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Script for exxam storytellingg in take a courrse on ENTER © Adnan Rahmaadi 2018

FANTTASIA Thhe adventture of Lazzy SMURFF  
ng it’s ok, evven when yo
ou don’t do aanything) 

La la la la Sing a H
Happy Son
ng (1 minutees) 
La la la-la la la, [Papa Sm
Sing a happ py song. Simple ass can be. [Gargam mel]
La la la-la la la, I'll get you,
y I'll get all of you if
Smurf the whole day lon [Sung by Smurfs in unison] it's the last
l thing I eveer do!
Next time e you're feelin
ng blue hehehehe!
[Whistled] just let a smile begin,
La la la-la la la Happy things will comee to you... [Sung byy Smurfs in un
La la la-la la la,
[Papa Smuurf] [Smurfettte] Now you know the tu une,
Smurf alon
ng with me! So smurf yourself a grin!
[Harmony Smurf playys the "la la
[Whistled] [Ominouss Gargamel music]
m la-la la la" tune (barely) on his
La la la-la la la off-key trumpet]
[Gargame el]
Oooooo I hate Smurfs!! e Smurfing soon!
You'll be
[Azrael meows]

Source: http
ue (50 secondd) 
A hundred years ago in a village
v of sm
murf, lived a smurfs
s who is
i a cute bluee body and always
make a white hat. There are
a many chaaracters of sm murf. In view
w of a limited
d duration, the story
only for a lazyy smurf (whisspered: duraation only 10
0 minutes, argh… not eno ough time).

“TThat is right a lazy smurf? Lazy smurff? Yuhuu… Hello?”

Whispering: A lazy Smurff still is sleep

Script for exxam storytellingg in take a courrse on ENTER © Adnan Rahmaadi 2018

Lazy Sm
murf smelll a cupcakke (1 minutess) 

Laazy Smurf wo
oke up when
n he smelled a delicious ssarsaparilla cake
c from a Smurfette
S ho

Hmm smell is good…”


Aah… incredible you wokke up earlier. This is a deelicious sarsaaparilla cake for you.”

“TThank you Sm
mm yummy…

njoyed ate a sarsaparilla cake. Meanw

Laazy Smurf en while Smurfeette continuee to made an

How about a taste, it’s deelicious? Lazzy smurf? Yuhuu…”


Laazy Smurf fell asleep again!

Lazy Sm
murf smelll a perfum
me (1 minutes) 

Music: Dance Tonight from

Iwwanna dancee tonight unttil forever
Leet this be thee time of ourr lives
Oh let me seee the light annd feel so beaautiful
Leet this be thee time of ourr life

Wow the sing is beautifu

“W ul and hmm smell
s is sharp

Laazy Smurf wooke up again

n after hear singing
s and smell
s perfumme from Vanity Smurf. Lazy smurf
daancing with Vanity
V Smurrf. Vanity smurf like it, beecause lazy smurf want to
o accompanyy him to

Hi Lazy Smurrf do you likee my perfume? This is forr you becausse has been dancing
“H d with
h me.”

Script for exxam storytellingg in take a courrse on ENTER © Adnan Rahmaadi 2018

After that, Vanity Smurf lo

ooked a mirrror. Hi hi hi Lazy
L Smurf fe
ell asleep agaain after he got
g a

“LLet’s dance again.

a Lazy sm
murf? Yuhuu
u… Hello?”

Lazy Sm
murf got an apple (1  minutes) 
Hurray! My arrow
a hit a taarget…”

Thhe situation becomes no oisy with arch unter Smurf.. Lazy Smurf woke up
hery trainingg activities Hu
aggain! And then Hunter Sm murf ask Lazzy Smurf to beb placed on his head an apple as an archery
taarget. The reeward, he willl give him a basket of ap

Are you read

“A ot an apple it.”
dy Lazy Smurrf. I will shoo

Su pinning over his head Hunter Smurf, thus disrupting its conceentration.
uddenly therre is a bee sp
Hunter Smurff got rid of it first. After that He began to shoot on target again. Oops Lazyy Smurf
feell asleep agaain. The Apple fell from his
h head.

