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E = East = Timur

2. SE = South East = Tenggara

3. S = South = Selatan

4. SW = South West = Barat Daya

5. W = West = Barat

6. NW = North West = Barat Laut

7. N = North = Utara

8. NE = North East = Timur Laut

Untuk menemukan alamat lokasi biasanya menggunakan kosa kata berikut :

1. beside = disamping

2. straight = lurus

3. turn right = belok kanan

4. turn left = belok kiri

5. crossroad = perempatan

6. T-junction = pertigaan

7. traffic light = lampu lalu lintas

8. across from = bersebrangan dengan

9. between = diantara

10. street = jalan

Read the text carefully!

Baca teks dengan teliti!

My name is Ani. I live on Jl.Dahlia. My house is near the post office. Today, my mother asks me to
accompany her to the supermarket. The supermarket is on Jl.Anggrek. There are many public places
along this street.

The park is in the corner, near the library.There is a bank across from the police station. There is also
a cinema. It is beside the bakery. At last the supermarket itself. It is between the drugstore and the
bus station.

Answer the questions based on the text!

Jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut berdasarkan teks!

1. Where does Ani live?

2. Where does her mother want to go?

3. Where is the bank?

4. Where is the cinema?

5. Where is the supermarket?

1. fishing : memancing

2. reading : membaca

3. gardening : berkebun

4. camping : berkemah

5. rock climbing : panjat tebing

6. dancing : menari

7. cooking : memasak

8. swimming : berenang

9. playing volleyball : bermain voly

10. playing tennis : bermain tenis

11. playing guitar : bermain gitar

12. playing chess : bermain catur

13. collect stamps : mengumpulkan perangko

14. going to the zoo : pergi ke kebun binatang

15. going to the beach : pergi ke pantai

Contoh kalimat :

1. Mr. Bara usually spends his holiday by going to the beach.

(Pak Bara biasanya menghabiskan hari liburnya dengan pergi ke pantai.)

2. We usually play tennis on holiday.

(Kami biasanya bermain tenis pada saat liburan.)

3. I spend my holiday by going to the zoo.

(Saya menghabiskan hari libur saya dengan pergi ke kebun binatang.)

4. I like go camping on holiday.

(Saya suka pergi berkemah pada saat liburan.)

5. I like dancing very much. It is interesting.

(Saya sangat suka menari. Menari sangat menarik.)

Untuk menanyakan pendapat orang lain bisa menggunakan ungkapan :

1. What do you think about playing tennis?

(Bagaimana pendapatmu tentang bermain tenis?)

2. Do you think swimming make us healthy?

(Apakah menurutmu berenang membuat kita sehat?)

Jawaban untuk menyatakan pendapat:

1. In my opinion ......

(Menurut pendapat saya......)

2. I think .....

(Saya pikir ......)

3. It is better for you to .....

(Itu lebih baik bagimu untuk ...)

Untuk menanyakan kemana seseorang biasanya pergi pada waktu liburan,

kita bisa menggunakan kalimat:

1. Where do .... usually go on holiday?

(Kemana ..... biasanya pergi pada hari libur?

Kalimat tanya di atas digunakan untuk subyek : you, we, they dan orang yang

jumlahnya lebih dari satu (jamak)

Contoh : X : Where do you usually go on holiday?

(Kemana kamu biasanya pergi pada hari libur?)

Y : I usually go to the beach.

(Saya biasanya pergi ke pantai.)

2. Where does .... usually go on holiday?

(Kemana ..... biasanya pergi pada hari libur?

Kalimat tanya di atas digunakan untuk subyek : he, she atau orang yang jumlahnya

satu (tunggal)
Contoh : X : Where does he usually go on holiday?

(Kemana dia biasanya pergi pada hari libur?)

Y : He usually goes to the beach.

(Saya biasanya pergi ke pantai.)

Apabila ingin menanyakan kemana seseorang akan pergi pada liburan yang akan

datang, gunakan kalimat:

Where will .... go next holiday?

(Kemana .... akan pergi pada liburan yang akan datang?)

Contoh : X : Where will they go next holiday?

(Kemana mereka akan pergi pada liburan yang akan datang?)

Y : They will go to Borobudur Temple.

(Mereka akan pergi ke Candi Borobudur.)

Ada juga hari libur umum (Public Holiday) yang pada hari itu semua orang libur dari kegiatan sekolah
atau bekerja. Hari libur umum di Indonesia, misalnya:

1. 17th of August (Independence Day)

2.1st of January (New Year)

3. 25th of December (Christmas Day)

Describing People


1. fat: gemuk

2. thin: kurus

3. bald: botak

4. beautiful : cantik

5. handsome: tampan

6. short: pendek

7. tall: tinggi

8. oval face: wajah lonjong

9. long hair: rambut panjang

10. curly hair: rambut keriting

11. white skin: kulit putih

12. brown skin: kulit cokelat

13. kind: baik hati

14. patient: sabar

15. smart: pintar

16. rich: kaya

17. pointed nose: hidung mancung

18. old: tua

19. young: muda

20. straight hair: rambut lurus

Dengan menggunakan kosakata di atas kita bisa membuat kalimat sederhana.


