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Classification of Compensation schemes: While there are various possible ways by

which the RPC schemes can be classified, there are two distinct ways relevant to
windfarm applications. These are as follows
Type of compensation – this classification is mainly based on the nature of switching
device and the basic Principle of operation of compensation scheme. Based on this the
types of compensation schemes available are
1. Fixed capacitors ( FC)
2. Mechanically switched capacitors (MSC)
3. Thyristor switched capacitors (TSC)
4. Static VAR Compensators (SVC) ( TSC + TCR)
5. Statcom / statcon
Location of compensation schemes – In this the various compensation schemes are
classified based on theirlocation. There are two broad categories based on this as
1. Individual compensation (On primary winding OR Secondary winding OR Tertiary
2. Group Compensation (at service connection OR at sub station) Each of these is
further sub-divided based on specific connection modes / configuration.
Types of compensation & their comparison.
The following are the types of compensation and their advantages and disadvantages.
The summary is shown in tables I & II
Fixed capacitors: These are the simplest of compensation and possibly the least
expensive. But these are not optimal, as they do not provide compensation over the
entire operating range. As evident from the WEG characteristics the reactive power
requirement is not a constant / fixed value but varies with wind velocity. So a fixed
compensation is not suitable for windfarm application. FC can compensate at only one
operating point and at other operating conditions there will be heavy export or import.
Mechanically switched capacitors: These are an improvement over fixed capacitors.
Here the reactive power output can be controlled and can be made to more or less
closely following the requirement. These are simple in construction and are low in cost.
But mechanical switches have the problem of producing switching inrush currents and
associated capacitor over voltages. (See table II for comparison of mechanical and
Thyristor switched capacitors). When mechanical switch opens, the contact volume is
filled with ionized matter (plasma) generated to the arc. Due to this the insulation
property of the air is low and is susceptible to a flashover. Within 10 ms (for 50Hz) the
voltage across the switch can be as high as 1350 V (for a 415 V system at 15 %
overvoltage, considering a charge on the capacitor corresponding to the peak voltage)
due to the charging effect of the capacitor. This is due to the fact that a mechanical
switch does not have a point of wave operation and can open when the voltage across
the capacitor is at peak. (In most cases this will happen, as the arc will be extinguished
at current zero, at which point the voltage will be at the peak due to the leading nature
of capacitive current). Due to this the switch can restrike and the voltage on the
capacitor can build up to dangerous levels. Also while closing the capacitor inrush
currents can be very high as the surge impedance of the circuit/system is very low. The
inrush currents can reach very high levels if the capacitor has some residual voltage.
Due to this fact the mechanically switched capacitors are given time delay to discharge
the residual voltage on the capacitors. This decreases the availability of the
compensation size. This inrush currents can be reduced by using large series current
limiting reactors, these reactors lead to large power losses in the system. Though
certain techniques are available for limiting the inrush currents (with out the use of large
& lossy series reactors), the problem of capacitor over voltage still remains.
Thyristor Switched capacitors: Unlike mechanically switched capacitors, a point on
wave switching is possible with thyristor switched capacitors. By this the inrush currents
are totally eliminated. Also since there is no chance of a restrike capacitor over voltages
are prevented. This improves the reliability of the total system. Since there are no
moving parts there is no limitation on the number and frequency of switching operations.
Unlike MSC, there is no need to wait for capacitor discharge before switching on the
capacitors again, there by the full compensation is always available. Though the losses
in a TSC may seem to be more than a MSC, it is not actually true, since a large value of
current limiting reactor is required for a MSC to get a comparable performance. This
reactor has large losses, which most often more than compensates for the losses in the
thyristor. Under these conditions the total losses in the two systems (TSC & MSC) will
be more or less the same. TSC has a faster response time than MSC and thus makes it
more suitable for dynamic compensation for widely varying loads.

Static VAR compensators:These have all the benefits of a TSC with the additional
benefit that the reactive power can be varied steplessly. The normal configuration has a
combination of TSC + FC (as tuned filters) + TCR ( Thyristor controlled reactor). The
TCR section is used for smooth control of reactive power. These are more suitable for
special industrial applications than Windfarm, mainly due to the high cost associated
with them. Also SVC has an additional feature that they can operate in both leading and
lagging current mode, a feature not required for Windfarm, but has to be paid for. Also
the losses in a SVC is more due to the presence of TCR.
