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When you hear the word intelligence, the concept of IQ testing may immediately come

to mind. Intelligence is often defined as our intellectual potential; something we are born

with, something that can be measured, and a capacity that is difficult to change. In

recent years, however, other views of intelligence have emerged. Many students today

were afraid of showing the talents and skills that god gave them. The talents that is

known is found to be according to some experts as an intelligence. On the other hand, it

is known that there are many problems that exist in the country, especially when looking

for a job.. Many graduates had taken their courses because they are not inclined to the

course they had taken. So to help recognize those problems, the education has come

up to emerging new paradigm of assessment where it will help students to recognize

what particular skills they are inclined with.

The new paradigm will help recognize the multiple intelligence that the students
possesses .Multiple Intelligence helps everyone, especially the selected students to
enrich the intelligence they are not inclined with. In this new paradigm of implication,
multiple intelligence has a great role and implication in shaping and giving the students
a better future .This also help how they will choose their course in the college.


Youth displays different interest now a days ,some could be seen likely to music
through playing musical instruments, singing and dancing modern or folk. Some
areparticipant to drama-fest, debates and declamation also, they display their talents
through arts. Out of curiosity, the researcher is eager to know the multiple intelligences
consumed by the selected grade 11 students. Upon distinguishing these intelligences,
the researcher believes that this research has a great part in the development of
selected Grade 11 students that is choosing their course they want in college.

According to the theory of multiple intelligence it suggests that traditional psychometric

views of intelligence are too limited. Gardner first outlined his theory in his 1983 book

"Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences," where he suggested that all

people have different kinds of "intelligences." Gardner proposed that there are eight

intelligences, and has suggested the possible addition of a ninth known as "existentialist



Multiple Intelligence , Theory by Howard Gardner (1983)Gardner prefers to describe

cognitive ability as a set of eight intelligences. Multiple intelligence according to

Gardner’s multiple intelligences theory an individual possesses in varying strengths and

preferences at least eight discrete intelligences: linguistic, logical mathematical, spatial,

musical, bodily-kinesthetic , interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic.Gardner

theory suggests that the manner in which subject matter is conveyed will influence that

the individual ability to learn, and that the teachers need to take all of these

intelligences into account when planning instruction.


Multiple intelligence, reveal what an individual capabilities were. It describe the

seven ways of knowing such as Musical, Logical-Mathematical, Interpersonal, Body-

Kinesthetic, Intrapersonal, Existential, Linguistic. Multiple Intelligence helps point

students in the direction of particular course they are interested in based from what they

exhibited. The knowledge about Multiple Intelligence will give its contribution to the

school future program as well as to their goals and objectives for their plan with the

prpreparation of student future.



Grade 11 students of Information of

Liliw Senior High School Distribution of importance of multiple
questionnaires intellegence

Figure 1: Input and Output Process

The Grade 11 students was the input since they are the respondents . They will

serves as input that will a great contribution to the research paper. The process was the

method that was used to make the output. The question that was included in the

questionnaires from was the instrument used for dats collection . The data collected

was the basis of the output , it reveals the importance of multiple intelligence in the

students of Liliw Senior High School.


To determine the importance of Multiple intelligence in the study of selected Grade 11

students of Liliw Senior High School, the following questions were raised:

1. Which multiple intelligence are commonly found in Grade 11 students of Liliw

Laguna Senior High School?

A. Musical

B. Logical-Mathematical

C .Interpersonal

D. Body-Kinesthetic

E .Intrapersonal

F .Existential

G. Linguistic

2 How do they manage to use their multiple intelligence simultaneously?

3 .Why is it important t to know the importance of multiple intelligence?


The hypothesis of this study is if there is a significant difference between the multiple

intelligence of the grade 11 students of Liliw Senior High School


This focused on the multiple intelligence of the selected Grade 11 student in Liliw

Senior High School. The respondents of this study were limited to the 255 students ,

coming from five sections, namely: 11-Accontable,11- Active,11-Afffectionare,11-

Alluring and 11-Amicable for the school year 2018-2019.


The generalization of this present paper would be a great addition to the knowledge of

everyone vital results of the investigation could be highly important and beneficial

specifically to the following:


Through thus study the researcher believe that this would help selected Grade 11-

student to think what kind of Multiple Intelligence they have. This may also help them to

know if their skill is appropriate to the course that they will get after graduating.

As the one have a huge part in the learning process of the students this study will help

them to re assent and focus more on their fields and continuous a better learning

experience for students most especially to those will teach senior high school.


The paper would help them to guide their children in choosing their track it will also

give them an idea how their children generate on their decision.


It will serve as their reference and a basis for the research about importance of

Multiple Intelligence of Senior High School students that they may conduct in the future.


Multiple Intelligence-it means the same thing as a learning styles.

-Represent different intellectual abilities.

MUSICAL-intelligence involves in discerning sounds, their pitch, tone, rhythm, and


LOGICAL-MATHEMATICAL -intelligence, quantifying, things, making hypotheses and

proving them.

BOBY-KINESTHESTIC -intelligence that, coordinating your mind with your body.

INTERPERSONAL-is the ability to understand and interact effectively with on terns.

EXISTENTIAL-sensitivity and capacity to tackle deep questions about human existence,

such as the meaning of life, why we die, and how did we get here.