1. Mr. Iskandar is fat.

(Bapak Iskandar gemuk.)

2. Mr. Iskandar is handsome.

(Bapak Iskandar tampan.)

3. Ms. Julia is smart.

(Ibu Julia pintar.)

4. Cindy has pointed nose.

(Cindy memiliki hidung mancung.)

5. My grandfather is old.

(Kakek saya tua.)

Pengembangan dari kalimat di atas bisa menggunakan kata sambung and dan but.

and artinya dan, untuk menggabungkan dua kalimat yang setara.

but artinya tetapi, untuk menggabungkan dua kalimat yang berlawanan.

Contoh kalimat di atas bisa digabungkan menggunakan kata but, menjadi:

Mr. Iskandar is fat but handsome.

(Bapak Iskandar gemuk tetapi tampan.)


1. Ms. Yuli is slim.

(Ibu Yuli langsing.)

2. Ms. Yuli is beautiful.

(Ibu Yuli cantik.)

Contoh kalimat di atas bisa digabungkan dengan menggunakan kata and, menjadi:

Ms. Yuli is slim and beautiful.

(Ibu Yuli langsing dan cantik.)

Contoh kalimat lain yang menggunakan kata and dan but :

1. Mr. Shaleh is old but smart.

(Bapak Shaleh tua tetapi pintar.)

2. Adit is handsome but naughty.

(Adit tampan tetapi nakal.)

3. Rina is young and slim.

(Rina muda dan langsing.)

4. Mr. Karya is fat and bald.

(Bapak Karya gemuk dan botak.)

A. Kata Sifat (Adjective)

Kata sifat adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menerangkan kata benda.


Kata sifat yang diletakan di sepan kata benda:

- This is my new shoes.

(Ini adalah sepatu baru saya.)

- Shinta is a beautiful girl.

(Shinta adalah anak perempuan yang cantik.)

- Sahla is a handsome boy.

(Sahla adalah anak laki-laki yang tampan.)

Kata sifat yang digunakan sebagai predikat dalam kalimat:

- Mr. Pramono is clever.

(Bapak Pramono pintar.)

- Mr. Jhon is old.

(Bapak Jhon tua.)

- Nuri is beautiful.

(Nuri cantik.)

B. Membandingkan sifat benda/orang dengan benda/orang lain.

1. Membandingkan sesuatu yang sama


- Mr.Iskandar is as fat as Mr.Pramono.

(Bapak Iskandar sama gemuknya dengan bapak Pramono.)

- Shanti is as beautiful as Shinta.

(Shanti sama cantiknya dengan Shinta.)

2. Menyatakan sesuatu yang lebih, ditambahkan -er/more... than ....

-er digunakan bila kata sifat terdiri dari 1 suku kata.


small - smaller (lebih kecil)

The ball is smaller than mine.

(Bola itu lebih kecil dari punya saya.)

big - bigger

My house is bigger than Zahra's.

(Rumah saya lebih besar daripada rumah Zahra.)

- more, digunakan bila kata sifat yang dipakai terdiri dari dua suku kata atau lebih.


interesting - more interesting (lebih menarik)

Comic book is more interesting than history book.

(Buku komik lebih menarik daripada buku sejarah.)

beautiful - more bautiful (lebih cantik.)

Gina is more beautiful than Gendis.

(Gina lebih cantik daripada Gendis.)

3.Untuk sesuatu yang paling, ditambahkan -est/the most

- est digunakan bila kata sifat yang dipakai terdiri dari 1 suku kata.


big - biggest (paling besar)

Rian is the biggest students in his class.

(Rian adalah anak yang paling gemuk di kelasnya.)

- The most digunakan bila kata sifat yang dipakai terdiri dari 2 suku kata atau lebih.


beautiful - the most beautiful (paling cantik.)

Yuli is the most beautiful girl in her class.

(Yuli adalah anak perempuan yang paling cantik di kelasnya.)

Latihan Soal

Rindi Cindy Dina

tall : 130 cm tall : 120 cm tall : 135 cm

weight : 35 kg weight : 30 kg weight : 32 kg

age : 10 years age : 11 years age : 11 years

1. Rindi is 130 cm. She is ..... than Cindy.

2. Rindy is 35 kg. She is the ..... girl.

3. Cindy is 11 years old. She is .... then Dina.

4. The thinnest girl is ....

5. The youngest girl is .....

Describing Objects

1. big: besar

2. small: kecil

3. tall: tinggi

4. short: pendek

5. thick: tebal

6. cheap: murah

7. long: panjang

8. expensive: mahal


1. The ball is big.

(Bola itu besar.)

2. The eraser is long.

(Penggaris itu panjang.)

3. The book is thick.

(Buku itu tebal.)

