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Final Report, June 2019

Comprehensive Midwifery Care Case Report To Mrs. E G2P1A0H1 Aged 24 Years

Old In The Independent Practice Of Midwives Ririk Puji Lestari, Amd.Keb
Tanjungpinang In 2019
Nur Azizah Agustina, Neny San Agustina Siregar, Dewi Mey Lestanti Mukodri

vi + 99 Pages + 11 Tables + 3 Images + 1 Chart + 15 Attachments


Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) and Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) is one of
the important indicators that become a reference in the health status of a nation.
Based on data from the Tanjungpinang City health office in 2017 the number of MMR
in Tanjungpinang is 49.64 / 100,000 live births while the number of IMR in 2017 is
5.96 / 1000 live births. In an effort to reduce mortality and reduce MMR, midwives in
their duties play a very important role in providing comprehensive midwifery care
from pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum to newborns. The purpose of this Final
Project Report is to implement comprehensive midwifery care at 24-year-old Mrs. E
at The Independent Practice Of Midwives Ririk Puji Lestari, Amd. Keb
Tanjungpinang in 2019.
The assesment was carried out using a case study approach and
documentation carried out using SOAP. Data taken using primary and secondary
data. The place and time of care took place at The Independent Practice Of Midwives
Ririk Puji Lestari, Amd. Keb from January 28, 2019 to April 8, 2019 with Mrs. E
aged 24 years and Mrs. E baby as the subject of this case report, the result of this
comprehensive care is there is one gap in childbirth care Mrs. E.
Comprehensive midwifery care for Mrs. E and her baby have not been
found to complicate complications and complications. The suggestions from this
Final Project Report for clients are that clients are expected to continue to apply and
implement care and health education taught such as breast care, exclusive
breastfeeding and pregnancy exercise, so that mothers and healthy babies without
any complications.

Keyword : Case Report, Comprehensive Midwifery Care

Bibliography : 26 References (2009-2018)

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