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Conflict Resolution

Conflict: conflict is an active disagreement or a fight arising out of difference of opinions, beliefs or
principles interpersonal (between to individuals), intrapersonal (mind conflict – within self), intra-group
(b/w t two or person of the same group) or inter-group (within tow of more groups).

Source of Conflicts:

1. Specialty Interdependence: Conflicts arise between people of specialized fields due lack of
knowledge/experience between two or more persons.
2. Pooled interdependence: conflict between people who are a part of the same task
3. Sequential interdependence: conflicts between people whose tasks are sequentially
interdependent e.g. In a manufacturing unit a conflict my arise b/w the production and the
packing departments whose tasks are sequentially interdependent.
4. Reciprocal Interdependence: it a conflict arising between two divisions of an organization in
which one group is dependent on the inputs of the other group for its functioning and decision
making. E.g. in a hospital conflicts may arise b/w neurology and radiology department as former
is dependent on inputs from the latter.
5. Goal differences: Goals may be defined as strategies or data plans that are formulated to
achieve a desired outcome. When multiple goals intersect, goal conflict can occur and reduce
work efficiency. The goal conflicts may arise due to :
a. External Vs Internal Goal Conflict: when the personal goals on an employee do not
match the goals of an organization.
b. Multiple Outcome Goal Conflicts: when employees have multiple goals to target and
focus on one set goal is not possible.
6. Authority Relationships: e.g. conflicts between team members and managers. Authority
relationships can be seen in many fields and set-ups like social, political, corporate, etc.
7. Status Inconsistencies: disputes over people's relative status (i.e., respect) positions in their
group's social hierarchy.
8. Jurisdictional ambiguities: Conflicts arising due to overlapping of responsibilities.

1. Skills and abilities: lack of skills and abilities may give rise to inability to perform a task or may
make a person relatively incompetent; which give way to conflicts b/w an individual lacking the
desired skills and abilities and those having an upper hand.
2. Personality: difference in personality traits b/w two or more individuals may cause conflicts.
3. Perceptions: conflicts in perceptions b/w two or more persons or groups; what motivates a
person or the group to perform a task
4. Value & Ethics: Difference in personal values and ethic b/w two or persons or groups may
cause conflicts.
5. Emotional: difference arising on account of emotional issues within a person and or b/w two or
more persons or groups may lead to emotional conflicts.
6. Communication Barriers: mostly due to lack of listening skills.
7. Cultural differences: type of conflict that occurs when different cultural values and
beliefs clash, mostly leading to violence and crime.
Categorization of conflicts:

1. Intrapersonal: conflict within the individual and their internal environment, E.g. spouse or
parent, work & home.
2. Interpersonal: conflicts b/w people due differences in personalities, perceptions, values and
3. Intergroup: conflicts b/w groups due differences in view points, group loyalties and competition
for resources.
4. Inter organizational: conflicts within organizations pursuing similar objectives E.g.; conflict
b/w head office and manufacturing units; government agencies and organizations

Functional Aspects Or Constructive Aspects Or Advantages of Conflicts:

1. Earlier Problem Identification: Conflict can identify practices and processes that need to be
improved or replaced.
2. Better Problem-Solving: The best ideas and solutions flow from healthy discussions involving
a diversity of perspectives
3. Stimulates Change: highlights problems and situations that demands attention, encourages
clarification and adopting better solutions
4. Encourages Creativity & Innovation: encourages lateral thing and helps learning
5. Group cohesion- encourages unity within the group especially when it faces threat from
external sources. If unity is strong, interaction among members is high and agreement in group
opinion is high and group members derive more satisfaction from group activities.
6. Avoidance of tension: people can express tension and frustration which helps in releasing
tension and bring back to normal situation
7. High quality decisions: it helps in delivery effective decisions.
8. Healthy Relationships, Morale and Commitment: Conflicts that are not suppressed but
raised and handled effectively help in building healthy relationships, boots morals and
encourages participation and also, encourages commitment of people towards the goal.
9. Improved Productivity: Conflicts handle well can improve productivity.
10. Personal Growth and Insight: Healthy conflicts give as opportunity to have an insight about
others and self, increases self-awareness and gifts opportunities for personal growth.