4. The bag is expensive.

(Tas itu mahal.)

Kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan belanja:

1. money = uang

2. expensive = mahal

3. cheap = murah

4. cost = harga

5. bargain = tawar

6. discount = diskon/potongan harga

7. How much = berapa banyak

8. price = harga

9. colour = warna

10. fixed price = harga pasti

11. market = pasar

12. chasier = kasir

13. supermarket = toko serba ada

14. buy = membeli

15. sell = menjual

16. traditional market = pasar tradisional

17. toy store = toko mainan

18. green grocer = toko sayuran

19. fruitstall = toko buah

20. drugstore = apotik

21. butchery = toko daging

22. boutique = butik

23. art shop = toko seni

24. news agent = agen koran

25. cooking utensils = peralatan masak

Untuk menanyakan harga suatu barang di supermarket, di pasar atau di toko, dapat menggunakan
pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut :

1. What is the price of _____ ?

Contoh :

A :"What is the price of the television?"

(Berapa harga TV?)

B : "It is three million rupiahs."

(Harganya tiga juta rupiah.)

2. How much is this_____ ?

Contoh :

A : "How much is this bag?"

(Berapa harga tas ini?")

B : "It is fifty thousand rupiahs."

(Harganya lima puluh ribu rupiah.)

3. How much does ____ cost? (jika tunggal)

How much do these ____ cost? (jika jamak)

Contoh :

A : "How much does this book cost?"

(Berapa harga buku ini?)

B : "It costs twenty thousand rupiahs."

(Harganya dua puluh ribu rupiah.)

Selanjutnya, mari kita membaca harga dalam bahasa Inggris :

1. Rp. 50

Dibaca : fifty rupiahs

2. Rp. 700

Dibaca : seven hundred rupiahs

3. Rp. 2.000

Dibaca : two thousand rupiahs

4. Rp. 7.500

Dibaca : seven thousand and five hundred rupiahs

5. Rp. 60.000

Dibaca : sixty thousand rupiahs

6. Rp. 95.000

Dibaca : ninetyfive thousand rupiahs

7. Rp.125.000

Dibaca : One hundred and twenty five thousand rupiahs

8. Rp. 5.000.000

Dibaca : five million rupiahs

9. Rp.37.000.000

Dibaca : thirtyseven million rupiahs

10. Rp. 100.000.000

Dibaca : one hundred million rupiahs

Latihan soal yuuuukkkk...




1. cashier (...) a. kereta dorong

2. hat (...) b. kaca mata

3. t-shirt (...) c. kaos kaki

4. bag (...) d. kasir

5. tie (...) e. dasi

6. shoes (...) f. topi

7. trolley (...) g. sepatu

8. shopping list (...) h. tas

9. glasses (...) i. daftar belanja

10. socks (...) j. kaos


Read the text carefully!

(Baca teks berikut dengan teliti!)

Today, Mrs.Julie asks her daughter, Firya to go for shopping to the supermarket. She asks her to buy
their daily needs. There are many things that Mrs.Julie has to buy and Mrs.Julie writes a shopping

Firya chooses "Murah dan Bagus" supermarket as a place for shopping. After arriving at the daily
stall, she chooses the things mentioned in the shopping list. Then, she pays them at the cashier.

Answer the questions bellow!

(Jawablah pertanyaan berikut!)

1. What does Mrs.Julie ask Firya to?

2. What does Firya have to buy?

3. Does Mrs.Julie write a shopping list for Firya?

4. Which supermarket does Firya choose?

5. Where does Firya pay the goods?


Read the price bellow!

(Bacalah harga berikut!)

1. Rp.29.000 = ...

2. Rp.54.000 = ...

3. Rp.79.000 = ...

4. Rp. 174.000 = ...

5. Rp. 6.400 = ...

Possessive adjective

Possessive Adjective adalah adjective (kata sifat) yang berfungsi untuk menerangkan siapa yang
mempunyai/memiliki suatu benda. possessive adjective ini diletakkan sebelum noun (kata benda).

Berikut ini tabel yang menunjukkan perubahan kedalam possessive adjective.

Contoh Kalimat:


My bag is pink (tas saya berwarna merah muda)

The pink one is my bag (yang warna pink itu adalah tas saya)


Your house is beside the post office (rumahmu ada di sebelah kantor pos)

I like your house (aku suka rumahmu)


Their children are always in the first rank at school (anak mereka selalu ada di peringkat pertama di

Do you like their cake? (apakah kamu suka kue buatan mereka?)


Our cake is the best in town (kue kami adalah yang terbaik di kota)

I hope you understand our explanation (aku harap kamu mengerti penjelasan kami)

His cat was died two days ago (kucingnya mati dua hari yang lalu)

I want to be his mother (aku ingin menjadi ibunya)


Her face is so beautiful (wajahnya sangat cantik)

I don't like her parents (aku tidak suka orangtuanya)


The dog wigged its tail (anjing itu menggoyangkan ekornya)

Fungsi Possessive Adjective

Possesive adjective berfungsi untuk menunjukkan benda yang dimiliki oleh seseorang.

