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1. He is the “Father of Pedagogy” and considered the first to teach young children of preschool age.

A. John Dewey
B. Howard Gardner
C. Burrhus Skinner
D. Johann Heinrich Peztalozzi

2. Learning disability is detected when the child:

A. has visual or hearing difficulty.
B. is a brain injured and has difficulty in talking.
C. is mentally retarded or has emotional disturbance.
D. does not achieve commensurate with his/her ability level.

3. What should the teacher apply when struggles between children emerge during play?
A. Conflict Management
B. Facilitation
C. Motivate
D. Observation

4. Which is the most essential consideration in making a schedule in the preschool?

A. Copy the schedule from your companions since the activities are the same.
B. Make a variety of activities in the schedule.
C. Plan a sequence of events that occur daily in the preschool program that would satisfy the needs of the
D. Wait for the need to arise, then make a schedule.

5. What mathematical skills can be integrated by counting?

A. Addition, measurement
B. Geometry, seriating
C. Temporal concept, comparing
D. Classifying, telling time

1. With the promotion of social justice in mind, which does NOT belong to the group?
A. Equitable access to education
B. Profit sharing
C. Diffusion of wealth
D. Absolute right over property

2. Which part of the Visayas receives the least precipitation?

A. Northern
B. Eastern
C. Western
D. Central

3. When the Filipino reformists asked for the assimilation of the Philippines by Spain, what did they ask for?
For the Philippines to ________.
A. become independent from Spain
B. become a province of Spain
C. be independent from Spain with certain conditions
D. be represented in the Spanish Cortes

4. How is the so-called colonial mentality manifested?

A. Cultural relativism
B. Cultural diversity
C. Xenocentrism
D. Ethnocentrism

5. The maximum price that can be legally changed for a good or service is called _____.
A. minimum wage
B. price floor
C. legal wage
D. price ceiling

Answers to DAY 16’s LET questions for early childhood education specialization:
1. D. Johann Heinrich Peztalozzi
2. D. does not achieve commensurate with his/her ability level.
3. A. Conflict Management
4. B. Make a variety of activities in the schedule.
5. A. Addition, measurement

1. Which among the following is a mood disorder?

A. Bipolar disorder
B. Obsessive/compulsive disorder
C. Phobias
D. Selective mutism

2. It is the placement of a disabled child who is enrolled in a special class, in a regular school, where a
student could participate in some activities with nondisabled peers.
A. Normalization
B. Mainstreaming
C. Integration
D. Inclusion

3. This is the inability or loss of ability to manipulate arithmetic symbols and do mathematical calculations
A. Congenital Arithmetic Disorder
B. Gerstman Syndrome
C. Dyscalculla
D. Acalculla

4. It states: “Where needs warrant, there shall be at least one special class in every province, and if
possible, special schools for the physically handicapped, the mentally retarded, the emotionally disturbed
and the specially gifted. The private sectors shall be given all the necessary inducement and
A. Declaration of the Rights of the Mentally Retarded
B. Education Act of 1982 (Batas Pambansa 232)
C. Child and Youth Welfare Code (PD 603)
D. Rights of the Disabled

5. This is defined as any restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range
considered normal for a human being.
A. Abnormality
B. Disability
C. Handicap
D. Impairment
Answers to DAY 17’s LET questions for social studies specialization:
1. D. Absolute right over property
2. C. Western
3. B. become a province of Spain
4. C. Xenocentrism
5. D. price ceiling

1. The dimension taken from front to the rear of the object is referred to as _______.
A. width
B. length
C. depth
D. height

2. Which type of financial statement shows how much cash is coming in and how much you are paying for
purchases and other expenses?
A. Income Statement
B. Balance sheet
C. Cash flow statement
D. Account Statement

3. What wrench is used to unscrew headless screws?

A. Adjustable wrench
B. Box-end wrench
C. Open-end wrench
D. Allen wrench

4. Which is true of the Russian style of table service? A waiter serves

A. the different courses one at a time.
B. the food using blue plate.
C. all the food using trolley.
D. the food using underliner.

5. Which wood joint is the simplest and easiest to make?

A. Dado
B. Miter
C. Rabbet
D. Butt
Answers to DAY 18’s LET questions for special education specialization:
1. A. Bipolar disorder
2. C. Integration
3. D. Acalculla
4. C. Child and Youth Welfare Code (PD 603)
5. B. Disability

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