LINGUISTIC-is the ability to think in words and use language to express and appreciate

complex meaning.

Chapter III


The chapter discusses the research design, sources of data, instrumentation,

procedure in gathering data and the statistical treatment used in the study.


The researcher used the descriptive method of research. A standardized test or

questionnaire and interview is the tool in gathering data, intended to find out the multiple

intelligence of the selected Grade 11 students of Liliw Senior High School for the

academic year 2018-2019.


The population of this study were the Grade 11 students of Liliw Senior High School in

Brgy. Ibabang Taykin Liliw , Laguna. They were chosen for academic and accessibility

since the researcher is a student of the said school. Student during the academic year

2018-2019. The respondents were composed of 255 students. The researcher will use

the simple random probability sampling to utilize all the population to find out the

interest on the area of specialization of the student on the said school.


The researcher utilized the selected Grade 11 students of Liliw Senior High School as

respondents on their study to determine the importance of multiple intelligence in their



The researchers used standardized questionnaire to conduct their survey. This was

composed of 10 questions with no suggested answers to determine the interest of

Grade 11 students of Liliw Senior High School. The questions were open ended and

written in tagalong language for the respondents to better understand the questions.


Data gathering procedure is the chronological process that was use maybe by the

researcher to gather the data that is needed to prove the researcher hypothesis.

The collection of data for the research will start will formulating the questionnaire

assuring that it was connected to the theoretical and conceptual framework. Then the

researcher creates the letter that is asking permission in conducting the survey in the

local and let the researcher teacher to sign it. When the permit is approve by the

research teacher. Researcher begun to administered the data collection by asking

permission to the principal of the school and adviser of each section who was affected

by the survey. The purpose of the letter is to ask concern to distribute the research

questionnaire to the Grade 11 students who are the main respondents in research. It
will be given to the respondents who are the Grade 11 students of Liliw Senior High

School based on their preference. The questionnaire was distributed in every section in

Grade 11 students in Liliw Senior High School that is chosen due to systematic

sampling wherein every students that get the number 5 will be answer the



This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies related to the

importance of Multiple Intelligence of the Grade 11 students in Liliw Senior High School.


The following literature reviews and studies is related to the importance of Multiple

Intelligence on the students of Liliw Senior High School.

According to ( Herndon , 2014 ) each person has different ways of learning and

different intelligent they we in their daily lives. While some can learn very well in a

linguistically – based environment ( reading and writing) , other are better taught

through mathematical , logical based learning. Still other benefit most from body –

kinesthetic intelligence ( learning by doing with the hands. Therefore he concluded that

each person possesses each intelligence to an extent, but there is always a primary for

more dominant intelligence.

According to ( Morgan , 2014 he support the Gardeners theory . He concluded that

use are all able to know the world though language, logical-mathematical analysis

spatial representation, musical making, the use of the body to solve problems or to

make things , an understanding of our solves. Where individual different is in the

strength of these intelligence and the ways in which such intelligences are involved and
combine to carry out different task , solve diverse problems and that his research

indicated that differentiated instruction benefits all student , but must be presented by

well – prepared , experience and knowledgeable teachers.

( Hanifin , 2014 ) an I rish researcher stated that multiple intelligence had a different

challenge in the educational system that assume that a uniform , universal measure

suffices to test student learning. This researcher determined that the out called system

of education in Ireland was adversely affecting student in the long term. By not

embracing methods of teaching based on different intelligences, students, often left

school feeling ‘under- valued .‘

According to (Napier, 2012 ) the student have dominant musical – rhythmic and

spatial - visual intelligent ; and the student prefer to learn through linguistic and

intrapersonal means. This means that students who have strong intrapersonal

intelligence tend to prefer to learn in linguistic ways. The study suggest that there is a

need for more instructional strategies that will tap the musical and visual intelligence of

the students; And more opportunities to demonstrate their learning through active

involvement sound related activities and reflection stimulating ways.

Das (2010) conducted a study on the relationship between multiple intelligence and

achievement in chemistry of higher secondary students. From the multiple intelligences

and achievement in chemistry , except for Logical - Mathematical Intelligence.


As different studies is being reviewed by the researcher. The researcher find out

that every study discussed about how the student learn using multiple intelligence. The

study also evaluate the regarding application of multiple intelligent theory into classroom

pedagogicall practice in order to determine what is the relationship of multiple

intelligence theory and indicators of student achievementIn.In order to capture the full

range of abilities and talents that people possess, Gardner theorizes that people do not

have just an intellectual capacity, but have many kinds of intelligence, including musical,

interpersonal, spatial-visual, and linguistic intelligences. While a person might be

particularly strong in a specific area, such as musical intelligence, he or she most likely

possesses a range of abilities. For example, an individual might be strong in verbal,

musical, and naturalistic intelligence. The studies conclude that learning more about the

multiple intelligence can help you better understand your own strengths and abilities.

Liliw Senior High School
Brgy. Ibabang Taykin Liliw , Laguna

Alvarado Amiralyn

Angcoy Sean Andrei

Borgonos Chelsea Nixie

Calayo Angela

Concha Danica

Gigantoni Jamaica

Gonzales Christine Joy

Perolino John Michael

San Juan Kathlyn

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