Contoh: That is our dog. (itu adalah anjing milik kami)

Possesive adjective menunjukkan hubungan relasi dan pertemanan.

Contoh : My brother is already married twice (saudara laki-lakiku sudah menikah 2 kali)

Possesive adjective juga berguna untuk menunjukkan anggota badan

Contoh : I decided to trim my eyebrows (aku memutuskan untuk mencukur bulu mataku)

Contoh Kalimat.

1. Ananda has a doll. (Saya mempunyai sebuah boneka.)

dari kalimat di atas, jika kita rubah menggunakan pola possesive adjective, maka:

- The doll is hers. (Boneka itu milik dia.)

- The doll belongs to her. (Boneka itu milik dia.)

2. I have a bag. (Saya mempunyai tas.)

dari kalimat di atas, jika dirubah maka:

- The bag is mine. (Tas itu milik saya.)

- The bag belongs to me. (Tas itu punya saya.)

Perhatikan perubahan kalimatnya:

- I have a pencil. (Saya mempunyai pensil.)

- This is my pencil. (Ini adalah pensil saya.)

- The pencil belongs to me. (Pensil itu punya saya.)

- The pencil is mine. (Pensil itu punya saya.)

Contoh Kalimat

1. I have a house. (Saya mempunyai sebuah rumah.)

The house is mine. (Rumah itu punya saya.)

2. Rindi has a story book. (Rindi mempunyai sebuah buku cerita)

It is her story book. (Bukacerita itu miliknya.)

3. My aunt has a cat. (Bibi saya mempunyai seekor kucing.)

The cat belongs to her. (Kucing itu miliknya.)

4. We have a new car. (Kami mempunyai sebuah mobil baru.)

It is our car. (Itu adalah mobil baru kami.)

5. Ardi has a ball. (Ardi memiliki sebuah bola.)

The ball belongs to him. (Bola itu miliknya.)

6. Alya has a new laptop. (Alya memiliki laptop baru.)

The laptop belongs to her. (Laptop baru itu miliknya.)

Untuk menanyakan kepemilikan, kita bisa menggunakan:

1. Kalimat tanya yang diawali dengan kata Whose...?


A: "Whose book is that?" (Buku siapa itu?)

B: "That is Ms. Yuli's book." (Itu adalah buku Ibu Yuli.)

2. Kalimat tanya dengan menggunakan Whom do/does ..... belong to?


A: "Whom does the book belong to?" (Buku itu milik siapa?)

B: "The book belongs to Ms.Yuli." (Buku itu milik Ibu Yuli.)

Possessive Pronoun adalah kata ganti yang fungsinya menunjukkan sebuah kepemilikan atau
kepunyaan atas suatu hal. possessive pronoun ini bisa menggantikan posisi noun (kata benda).

Berikut ini adalah tabel yang menunjukkan perubahan pergantian ke dalam possessive adjective
Contoh Kalimat:

Mine (Milikku)

Your bag is pink, mine is blue (tas kamu berwarna merah muda, tasku berwarna biru)

That pillow belongs to me. That pillow is mine (bantal itu punyaku. Bantalnya milikku)

Yours (Milikmu)

My house is big, but yours is bigger (rumahku besar, tapi rumahmu lebih besar)

This toy belongs to you. This toy is yours (mainan ini punya kamu. Mainannya milikmu)

Theirs (milik mereka)

Our team is the blue one, and theirs is red (tim kita berwarna biru, dan tim mereka berwarna merah)

That book belongs to those kids. That book is theirs (buku itu milik anak-anak itu, buku itu milik

Ours (milik kami)

The cake in the whole town may be tasty, but ours are tastier. (Kue di seluruh kota mungkin saja
enak, tapi kue kami lebih enak)

This apartment belongs to me and my cousin. This apartment is ours (apartemen ini punya aku dan
sepupuku. Apartemennya milik kami)

His (milik dia laki-laki)

My car is cheap, his is expensive (mobilku murah, tapi mobilnya mahal)

This bicycle belongs to my neighbor Bill. This bicycle is his (Sepeda ini milik tetanggaku, Bill. Sepeda
ini miliknya)

Hers (milik dia perempuan)

Your flowers is nice, but hers is pretty (bunga-bungamu bagus, tapi bunganya cantik)

This scarf belongs to my aunt Tina. This scarf is hers (Selendang ini milik bibiku Tina. Selendang ini

Fungsi Possessive Pronoun

Possessive pronoun berfungsi untuk menunjukkan kepunyaan

Possessive pronoun tidak menggunakan tanda petik di belakang nama seperti untuk Aji's, Rika's,
Tania's, Rizki's, seperti possessive adjective.

Possessive pronoun selalu diikuti dengan subject yang berkaitan seperti ini.

