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Melen Consultancy, #29/11, 1st cross st.

, Raghavan colony, Ashok Nagar,

Chennai – 600 083. Ph: 044-4353 4012, 98842 98467, 97106 19564
Email:, Website:

1. Arrive early. If you are late, make sure to apologize to the hiring manager, and explain why. Be
confident. Use a professional email id and not like

2. Dress for success. Although, many companies are business casual these days, it’s still important to
dress appropriately for an interview.

3. Make sure you make eye contact in the interview. Shake the interviewer’s hand. Sit up straight, and
look interested during the discussion. Don’t fiddle or fidget. Do not use slang during the interview. Be
professional, serious and polite.

4. If you have not interviewed in a while, buy a book on interviewing. Go over sample questions and
think about your answers. You don’t want to sound overly rehearsed, but you don’t want to be rusty

5. It should go without saying that you should not bring your iPods/Tabs and should be put safely away.
Cell phones should be put on silent.

6. Answer the interviewer’s questions with demonstrated accomplishments. Many employers train
their managers in behavior based interviewing techniques. That means they want specifics on
demonstrated accomplishments. Therefore, don’t answer questions with just a yes or no answer. Don’t
dodge the question. However, don’t ramble on and on as well. Speak in a clear voice.

7. Be truthful. Never mislead or lie about your credentials, but make sure you make the most of your
background. You should not leave an interview without the potential employer knowing about an
important accomplishment that you think relates to the position you’re discussing.

8. Research the company. Look at the company website. Prepare interesting questions.

9. Answer salary questions directly. Too many candidates are vague about their salary and that is an
immediate turn-off to potential employers. If you have flexibility in your salary requirements, state that.
Don’t go in asking about benefits and stating what you need before you will accept a job.You’ll end up
not getting an offer if you make demands right up front.

10. Tell the interviewer you would really like to have the job before you leave. Thank them for their time
as well. Shake their hand and ask when you will hear from them next.

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