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Mason Dash

Wednesday, July 24

7:00 PM - Set-up (90 Minutes)

● Have a few volunteers meet at the NSFP office to grab supplies and begin
setting up
8:30 PM - Arrival/Group Designation/instructions (15 Minutes)
● Students Arrive
● Tell students to get into designated groups (Do groups based off day 1
o Vision House 1
o Vision House 1A
o Republic House 1
o Republic House 1A
o Republic House 2
o Republic House 2A
● The Mason Dash is an Amazing Race type of event, where students will be
in groups and run around campus doing various activities while competing
to win the title of the Mason Dash Champs. The winning team will receive
points towards the week-long competition.
● Rules
o No use of vehicles
o Teams will have (60) minutes to run around and complete all of
the challenges they can.
o Teams are due back to home-base of the Dewberry Lobby
atrium for scoring. Winners are announced and snacks
refreshments are enjoyed.
o Each team will be given a scorecard and a volunteer at each
station will complete “POINTS” column and initial
▪ Note: You all will not know what each activity is worth
o In the case of a tie-breaker, the team that returns first will be
crowned the winner. For example, Team A and Team B have
the same number of points, but Team B returned 4 minutes
earlier. They win.
o Questions?
8:45 PM - The Dash Begins (60 Minutes)
9:45 PM - Mason Dash Ends/Winners Announced (15 Minutes)
o Activity will end in Dewberry Lobby
o Have Refreshments for teams while volunteers calculate points
▪ Have 7 people do scoring and have other 8 wait to double check

Mason Dash Activity Descriptions/Point Values

Apple Stacking
Stack 4 apples on two team members to complete this challenge
Each team member must take turns stacking apples.
Point Value
5 Points

NFL Blitz
At least 5 team members must toss the football in each of the three trash cans.
Point Value
5 Points

Two team members must make a lay-up and a three-point shot. A half-court shot
gets extra points. Could have this running the shorter way along the court to only
take up half to where we could have four teams at once with two judges
Point Value
Varies by shots (5 points for the two members doing the lay-up and three-point
shot; 3 extra points if one team member does a half-court shot)

Volley Trash
One team member must complete this challenge by hitting a volleyball into the
trash cans at different levels to clear all of them
Point Value
5 Points

Plunger Toss
The team can use multiple members to toss the plunger into the hula hoop. 1 point
for the first ring and 3 for the second and 5 for the 3rd Must get a total of 9 points
to move on
Point Value
9 points

One team member must put a laundry basket on top of their head, and another team
member must throw dodgeballs into said basket. Once the basket is "overflowing",
the challenge has been completed.
Point Value
5 points

Blindfolded Puzzle
One team member must complete a little kid puzzle putting the pieces in correctly
while the entire team is blindfolded.
Point Value
6 points

Rubber Shooter
3 team members must hit each soda can off of the table in 1 minute by shooting a
rubber band at each can. Only one team member can go at a time.
Point Value
3 points

Elephant March
Four team members must put the pantyhose (with tennis balls) on head (Only one
team member can go at a time). Knock over the water bottles like an elephant
Point Value
3 points
Each team member must navigate through the "minefield" without stepping on a
piece of paper with a black "X" on the back side.
Point Value
3 points

Airplane Flyer
Five team members have to make a paper airplane and stand a certain distance
back while each of those members must get their paper airplane through the hoop
Point Value
3 points

Shark Attack
Five team members will have to complete a stack of 21 cups and put it up and then
tear it down into a single stack. Only one team member can go at one time.
Point Value
5 points

Memory Game
One person is flipping cards with faces over. You can only flip the cards one at a
time and your teammates can help from a distance as the team member flips the
cards over to try and match
Point Value
6 points

Parking Garage
One team member must run to the top of the Rappahannock Parking Garage using
the stairs while the other members cheer them on.
Point Value
3 Points
Mason Dash Final Scorecard

Team Name Team Captain Return Time Total Points

Mason Dash Official Scorecard
Team Name: _______________

Apple Stacking Johnson Center – Room 239A

NFL Blitz SUB 1 Quad

NBA Jam Presidents Park Basketball


Volley Trash Hampton Roads Volleyball Pit

Plunger Toss SUB 1 Quad

Overflow SUB 1 Quad

Blindfolded Puzzle George’s Restaurant

Rubber Shooter Johnson Center - Room 239A

Elephant March Johnson Center - Gold Room

Minesweeper Johnson Center - Room E

Airplane Flyer Johnson Center – Room C

Stack Attack George’s Restaurant

Memory Game Johnson Center – Gold Room

Parking Garage Rappahannock River Parking


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