Statcon / Statcom:These are similar in performance to SVC. Using only capacitors or
inductors or batteries, these devices can draw / supply both leading and lagging
currents. They have a very good response time and are more suitable for special
industrial loads like arc furnaces. They are not suitable for Windfarm applications due to
the large cost and loss associated with them. The present penalty rates (for VAR
consumption) just not justify installation of Statcom. Also the losses in the Statcom are
more due to the higher switching frequencies and the inherent losses in the devices
used (IGBT or GTO). Also due to operations at high switching frequencies they generate
high frequency harmonics.
Locational benefits and their comparison.
As mentioned, based on the location, the compensation can be classified as either
individual or group compensation. A summary of comparison of locations is presented in
table III.
Individual Compensation: when compensation is provided at each machine to
compensate for the reactive power consumed by each machine. The control signal for
controlling the RPC (i.e. switching of capacitors) is taken from the LT side (secondary)
of the step up transformer. (Refer figure I). Theoretically this is the best location as the
reactive power is supplied right at the point where it is required.
The three major disadvantages of this type of compensation are
1. Requirement of a larger compensation size and higher cost: This is due to the fact
that at each machine the total requirement for each machine is to be provided. This
results in larger size with a possibility of over compensation. Apart from this the cost is
also higher as each machine RPC requires a separate controller. This increase the fixed
cost of installation as well as the maintenance cost, as now more number of units are to
be maintained.
2. Possibility of over compensation and over excitation of WEG: This is a more serious
problem. This is due to the fact that the control is based on the measurement of
currents in individual lines. When the grid drops (when a upstream breaker opens), if
the amount of capacitance connected to individual WEG is adequate to satisfy the
condition for self excitation, then the WEG will go on generating power (if the wind is
available). Since this power cannot be evacuated, this gets stored in the WEG system.
Storing of energy in the electrical system leads to over voltages and storing of energy in
mechanical system leads to over speeds.

Till the grid drops the WEG terminal frequency and voltage are controlled by the grid
and once the grid drops the voltage and frequency are no longer in our control, but
depends on the amount of capacitor connected and the wind velocity. Ensuring that the
capacitors are disconnected within a second of opening of the upstream breaker can
prevent this condition. But the sensing of the upstream current is normally not done in
individual compensation and sensing of individual line currents may not indicate the
condition, as these currents need not become zero. So the WEG is left to the reliable
operation of the over voltage or over speed relay. The problem of over compensation &
self-excitation can be tacked through proper design of system and provision of special
protection & control features.
3. Compensation for transformer magnetizing VAR is not possible, as connection of
additional capacitors required for this will lead to over compensation & over voltages on
the WEG. Individual compensation can be provided at three distinct locations as follows.
On the Primary (HT) of the step up transformer: Not normally used, as the cost will be
very high. Possibility for compensation of transformer magnetizing VAR exists. On the
secondary (LT) side of the transformer: Simplest and most cost effective of all the
individual compensation schemes. But has all the drawbacks discussed above. On the
tertiary winding of the step up transformer: Though there is nothing new in this type of
compensation, being practiced for decades in power system, this has all the draw backs
of individual compensation with the additional limitation that it is suitable only for new
installations. Retrofit systems are not possible as no WEG has a three winding step up
transformer. Also a three winding transformer (of distribution class) has high loss and is
more expensive than a two winding transformer.
Group Compensation: This is provided in such a location as to compensate for two or
more WEG's connected at the point of common coupling (PCC). The major advantages
of this type of compensation are
1. The size and hence the cost of compensation is low. This is due to the averaging
effect (i.e. all WEG's do not require the peak VAR at the same time instant) due to
variation in operating conditions of all WEG's connected to the PCC. This also
effectively avoids over compensation. Also the fixed cost is lower due to one controller
for many WEG's.
2. Lower maintenance cost, as only a few RPC's have to be maintained.
3. The possibility of self-excitation is avoided as the main line current (at PCC) is
measured and used as a control signal for switching of the capacitors. In group
compensation the RPC can be connected at one of the following locations. (Refer figure
I) Service connection or PCC: The RPC is connected for each feeder compensation.
This has all the advantages of group compensation and can be optimized. There exists
a flexibility of configuring the system into fixed, semivariable and fully variable parts to
reduce the cost as well as the losses.
