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Hopefully you’ve been working hard on your Arts Award and filling in your log as you go.

In Brownies,
we’ve helped you with all of Part A, and Part B1.

Arts Award exhibition - 10 July 2019

On 10 July, we will hold an exhibition evening at Brownies, during which you will have the
opportunity to share your work with the unit, and complete Part D2.

You can bring in your art to show, and if you have a video or audio, we can play that for the other
Brownies to watch. If you have a live performance (i.e. music, dance, drama), you can perform this
(or extracts from it) on the night. During the evening, we will collect feedback from the other
Brownies which you can use in your log.

Completing your Arts Award

If you want to have completed your Arts Award before the summer, please hand in your completed
log to Screech Owl by the last meeting of term (17th July). Use the checklist below to make sure you
have done everything required, and have enough evidence in your log.

If you want to keep working on your Arts Award over the summer, feel free. Screech Owl won’t be
here in the autumn, but another owl will be happy to help you.

What do I need to do?

This is all listed in your log, but this list below might be helpful. Write or include evidence as best as
you can - if you want to include some evidence not suggested below, that’s okay.

Part A: Inspire

1. Participate in at least two arts activities (i.e. mock glass art, Home Sweet Home models)

Evidence could be:

 photographs of taking part

 design sheets, drafts, planning notes, storyboards, music sheets
 the finished product, which could be:
o the art itself
o photographs
o video or audio on a memory stick/CD rom
 written description of taking part
o what it is
o how it was made/done
o what was used to make it/do it

2. Understand how the activities inspired you

Evidence could be:

 written explanation of what inspired you about taking part

Part B: Explore

1. Explore the work of at least one artist (i.e. Sarah Lace, the glass artist)

Evidence could be:

 Written record of what was found out

 Images of their work

2. Explore the work of at least one arts organisation (i.e. Brewery Arts Centre, Blackwell House,
Abbot Hall, Wordsworth Trust etc)

Evidence could be:

 Written record of what was found out

 Images of associated work

Part C: Create

1. Create a piece of art work (separate from part A)

Evidence could be:

 the same as part A

Part D: Present

1. Identify what you enjoyed or achieved

Evidence could be:

 written description mentioning Parts A-C

2. Present and share your work (i.e. at Brownie exhibition evening, at school, at public
performance or show, just with Screech Owl)

Evidence could be:

 Screenshot of work shared online, including feedback

 Photographs or video of a presentation
 Written feedback from audience members
 Flyers or programme from show
 Written description of how you shared your work

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