Agh… darn you Lazy Smu

“A urf, failed myy practice and broken myy concentration. Just takee all the
pple, I don't enthusiasticc again.”

But Lazy Smurf don’t hearr him. He felll asleep again. And Lazy Smurf
S lucky boy, he get a basket
off apples. 
Lazy Sm
murf got… (guess yo
ourself ☺))  (2.5 minnutes) 
After Hunter Smurf
S gone, Hefty Smurff passed and
d saw Lazy Sm
murf asleep besides
b a bassket of

Puih lucky me
“P m not like a Lazy
L Smurf, every
e day hee lazy to movve and doing something. Huh…
different with
h me. I am a man strong, a real man”

“H e you sure a real man He

He he he, are efty Smurf?”

Oh no… quietly watching from behind

O d. Hefty Smu
urf become awkward,
a but he must sh
how a
taalent to Smurfette.

““Do you know

w a secret ab
bout my strength?”

What is that,, Hefty Smurrf?”


“TThis is a lovee tattoo in myy backhand. Can you seee?”

Script for exxam storytellingg in take a courrse on ENTER © Adnan Rahmaadi 2018

Argh you aree ‘lebay’… I hate
h you…”

murfette verry angry and loud a sound that impacct Lazy Smurrf woke up aggain. Lazy sm
Sm murf sing a
ong to ease anger Smurffette.

Don’t be anggry Smurfettee. Let’s sing together.”

“D t

Ref: (Song froom Britney Sp pear: Ooh Laa La)

Ooh my my baby don't bee shy
I ssee that sparrk flashing in
n your eye
My heart beats fast 'causee I want it alll
Soo baby comee with me an nd be my oohh la la

Taake my hand d, we can go all night

And spin me round
r just th
he way I like
It feels so goo
od, I don't waanna stop
Soo baby comee with me an nd be my ooh h la la

Ooh Lazy Sm
“O murf so sweett cup cap cup

OMG… Smurffette kissed a Lazy Smurff. Unfortunattely, Hefty Smmurf jealous to Lazy Smu
urf always
a lucky man. After
A kissed a Lazy Smurff fell asleep aagain ☺.

“TTime is over,, it is finish! Huaah…

H He sank
s to the ground,
g too weary
w to walk another sttep. Why
noot me? Stop… stop the story must bee The END…””

Th o even you don’t do anyything. Like as

he moral of hazard: Everrything it’s ok, a Lazy smurrf
only sleep. Hee get a delicio
ous cake from smurfettee. Got a perfu
ume from Vaanity Smurf,
Got a basket of
o apples forrm Hunter Sm murf, and kisssed from Sm
murfette. Heffty Smurf
only boastful about his strrength.

Characters off SMURF  
(taaken from http

Paapa Smurf is the

t leader andd elder of the Smurfs and caan be easily distinguished by
b his red clotthes and
buushy white beeard. The Smu
urfs turn to Paapa Smurf wheen things go wrong.
w Papa Smurf
S is skilled
d in making
magical spells and
a potions. He
H is much old der than the other
o Smurfs.

he Smurf village. Most of th

murfette was the only femaale smurf in th
Sm he time Smurffette is portraayed as an
bject of admirration of many other Smurffs

Laazy Smurf (a.kk.a. Sleepy Sm

murf) Lazy Smu murfs. He spends almost all his time
urf is the laziesst of all the Sm
n the grass, orr anywhere, at any time, daay or night.
sleeping, eitherr in his bed, a hammock, on

Hefty Smurf haas incredible strength and ofteno is seen doing

d t heavy work in the villagge. He also
a lot of the
haas a tattoo onn his right arm m (or sometimes both of his arms) of a red heart with an
a arrow thro ough it. His
faavorite activityy is lifting weights and doin
ng other formss of exercise

ower in his hatt, and he often holds a hand mirror,

Vaanity Smurf iss the epitome of a narcissistt. He has a flo
sttaring into his own reflectio

Hunter Smurf is the Smurfs' residential huunter. He weaars a feather in

n his hat and has
h a bow and
d arrows.
h targets. 
He is a very ineept archer, however, and hee always manages to miss his


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