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Global Citizenship Education

The world is becoming one the challenges we face are diverse but they concern us all.
We need global solutions but where do we find them? Education teaches us how to read, write
and count, that is important, but is it enough? Because, individual actions now have a global
impact, we have to change the way we think and act. What if education is transformative, what if
education teaches encouraged us to care for our world and for those with whom we share it?
What if education taught us about peace, protecting our environment, human rights, respect,
cultural diversity and justice? What is Education gave us the skills we need to answer the big
questions of the day? To find solutions to the interconnected challenges of the 21st century. GCE
it gives us the keys to a more just, peaceful, tolerant and inclusive world.

Education fosters global citizenship when students learn about global issues and
how these impact their communities. When young people are giving the opportunity to learn from
each other and when they’re taught to respect each other’s differences and opinion. Global
citizenship education is most effective when teachers engage in participatory approaches to
learning and are equipped with appropriate teaching materials, gce is most likely to succeed when
all people feel respected as human beings and are encouraged to participate in school life. We
can all be global citizens.

Global citizenship education is an idea whose time has come. As the world faces ever
more complex and critical challenges, it has become a core part of what a quality education looks
like in the 21st century. With the adoption of the SDGs, there is recognition that access to this
type of education is an equity issue. All young people, regardless of their background, deserve to
be prepared for meaningful work in the global economy and to take part in solving the global
challenges that impact their lives and communities.

The way I see it, here are factors that should be considered and needs to happen before
global citizenship education advances. Some barriers to global citizenship education are not
mentioned in the given paper but I searched online and found some answers. United Nations has
identified several barriers to global citizenship education, one of which is the outmoded learning
materials and lack of teacher capacity in area. But, the biggest challenge are children in poor
countries that face many barriers to accessing an education. Some are obvious — like not having
a school to go to — while others are more subtle, like the teacher at the school not having had
the training needed to help children learn effectively.

Increasing access to education can improve the overall health and longevity of a society, grow
economies, and even combat climate change. Yet in many developing countries, children’s
access to education can be limited by numerous factors.

Despite the fact that education is a universal human right, being denied access to school
is common for the world’s 93 million children with disabilities. Based on a survey from, some of the world’s poorest countries, up to 95% of children with disabilities are
out of school. A combination of discrimination, lack of training in inclusive teaching methods
among teachers, and a lack of accessible schools leave this group uniquely vulnerable to being
denied their right to education.

But then again, we live in a globalized world. People, places and economies are
increasingly interdependent and interconnected. Ongoing global challenges are impacting all
sorts and kinds of solutions that requires thinking and acting beyond national borders. Young
people want an education that is relevant to their worlds and aspirations. Global citizenship
education can help us live together in peace, it nurtures respect for all a sense of belonging to
common humanity based on human rights. It helps learners think critically, understand the
interconnections between the local and global. It build motivation to engage and assume active
roles to resolve global challenges and contributes to a more jus peaceful, tolerant and sustainable
world. Global citizenship education can be delivered in schools in variety of subjects but also
outside of school, community, association, authorities, media, and family, it concerns everybody.

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