Your bag is pink, mine is blue (tas kamu berwarna merah muda, tasku berwarna biru)

Possessive pronoun seringkali dibarengi oleh kata benda umum (common noun) seperti I, it, you,
me, this, that, him, her, they, we, them
Expression (Ungkapan)

Untuk menanyakan/meminta sesuatu secara sopan, bisa digunakan ungkapan:

- May I .....

- Would you please .....

Penggunaan dalam kalimat:

- May I borrow your book?

(Bolehkah saya meminjam bukumu?)

- May I give you a question?

(Bolehkah saya memberi kamu sebuah pertanyaan?)

- May I ask you something?

(bolehkah saya bertanya padamu tentang sesuatu?)


1. King: raja

2. witch: tukang sihir

3. fairy: peri

4. unicorn: kuda bertanduk

5. queen: ratu

6. prince: pangeran

7. princess: puteri

8. wise: bijaksana

9. hero: pahlawan

10. robber: perampok

11. beggar: pengemis

12. cruel: kejam

13. knight: kesatria

14. powerful: sangat kuat

15. interesting: menarik

16. giant: raksasa

17. dwarf: orang kerdil

18. poor: miskin

19. beautiful: cantik

20. story: cerita

Contoh Dongeng

1. a poor beggar. (seorang pengemis yang miskin.)

2. a powerful giant. (seorang raksasa yang kuat.)

3. a beautiful fairy. (seorang peri yang cantik.)

4. a kind dwarf. (orang kerdil yang baik hati.)

5. a wise king. (seorang raja yang bijak.)

6. a giant snake. (seekor ular raksasa.)

7. a lucky golden nail. (seekor keong mas yang beruntung.)

Contoh Kalimat

- I like the story of Malin Kundang.

(Saya suka cerita Malin Kundang.)

- The story of mouse deer belongs to a fable.

(Cerita kancil termasuk cerita tentang binatang.)

- The witch has a magical power.

(Tukang sihir itu mempunyai kekuatan sihir.)

- Do you know the story of Malin Kundang?

(Apakah kamu tahu cerita tentang Malin Kundang.)

Yes, I do. (Ya)

No, I don't. (Tidak)

- Have you ever read the story of Alladin?

(Apakah kamu pernah membaca cerita Alladin?)

Yes, I have. (Ya)

No, I haven't. (Tidak)

Read the text carefully!

(Baca teks berikut dengan teliti!)


Once upon a time, there was a handsome man. His name was Batara Guru Sahala. One day, he
caught a fish. He was surprised to find that the fish could talk. It begged Sahala to set it free.

As soon as the fish was free, it changed into a woman. She said that he had to keep the secret
that she was once a fish. Sahala promised that he would not tell anyone about it.

They were married happily and had two daughters. One day, Sahala got very angry to his
daughters and said that they like the daughters of a fish. The children went home and told their
mother about it. Their mother was annoyed, because Sahala broke his promise.

Then the earth began to shake and volcanoes started to erupt. The earth formed a big hole.
People believed that the hole became a lake. Then this lake is Lake Toba.

Answer the questions based on the text!

(Jawablah pertanyaan berdasarkan teks!)

1. What is the name of handsome man in the story above?

2. What did Sahala promise?

3. How many children did Sahala have?

4. Why was their mother annoyed?


President : Presiden

King : Raja

Prince : Pangeran

Emperor : Kaisar

Kingdom : Kerajaan

Queen : Ratu

Governor : Gubernur

Province : Propinsi

District : Kecamatan

Head of District : Camat

Regent : Bupati

Regency : Kabupaten
Village : Kelurahan

Village Chief : Lurah

Country : Negara

Vice President : Wakil Presiden

Prime Minister : Perdana Menteri

Minister : Menteri

Ambassador : Duta Besar

Municipality : Kotamadya

Major : Walikota

Capital : Ibu kota

Contoh Kalimat

1. A king leads a kingdom.

(Seorang raja memimpin sebuah kerajaan.)

2. A Governor leads a province.

(Seorang gubernur memimpin sebuah provinsi.)

3. A Village chief leads a village.

(Seorang lurah memimpin sebuah kelurahan.)

4. A regent leads a regency.

(Seorang bupati memimpin sebuah kabupaten.)

5. Joko Widodo is a president of republic of Indonesia.

(Joko Widodo adalah presiden republik Indonesia.)

Untuk menanyakan tempat atau asal seseorang, gunakan kalimat tanya:

1. A : Where are you from?

(Dari mana kamu berasal?)

B : I am from Bandung.

(Saya berasal dari Bandung.)

2. A : Where do you come from?

(Dari mana kamu berasal?)

B : I come from Jakarta.

(Saya berasal dari Jakarta.)

Untuk menanyakan pemimpin suatu wilayah, gunakan kalimat tanya:

1. A : What is the leader of a province?

B : The leader of a province is a governor.

2. A : Who leads a province?

(Siapa yang memimpin sebuah provinsi?)

