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Nurse and Patient

Nurse : Good morning

Patient : Good morning

Nurse : How are you doing this morning? What do you feel?

Patient : My body feels very weak

Nurse : Good, wait a minit. The doctor has prescibed medicationt for you

Patient : Okay ners. I want to get better treatment

Nurse : I’m glad we can help you

Patient : Thank you. Can you tell me the rules for taking thing medicine?

Nurse : Of course you can! Need to take this medicine once a day before going to

Pateint : How long should i take it

Nurse : Ten days for this one, remember it’s very important for you to spend all
packages. If you have to drink two in the morning

Patient : Well, is it safe to use aspirin ?

Nurse : You may not use aspirin when you are like this.

Patient : Oh so, are there any side effects?

Nurse : Side effects are veru rare but may be drowsy, pushing, blurred vision,
apdominal pain, nausea, nervousness and constipation. It is recommended that you
avoid physical exercise or driving.

Patient : Okay if there is

Nurse : Is there anything else that i can help ?

Patient : No, that’s all. Thank you for the help. Have a nice day

Nurse : Your welcome. Get well son.

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