Dysfunctional Aspects Or Disadvantages of Conflicts:

1. Disequilibrium in organization :
a. Effect communication b/w people and groups.
b. Unhealthy competition
c. Manipulations
d. Reduces productivity
2. Stress and Tension: generates anxiety, guilt, frustration, hostility, a win- lose situation
thereby effecting the physical and mental health
3. Creates diversion of energy: activities turn destructive and long term goals suffer as problems
become important
4. Hinder group goals and achievement: destroys working relationships, efficiency and
performances deteriorates

Types of Conflict:
1. Goal conflicts
2. Interpersonal Conflicts
3. Inter Group Conflicts

Goal Conflicts:

1. Approach-Approach Conflict:
a. The Conflict is between two positive goals that are equally attractive
b. This type of Conflict is easily resolved by attaining goals sequentially
2. Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict:
a. Here the person chooses two negative goals.
b. It characterized by avoidance of goals.
i. E.g. - not liking a job/ leaving the job
c. Escaping the conflict can be either be actual or it can be mental such as daydreaming or
mental preoccupation with other thoughts.
3. Approach-Avoidance Conflict:
a. The person is both attracted to and repelled by the same goal.
i. E.g.- got a job but does not like the place

Interpersonal conflicts:

1. Ego State Conflicts:

a. Persons Ego state i.e. way of thinking feeling and behaving at any particular time. are
not complimentary lead to interpersonal conflicts
2. Value System:
a. It is the personal philosophy which governs and influences individual reactions.
b. Different dominant value systems create Conflict in the interaction.
3. Socio-cultural Factors:
a. Conflicts based on caste, religion, region and family background.
4. Situational Conflicts/Variable:
1. Interest Conflict: Basically interest differ and Conflict arises to protect their self interests
2. Role Ambiguity: If interacting roles are not been clearly specified.

Inter Group Conflicts: are conflicts among groups and may arise due to:

1. Incompatible Goals: Goal attainment by one group may prevent or reduce the level of goal
attainment of one or more groups. E.g. laborers want for more wages creates reduction in
profits; management’s wants more profits by way of reduction in wages
2. Resource sharing: when common pool is not adequate to meet the demand of both the
3. Task Interdependence: When one group exceeds its authority results in conflicts.
4. Absorption of Uncertainty: Uncertainty absorption by one group is not in accordance with the
expectations of the other groups. E.g. marketing department finds that travelling rules and
expenses are not adequate.
5. Attitudinal Sets: Attitude of distrust, competitiveness secrecy and closed communications the
group will become hostile.
6. Joint decision making: group may not progress smoothly if there are leakages and blockages
in the channels of information.

Conflict resolution: 5 methods of conflict resolution and their uses:

(i) Avoiding: Low on both assertiveness and cooperativeness, postpone addressing it. Appropriate: 1.
when parties are much angry and need to cool down. 2. Very functional when issue is trivial. (lose-lose


 When an issue is trivial or more important issues are pressing.

 When there is no chance of satisfying the concern
 When others can resolve the conflict more effectively.

(ii) Accommodating: When other parties goals are met but relatively unconcerned with getting ones
own way. Willing to sacrifice in the interest of the other. Accommodating manager may become
frustrated as his own needs are not met. (los- win situation)


 When you are wrong and allow a better position to be heard.

 To show your reasonableness
 To build social credit for later issues.
 To minimize loss
 When harmony and stability are more important
 To allow employs to develop from mistakes
 When issues are more important to others than yourself.

(iii) Competing: High assertion and low cooperation. Tries to meet ones own goals at the other parties
expense. Competing strategy may be dangerous as one is reluctant to admit even when wrong. People
are afraid to disagree (Win lose situation)


 When quick and decisive action is vital.

 On important issues where unpopular action is implemented. E.g Discipline, cost cutting
 Issues for the welfare of the company which are right

(iv)Compromising: it is intermediate on both the assertive and cooperative dimensions. Each party tries
to give up something to reach asolution. “giveand take” policy. It is a final negotiation when time is
important. When collaboration fails compromise take place.


 When goals are important, cannot be disrupted by more assertive modes.

 When opponents with equal power are committed to mutually exclusive goals
 To achieve temporary settlements to complex issues
(v)Collaborating: marked by both high assertiveness and cooperativeness. It involves to satisfy the
needs of both the parties. Creating a win-win style. A creative solution emerges because of joined effort
and both gain from the situation without hurting the other.


 To find integrative solutions when concerns are too important.

 To gain commitment
 To work through feelings that interfere with relationships
 When objective is to learn

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