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Ladies and Gentlemen, we welcome you to the 121st Philippine Independence Day Jobs and Business

Fair. Today we commemorate the valor and bravery of our dear Filipino heroes who have fought
valiantly for our freedom and democracy.

We have prepared several activities and surprises for everyone in the hall today. So sit back relax and
enjoy the show.

To formally start our program we would like acknowledge assistance given to us by the city of Tacloban
in making this activity possible. To welcome us all to today’s festivities, let’s now call on the Acting City
Mayor of Catbalogan, Hon. Archie Fuentes.

Secretary Silvestre H. Bello III would have wanted to celebrate with us today however, due to several
compelling circumstances he has to be somewhere else. Nonetheless, he sends us his well wishes and
spirit of camaraderie through an inspiring independence day message. Here to deliver the secretary’s
message is no less than very dynamic, enigmatic and passionate regional director of the Department of
Labor and Employment Regional Office Eight, Director Yahya A. Centi.

Here to help us fully understand why we are holding this activity today is the Officer in Charge of the
DOLE Samar Field Office, Engr. Aleksei Cessar D. Abellar for the Rationale and background of the activity.


The Department of Labor and Employment Regional Office Eight has always received stringent support
and assistance from many of our stakeholders. For the past years, DOLE has worked institutional
partners in the implementation and expedient delivery of its programs.

Our men from the Philippine Army, being one of our robust and dedicated partners in the service have
continually supported all our efforts in expediting and expanding the services of the department and in
enhancing our reach to our clients and beneficiaries. Here to give us his solidary message is the
Commander of the 8th Infantry Division of the Philippine Army, Brigadier General Raul M. Farnacio.

Of course this day would not have been complete without the assistance of the Provincial Government
of Samar. To give us her message, we have______

A few years back, the Department of Labor and Employment has inked a memorandum of agreement
with the department of trade and industry in an effort to enhance the trabaho, negosy and kabuhayan
program. We also have here today, the Regional Director of the Department of Trade and Industry,
Director Celerina T. Bato.

All good things must also end to pave way to a new beginning. To formally close our first part of the
program, we have the assistant regional director of the DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT,
the steadfast and the brave Atty. Cecilio I Balena.


To formally start the most awaited part of today’s festivities, we once again welcome Director Yahya A.
Centi for the declaration of the official opening of the Trabaho, negosyo at Kabuhayan fair.

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