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“How to Deal with Laziness”

What do you think about Laziness? Alright, it is bad habit in our life. Usually we always
underestimate a job or duty. And we will forget the deadline of this job. “Someday I had
many duties in campus. In my opinion I will do it later. The next day, my lecturer gave
me a duty again. Because of I am lazy, I think I will do it later. Every duties I always do it
later. At the time I did not realize that the first duty will collect tomorrow. Than the
second duty was collected today. In fact, I can not do it at the moment. So i got bad
score in those duties.

Ok guys!, the question is how to deal with laziness?, lets take a look on the slide. I have
two ways to deal it. The first way is be on time in every moments. You should discipline
about your times. Because it will prevent the laziness. Especially about your duties. If
you always discipline time in your activities, it will become your habit in daily activities.
Do your lecturer always gives you some assignments?. And you think you will do it later.
In fact, you do not do it until the duty is collected. So you should do your assignment or
homework as soon as possible. And be on time to do it. Than the second is planning the
schedule effectively. Why do you should plan your schedule?. It will help you to manage
your schedule in your daily acivities. We know, we are busy man. We have many
schedule in our activities right!. Its’ means, we should plan our schedule effectively.
Which one is our priority and which one is the second priority. I have many schedules in
my daily activity. Such as helps my parents, going to campus, doing my homework, and
playing with my friends. At the moment, I played with my friends. We went to Kelud
mountain. We started from Jombang in the morning. Than we arrived on Kelud in the
afternoon. A few moments later, my classmate called me on WhatsApp. He reminded
me about the duties. Directly I realized that my duties would be collected at night. And I
forgot about it. Yeaahh because of I did not manage my schedule, I did not collect my
duties at the time. So planning the schedule effectively is very important for us.

Ok! Laziness is enemy for us. Many people do not success in their live because of lazy.
So we should plan our schedule and do the homework on time. Because if you want to
be a success person, you should fight back your laziness. And building your mindset that
laziness is a seed of failure.

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