B : Governor leads a province.

(Gubernur memimpin sebuah provinsi.)

Soal Latihan

I. Fill in the blanks with the words bellow!

a. emperor f. head of district

b. empire g. king

c. province h. president

d. village chief i. regency

e. major j. republic

1. A .... leads a kingdom

2. Joko Widodo is a ....

3. An .... leads a empire.

4. A .... leads a municipality.

5. A .... leads a village

6. A .... leads a district.

7. Indonesia is a .....

8. A governor leads a ....

9. A regent leads a ....

10. Japan is an .....

II. Arrange into good sentences!

11. West Java - in - Bandung - located - is.

12. is - Japan - empire - an.

13. Indonesia - the - is - Jakarta - capital - of.

14. Kingdom - Thailand - is - a.

15. Son - the - king - of - prince - a - is - a.

1. Kalimat Perintah

Kalimat perintah yang menggunakan kata kerja :


- Open the book!

(Buka buku itu!)

- Close the door!

(Tutup pintu itu!)

- Read the newspaper!

(Baca koran itu!)

- Bring the umbrella!

(Bawa payung itu!)

- Clean the board!

(Bersihkan papan tulis!)

- Turn on the television!

(Nyalakan tv!)

- Turn off the lamp!

(Matikan lampu!)

- Come in!


- Sweep the floor!

(Sapu lantai itu!)

- Look at the picture!

(Lihat gambar itu!)

Kalimat perintah yang menggunakan kata sifat, tambahkan be sebelum kata sifat :

- Be careful!


- Be happy!

- Be honest!


Untuk memperhalus perintah dapat menggunakan kata Would you...?

- Would you open the book, please!

(Maukah kamu membukakan buku itu!)

- Would you close the door, please!

(Maukah kamu menutup pintu itu!)

- Would you read the newspaper!

(Maukah kamu membaca koran itu!)

2. Kalimat Larangan

Untuk membuat kalimat larangan, tambahkan kata Don't.

Dari contoh kalimat perintah di atas, tinggal tambahkan Don't di depannya.

Contoh :

- Don't open the book!

(Jangan buka buku itu!)

- Don't close the door!

(Jangan tutup pintu itu!)

- Don't read the newspaper!

(Jangan baca koran itu!)

- Don't bring the umbrella!

(Jangan bawa payung itu!)

- Don't clean the board!

(Jangan bersihkan papan tulis!)

- Don't turn on the television!

(Jangan nyalakan tv!)

- Don't turn off the lamp!

(Jangan matikan lampu!)

- Don't come in!

(Jangan masuk!)

- Don't sweep the floor!

(Jangan sapu lantai itu!)

- Don't look at the picture!

(Jangan lihat gambar itu!)

Untuk kalimat larangan yang menggunakan kata sifat, tambahkan Don't sebelum be + kata sifat :

- Don't be sad!

(Jangan sedih!)

- Don't be lazy!

(Jangan malas!)

- Don't be naughty!

(Jangan nakal!)

Kalimat perintah : Play the guitar! / Would you play the guitar, please!

Kalimat larangan : Don't play the guitar!


Ambulance : Ambulan

Bandage : Perban

Wheelchair : Kursi roda

Medicine : Obat

Microscope : Mikroskop

Crutch : Tongkat, Penopang

Syringe : Suntikan

Stethoscope : Stetoskop

Stretcher : Tandu

Plaster : Plaster

Cotton wool : Kapas

Thermometer : Termometer

Hospital : Rumah sakit

Doctor : Dokter

Dentist : Dokter gigi

Nurse : Perawat

Prescription : Resep dokter

Toothache : Sakit gigi

Stomachache : Sakit perut

Backache : Sakit punggung

Earache : Sakit telinga

Eyesore : Sakit mata

Cough : Batuk

Headache : Sakit kepala

Contoh Kalimat:

1. Karina drinks medicine three times a day.

(Karina minum obat tiga kali sehari.)

2. My mother buys medicine in the pharmacy.

(Ibu saya membeli obat di apotik.)

3. My grandmother can't walk. She sits on the wheelchair.

(Nenek saya tidak dapat berjalan. Dia duduk di kursi roda.)

4. An ambulance is used to take the patient to the hospital.

(Ambulan digunakan untuk membawa pasien ke rumah sakit.)

5. My aunt is sick. She goes to the hospital.

(Bibi saya sakit. Dia pergi ke rumah sakit.)

6. Mr. Dani feels pain in his back. He has a backache.

(Pak Dani merasa sakit di bagian belakang. Dia sakit punggung.)

7. Carla feels pain in her teeth. She has a toothache.

(Carla merasa sakit giginya. Dia sakit gigi.)

8. The patient is walking with a crutch.

(Pasien itu berjalan menggunakan tongkat.)

9. My sister has toothache. She goes to the dentist.

(Kakak saya sakit gigi. Dia perdi ke dokter gigi.)

