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Political Corruption Essay

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Political corruption has existed throughout the ages. It believed to
be most prominent in positions of power, because of the role
money plays in getting people power. However, over the
centuries, corruption has changed so much so as to not match a
particular definition of corruption, perpetually growing
deceptively harder to find (Ebbe). The broadest, most suitable
definition which exists today simply states that corruption is any
illegal act performed by a politician to produce results which
would have been otherwise impossible (Ebbe). In some cases,
government, politicians, and criminals entwine for the sake of
amassing money in order to secure their own jobs. This form of
corruption was apparent in the mafia’s association with
the…show more content…
This paired with poor law enforcement yields an impossibly hard to get rid of corruption. In
Kenya, political corruption has grown rampant. People, who are supposed to be representing the
interests of their constituency, instead take money from the constituents to keep their representative
positions. Political corruption is parasitic; it finds a host, and can almost always find a way to
survive. Eventually, people grow dependent on this corruption as a means for income, thus forming
a symbiosis between the people who benefit from it, and the elites that regulate it. People
sometimes ignore the corruption surrounding them, feeling that as long as the politicians do their
jobs well, their ‘extra salary’ can’t hurt (BNS). Generally after revolutions take place, anarchy
exists. No new government simply moves into place. During this time, it is easiest for Corruption
to take hold of this Government as it forms, limiting or halting the true development of a
government for the people. In an environment infested with corruption, any acts of corruption
simply become commonplace. Where anarchy exists, people lack the power of representation. If
there is a government in which corruption exists, people lack a voice with which to take action. A
government is necessary for the growth of people and nations as a whole. If the government is not
legitimate, it will only act as a parasite to its host--the people and the country’s economy. Various
steps have been

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