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Circuit components:

An electronic signalling device that makes a noise. It can be used to draw someone’s
attention. Their also often used in gaming shows.

LED stands for light emitting diode. This small invention emits light when
activated. LEDs have lots of qualities which make them better than normal
bulbs such as; they emit more watts, they can emit various colours, they can
be small and compact, they radiate a lot less heat and they can be dimmed.

A transistor is a device that regulates electrical flow. This device is a key component in
many modern electrical devices. Unfortunately, the transistor is prone to aging and
can over time fail.

A switch stops and starts electrical flow. Switches are used in almost
all electrical devices to turn them on and off.

Batteries convert chemical energy directly into electrical energy. Batteries are used
to power circuits and almost all devices.

Variable resistor-
A variable resistor is like a normal resistor however can regulate
the amount of electrical flow instead of only being able to regulate
let’s say 500 watts.

By Daisy Schive 8Z1

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