10. A hospital is a place where sick people get a treatment.

(Rumah sakit adalah tempat untuk orang sakit mendapat pengobatan.)

Latihan Soal

Read the text and answer the questions!

My name is Yuli. I am a student of elementary school. I am in the sixth class now. My hobby is
doing sports. Every Sunday morning, I go to swimming pool for swimming. I also play badminton
every Wednesday and Friday afternoon. I do these activities to keep my body healthy. Besides doing
exercise I also eats nutritious food. I eat three times a day. I have breakfast at 6.00 a.m, lunch at 1.00
p.m and dinner at 7.00 p.m. I go to bed at 9.00 p.m. and wake up at 5.00 a.m.

1. What is the writer's hobby?

2. What does Yuli do on Wednesday and Friday afternoon?

3. What does Yuli do every Sunday morning?

4. What time does Yuli wake up?

5. Why does Yuli do exercise?

Vocabulary (Kosakata)

1. moon : bulan

2. earth : bumi

3. star : bintang

4. sun : matahari

5. planet : planet

6. earthquake : gempa bumi

7. volcano eruption : letusan gunung

8. flood : banjir

9. hurricane : angin topan

10. landslide : longsor

11. cave : gua

12. comet : komet

13. sky : langit

14. rainbow : pelangi

15. waterfall : air terjun

16. river : sungai

17. sea : laut

18. solar system : tata surya

19. light : cahaya

20. ocean : samudra

Contoh Kalimat

1. Many people leave their houses during the volcano eruption of mount Merapi.

(Banyak orang meninggalkan rumah mereka selama selama letusan gunung Merapi.)

2. The waterfall is very beautiful.

(Air terjun itu sangat indah.)

3. We can see the stars sparkling at night.

(Kita dapat melihat cahaya bintang pada malam hari.)

4. The sun rises in the east.

(Matahari terbit di sebelah timur.)

5. The sun sets in the west.

(Matahari terbenam di sebelah barat.)

6. The earth is a place where we live.

(Bumi adalah tempat kita tinggal.)

7. Sun is the center of solar system.

(Matahari adalah pusat tata surya.)

8. The satellite of the earth is the moon.

(Satelit bumi adalah bulan.)

9. There are stars in the sky.

(Ada bintang-bintang di langit.)

10. In the rainy season, flood usually occurs.

(Pada musim hujan, banjir biasanya terjadi.)

Speaking Features

Untuk meanyakan suatu kebenaran, kita menggunakan kalimat tanya:

- Do ....? (Untuk subyek I, You, We, They)

- Does ....? (Untuk subyek She, He, nama orang atau benda tunggal.)

Contoh :

- Do the planets have their own light?

(Apakah planet mempunyai cahaya sendiri?)

No, they don't


- Does the sun set in the west?

(Apakah matahari terbenam di sebelah barat?)

Yes, it does



1. happy : bahagia

2. sad : sedih

3. frightened : takut

4. thirsty : haus

5. hungry : lapar

6. nervous : gugup

7. surprised : terkejut

8. disappointed : kecewa

9. lonely : kesepian

10. comfort : nyaman

11. satisfied : puas

12. tired : lelah

13. angry : marah

14. glad : senang

15. full : kenyang

16. excited : bersemangat

17. sleepy : ngantuk

18. terrible : kacau

19. worried : khawatir

20. safe : aman

Contoh Kalimat

1. I want to eat a plate of fried rice.

(Saya ingin makan sepiring nasi goreng)

I feel hungry.

(Saya merasa lapar.)

2. His grandmother passed away.

(Neneknya meninggal.)

He feels sad.

(Dia merasa sedih.)

3. I work over time.

(Saya bekerja lembur.)

I feel tired.

(Saya merasa lelah.)

4. She sees the ghost.

(Dia melihat hantu.)

She feels frightened.

(Dia merasa takut.)

5. I eat a lot of foods.

(Saya makan banyak makanan.)

I feel full.

(Saya merasa kenyang.)

Untuk menanyakan perasaan seseorang dapat menggunakan kalimat berikut:

1. How does she feel?

(Bagaimana perasaan dia?)

She feels hungry.

(Dia merasa lapar.)

2. How does Yuli feel?

(Bagaimana perasaan Yuli?)

Yuli feels happy.

(Yuli merasa bahagia.)

3. How does he feel?

(Bagaimana perasaan dia?)

He feels thirsty.

(Dia merasa haus.)

4. How do they feel?

(Bagaimana perasaan mereka?)

They feel sad.

(Mereka merasa sedih.)

5. How do you feel?

(Bagaimana perasaan kamu?)

I feel nervous.

(Saya merasa gugup.)


