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No Peneliti dan Judul Publikasi Metode dan Hasil Keterangan

Tahun Pembahasan
1. Sara Bocchi, The influence of process parameters on Journal of  Friction Stir Spot Mechanical properties
Marina mechanical properties and corrosion Manufacturing Welding (FSSW) terbaik ada di level tengah.
Cabrini Processes 35  Material: AA2024-
behavior of friction stir welded aluminum
(2018) (2018) 1–15 T3 dan AA7075-T6
Q joints, AA7075-
AA7075 joints and
mixed joints AA2024-
 Variable
Rotational speeds
(S=1000, 1500 and
2000rpm) and feed
rates (f = 10, 35 and 60
 Variable dependent:
Maksimum (UTS),
 Metode: full
factorial design.

2 Q.Chu, W.Y. Microstructure and mechanical optimization Journal of  FSSW  The tensile/shear
Li, et al of probeless friction stir spot welded joint of Materials  Metode Box- strength of P-FSSWed
(2018)ß an Al-Li alloy Science & Behnken dan joints increased with
Technology Respon surface the SZD initially, and
Methodology thereafter it was
Q1  Variabel mainly affected by
Independent: Dwell hook defect.
time (3 6 9s).  the optimum failure
Plunge rate (10,30, load of 7.83 kN was
50 mm/min), obtained for a dwell
Rotation speed time of 7.2 s, rotation
(750, 950, 1180 speed of 950 rpm and
rpm) plunge rate of 30
 Variable  Metode Box Behnken
Dependent: UTS, dan RSM dapat
mechanical properties.

The optimum failure load

of 7.83 kN was obtained
for a dwell time of 7.2 s,
rotation speed of 950 rpm
and plunge rate of 30
3. H. Effect of tool geometry on hook formation International Material: Annealed
Badarinarayan and static strength of friction stir spot Journal of 5754 sheets of 1.32 mm
welded aluminum 5754-O sheets Machine Tools thickness
(2009) & Manufacture
Q1 The FSSW tool is made
from standard tool steel
(H13) material

The welding process

parameters are: tool
rotation speed 1500
rpm, tool plunge speed
of 20 mm/min and a
dwell time of 2 s.

spot welds made with

the concave, convex
and flat shoulder
profiles are designated
and FSSW-F,
Variabel dependen: lap

4. H.A. The influence of process parameters in Journal of FSW Kekuatsn dissimilar joint
Derazloka., et friction stir welding of Al-Mg alloy and Manufacturing terdapat pada rotational
al polycarbonate Processes Material: AA5058 speed 1600 rpm dan v =
Q1 aluminum alloy dan 45mm/min.
(2018) polycarbonate
Terdapat microcracks di
Variabel dependent: daerah SZ.
tensile strength,
bending, kekerasan,

Variabel independent:
rotational speed (960,
1200, 1600, dan 1940
rpm), tool travelling
speed (45 dan 90
mm/min), tool tilt angle
20, Tool plunge depth
0,3 mm.
5. Yuan, W., Effect of tool design and process parameters Journal of FSSW kedalaman penetrasi bahu
Mishra., on properties of Al alloy 6016 friction stir Materials 0,2 mm; kecepatan putaran
Chen, Y.L, et spot welds Processing Material: AA 6016-T4 alat yang berbeda, 1500
al Technology rpm untuk alat CP dan
Q1 Variabel 2500rpm untuk alat OC
(2010) independent:rotational
spindle 2500 dan 3000
rpm, concave shoulder,

Variabel dependent:
macrostucture, tensile
6 Y.C. Lin., Influence of process parameters on friction Journal of FSSW
J.N. Chen. stir spot welded aluminum joints by various Materials
threaded tools Processing Material: Al–Mg
(2015) Technology (A5052-H32) and Al–
Mg–Si (A6061-T6)
FSSW tools were made
of JIS SKD61 hardened
steel with a hard- ness
of HRc 50

The tool had a 10◦

concave shoulder
12mm in diameter, and
a cylindrical pin 5 mm
in diameter and 2.8 mm
in length

Percobaan pertama
diterapkan lembaran
yang berbeda tumpang
tindih A5052-H32
(atas) dan A6061-T6
(lebih rendah)

4 Boucherit et Effect of a Zn interlayer on dissimilar FSSW FSSW

al of Al and Cu
The welds at the 0.6
mm and 1.2 mm plunge
depth, Rotational speed
900, 1800 rpm

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