Josephine claims that Rizal actually married her a day before his execution. Some
even say that Josephine was a spy of the Spanish government.

One thing is for sure, Jose Rizal loved Josephine. He wrote some poems about her and his love for
her. I think these controversies about Josephine Bracken are unreasonable. Every hero deserves a
lover and that is without a question.

b) Jose Rizal was gay?

Upon reading El Filibusterismo, Did you notice the homosexuality thing in it? and why
do you think he posed in Antonio Luna's painting as a Lady ( Ala- Monalisa) and he even
volunteered to pose that way. Don't you think we misinterpreted his being "lampa" when
he was young? What if he was not "lampa" after all; that he just had a stronger feminine
side? And about his many relationships with his opposite sex, why didn't even one of
these relationships succeed? Lastly, try to go over his letters to his male friends and his
"girlfriends" and compare them. You'll find his letters to his friends were more passionate
than his letters to his girlfriends. No one really knows if he is truly gay or not.

c) Rizal was the Father of Mao Zedong and Adolf Hitler?

To make this easier to comprehend, consider the facts opposite the unverified information.

- Hitler
Rizal was known to be a romantic lover with a bunch of women on his list and some others like
the supposed mother of Hitler named Klara Polzi, When he was in Europe, it was noted out that
he found this pretty European girlfriend somewhere in the border of Germany and Austria. In
Berlin he finished Noli Me Tangere. One of the books characters named Maria Clara. Rizal trav-
eled and studied abroad. He left the Philippines for the first time in May of 1882 and the last rec-
orded travel was on September 1896. Hitler should have been conceived August of 1888 but these
were the travels of Rizal during those dates according to Jose Rizal's website.

1. 16 August 1888
Rizal was admitted to reading room of the British Museum of London.
2. August 1888
He was busy with the Morga. He thought of copying the whole book and annotat-
ing it for publication as his gift to Filipinos. Dr. Antonio Regidor, one of the ex-
iles of the 1872 event, promised to be his capitalist. Along with the Morga. he
wanted also to publish Blumentritt's "Tribes of Mindanao" including some new
documents which he found in the British Museum.

3. 18 August 1888
With the intention of writing the continuation of his first novel, Rizal asked
Mariano Ponce in a letter to send him twi or more copies of the Noli. Rizal
planned to have a picture taken: one copy to be sent to Ponce and the other to be
included in the publication of the second novel.

Hitler was conceived either in 1887 when Rizal passed through Linz or other towns ( such Brunn
- how do you think he lost the diamond stick pin? And who was the "maid" who found it later and
gave it to Blumentritt who forwarded it to Vienna?) near the Austrian border; in which case Hit-
ler's older siblings were fictitious, to cover up his mother's being pregnant with him. In other
words Hitler was actually born before 1889. or he was conceived in August 1888, when Rizal was
supposedly in London. Or perhaps in September, 1888, when Rizal went to Paris for a week (to
have a rendezvous with Klara?) Klara Polzi's affair with Rizal may have centred around Linz,
which is why the Hitler Family moved there later (so Mama Hitler could live where she had and
Affair to Remember), which would explain Hitler's fondness for the town.

- Mao Zedong
Rizal in 1888 had an affair with a Japanese woman, Seiko Usui, when he visited Japan. She had
an only daughter, Yuriko, by a foreign husband some years after her encounter with Rizal. Yuriko
later married the son of a Japanese politician.(Seiko Usui's only daughter was not really fathered
by her husband, Alfred Carlton. He was simply a front. Yuriko, you see, was Rizal's daughter and
Hitler's half sister. She used her influence on her brother Adolf to convince him to enter into an
alliance with Japan (making it one of the Axis powers): which is why Japan invaded the Philip-
pines. Yuriko made it clear to Hirohito that Hitler would appreciate it if his ally were to take over
his father's homeland. And of course the reasons why hitler wanted to become a dictator of Ger-
many was because his natural father had spent some of the most interesting years of his life there.
Hitler committed suicide on April 30,1945. Some people dispute how he died. The Nazi leader
was believed to have used arsenic to poison himself. (According to this article, there was and old
German-language documentary about Nazism and World War II. It was viewed by European
Language students. At one point int he film, archival footage of Hitler's Bunker was featured and
hanging on one of the walls was Rizal's portrait but the documentary never identified Rizal's por-
trait but the documentary never identified or explained why his portrait hung inside Hitler's bun-

d) Jose Rizal was Jack the Ripper?

Rizal was in London from May 1888 to January 1889, in the British Library copying "
Sucesos de las islas Filipinas" by hand because there were no photocopying machines at
that time. Jack the Ripper was active around this time, and since we do not know what
Rizal did at night or days he was not in the library, some people would like to believe Ri-
zal is a suspect. They argue that when Rizal left London during January 1889 the Ripper
murders stopped. They say that Jack the Ripper must have had some medical training,
based on the way his victims were mutilated. Rizal, of course was a doctor. Jack the Rip-
per liked women, and so did Rizal. And--this is so obvious that many overlooked it --
Jose Rizal's initials match those of Jack the Ripper.

e) Jose Rizal did not write "Sa Aking mga kabata "

Isn't the most quoted line from Rizal's many poems that from "Sa Aking mga kabata" that
goes, "Ang hindi marunong magmahal sa sariling wika ay masmasahol pa sa hayop at
malansang isda." (He who loves not his own laguage is worse than a beast and a stinking
This has no original manuscript in Rizal's own hand, exists for "Sa Aking mga Kabata,"
traditiionally believed to be his first poem.

Source :
Macaldo, J. (2014) Rizal Contriversies. July 3,2019.

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