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The Greedy Tiger

In the jungle, far away,

there lived a tiger and a

The Greedy Tiger

One morning, the rabbit

came out to look for food.
At the same time, the tiger
was hungry too. So it also
came out to look for food.

The Greedy Tiger

The rabbit came to a

stream. It saw a bush.

The Greedy Tiger

A hunter was looking for

animals. He had a big
gun. He saw the rabbit
and shot at it.

The Greedy Tiger

The rabbit ran and ran.

The hunter chased after
the rabbit. The rabbit ran
away from the hunter inti
the hunger tiger.

The Greedy Tiger

The tiger scared the poor

rabbit. The rabbit begged
not eat him. The rabbit was
clever and wanted to trick
the tiger and asked tiger to
follow him to the stream.
The Greedy Tiger

The hunter saw the rabbit

and also saw the tiger. He
shot at it. The clever rabbit
jumped into a hole. The
rabbit was safe. The tiger
was hurt.
The Greedy Tiger

The hunter chased after

the tiger.

The Greedy Tiger

The tiger ran for its life. It

ran away from the hunter
and his gun.

The Greedy Tiger

It is easy to trick someone

who is greedy.


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