Sub station: Here one single compensation scheme is connected for compensating the
entire windfarm connected to the sub station. This configuration has the lowest unit
cost. Also since the size of the fixed part can be higher it can be configured as a
harmonic filter, thereby also providing harmonic elimination Sub station transformer s
tertiary: This is similar to previous scheme, only that the compensation is connected to
the tertiary of the SS transformer, if a three winding transformer is available.
Table 1.
Summary of various types of RPC schemes
Type of compensation Advantage Disadvantages
Fixed capacitors ( FC) Simple
Least expensive
Lowest loss in RPC scheme
Do not provide compensation over the
entire operating range
Can lead to over compensation and
associated problems
Not possible to control import /
export of RkVAR.
Mechanically switched
capacitors ( MSC)
Low cost
Low losses in RPC ( but losses
are high when current limiting
reactors are used, which are a
must to ensure better reliability)
Leads to capacitor inrush currents
and capacitor overvoltages
Poor reliability of capacitors and
Derating / decrease in capacitance
More compensation required
Thyristor switched
capacitors ( TSC)
High reliability
No capacitor inrush currents
and over voltages
No limit on number and
frequency of switching
More expensive than FC, but can be
on par with MSC for larger sizes
Losses on par with MSC, but losses
more than FC
Static VAR
Compensators ( SVC)
Stepless control of reactive
Can supply both leading and
lagging current
More losses than SVC
Statcom / statcon Stepless control of reactive
Can supply both leading and
lagging current
Very expensive
High losses
Doc. No. CGL/PS/PQ-02
Technical Note Proprietary Class 3 Crompton Greaves Ltd. 6
Table II
Comparison of MSC & TSC
Parameter Mechanically switched capacitors
Thyristor Switched capacitors (TSC)
Limitation on number
of switching
Number of operations are limited
due to mechanical / moving parts.
No limit as there is no moving part.
Limitation on
switching frequency
Limited due to moving parts and
inability to do point of wave
Unlimited as there are no moving
parts and point of wave switching is
Switch life Low. Switch life is limited by pitting
of contacts and fatigue in moving
High. Since there is no wear and tear,
erosion, pitting etc. switch life is high.
Capacitor life Low. Due to frequent inrush currents
and switching over voltages.
Very high. As there are no switching
inrush currents and over voltages.
Availability of
Low. Part compensation is not
available for some time due to time
delay built in for discharging
capacitors before reenergisation
100%. Since point of wave switching
is possible any capacitor can be
made ON / OFF at any time instant
with out any delay.
Suitability for
Windfarm application
Poor. Not recommended for frequent
switching as required in WEG
Ideal. Suitable for widely and
frequently varying power
requirements. Can dynamically track
and correct power factor
Point of wave
Not possible Possible
Doc. No. CGL/PS/PQ-02
Technical Note Proprietary Class 3 Crompton Greaves Ltd. 7
Table III.
Summary of Locational benefit for RPC Schemes for wind farms
Parameter Individual Compensation scheme
(on primary, secondary of tertiary
winding of transformer)
Group compensation scheme (at
service connection or sub station)
Total Size of
compensation required
High. As each WEG has to be
provided the full requirement.
Low. As there is an averaging effect
the total size required is low.
Cost High. Due to the higher size as well
as large number of individual
controllers (N times fixed cost)
Low. Due to lower size as well as
reduced / better utilization of fixed cost.
One controller for all WEG’s
Possibility of over
High. Due to higher size of
compensation required. Can be
taken care by special controllers &
protection schemes.
None. As total compensation required
is lower than the sum of requirement
for individual WEG.
Possibility of over
excitation and damage
to WEG
High. As main currents are not
sensed and the size of
compensation required is high
None. As the size is small and the
main currents are sensed.
Compensation for
transformer magnetizing
Not possible. As the compensation
is on the secondary side of the
Possible. As the compensation is at
the PCC
Operational ease Low. Higher maintenance Costs a
large no. of systems to be
High. Lower maintenance costs as a
very few systems to be maintained
Availability High. Even if one system fails only
that WEG is left without
Low. As a failure of one system would
affect more than one WEG. ( but
redundancy can be built in to increase
the availability)
Optimization possibility Low. As the size is low and is at low
fixed voltage
High. As size is high and voltage can
be selected
Flexibility in configuration Low. The RPC can be configured
only as switched capacitors.
Very high. As the compensation can
be configured as switched capacitors +
fixed capacitors + filters.

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