1. mountain : gunung

2. beach : pantai

3. lake : danau

4. waterfall : air terjun

5. temple : candi

6. zoo : kebun binatang

7. cave : gua

8. palace : istana

9. swimming pool : kolam renang

10. national monument : Monumen Nasional

11. surfing : berselancar

12. jogging : berlari-lari kecil

13. hunting : berburu

14. swimming : berenang

15. making sand castle : membuat istana pasir

16. camping : berkemah

17. rafting : arung jeram

18. art performance : pertunjukan seni

19. hotel : hotel

20. restaurant : restoran

21. tourist : wisatawan

22. park : taman

23. valley : lembah

24. island : pulau

25. boat : perahu

Contoh Kalimat

1. I like surfing on the beach.

(Saya suka berselancar di pantai.)

2. They like jogging in the park.

(Mereka suka berlari-lari kecil di taman.)

3. Razma likes camping in the camping ground.

(Razma suka berkemah di arena berkemah.)

4. They like rafting in the river.

(Mereka suka arung jeram di sungai.)

5. I like to go to the beach.

(Saya suka pergi ke pantai.)

6. They like swimming in the swimming pool.

(Mereka suka berenang di kolam renang.)

7. I like to go to the lake.

(Saya suka pergi ke danau.)

8. There are many animals in the Ragunan zoo.

(Ada banyak binatang di kebun binatang Ragunan.)

9. He likes to go to the temple.

(Dia suka pergi ke candi.)

10. Do you like camping?

(Apakah kamu suka berkemah?)

Yes, I do (Ya)

No, I don't (Tidak)

Untuk menanyakan bagaimana seseorang mengisi waktu liburannya, dapat menggunakan kalimat

1. How do ... spend ... holiday? (Untuk subyek you, they, we)

Contoh: A :"How do you spend your holiday?"

(Bagaimana kamu mengisi liburan kamu?")

B :"I like to go to the beach."

(Saya suka pergi ke pantai.)

2. How does ... spend ... holiday? (Untuk subyek he, she, nama orang tunggal)

Contoh: A :"How does she spend her holiday?"

(Bagaimana dia mengisi liburannya?)

B :"She likes to go to the zoo."

(Dia suka pergi ke kebun binatang.)

Untuk menanyakan apakah seseorang pernah pergi ke suatu tempat, dapat menggunakan kalimat

1. Have ... ever gone to ...? (Untuk subyek you, they, we)

Contoh: A :"Have you ever gone to the temple?"

(Apakah kamu pernah pergi ke candi?)

B :"Yes, I have."


2. Has ... ever gone to ...? (Untuk subyek she, he, nama orang tunggal)

Contoh: A :"Has Yuli ever gone to the beach?"

(Apakah Yuli pernah pergi ke pantai?)

B :"No, she has not."


Untuk memudahkan kalian dalam belajar, berikut adalah Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 6
Semester 1. Silahkan dipelajari.
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, c, or d!

(Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (X) huruf a, b, c, atau d!)

Text for number 1 to 5

Hello, friends. My name is Chantika. You can call me Chantik. I will tell you something about Mrs.
Yuli. She is my favorite English teacher. She has an oval face, pointed nose, white skin, and short
hair. All students like her because she is very kind and very beautiful. She teaches English patiently.
She also smart and diligent. She is as smart as Mr. Arya, our former English teacher. We are very
proud of her. Someday, I want to be an English teacher like her.

1. What is Mrs. Yuli?

A. She is a headmistress

B. She is an English teacher

C. She is my mother

D. She is a school keeper

2. Does Mrs.Yuli have pointed nose?

A. Yes, she is

B. Yes, she do

C. Yes, she doesn't

D. Yes, she does

3. Why do all students like her?

A. Because she is very kind and very beautiful.

B. Because she is Chantika's mother

C. Because she is very angry

D. Because she has and oval face and white skin

4. Is Mrs. Yuli smarter than Mr. Arya?

A. No, she isn't

B. Yes, She is
C. No, she does

D. No, she doesn't

5. Who is Mr. Arya?

A. He is our headmaster

B. He is our former English teacher

C. He is our friends

D. He is our Mathematics teacher

6. We buy some ... in the drugstore.

A. meat

B. fruits

C. vegetables

D. medicines

7. Rania is lazy, but her brother is ....

A. diligent

B. smart

C. clever

D. stupid

8. The legend of Tangkuban Perahu is from ...,

A. Sumatra

B. West Java

C. Kalimantan

D. East Java

9. My mother buys some vegetables in the ....

A. greengrocer

B. stationary

C. drugstore
D. fruit stall

10. A king lives in the ....

A. kingdom

B. school

C. hospital

D. market

11. The son of the king is ....

A. princess

B. emperor

C. prince

D. queen

12. Majapahit was a .... long time ago.

A. kingdom

B. district

C. village

D. country

13. The legend of Malin Kundang is from ...

A. Jakarta

B. West Java

C. Sumatra

D. Kalimantan

14. Today is Monday. We wear .... to school.

A. uniform

B. gown

C. pajamas

D. short
15. A : What is ... name?

B : My name is Dania.

A. his

B. your

C. their

D. her

16. My mother buys me a new .... in the stationary.

A. uniform

B. pencil box

C. skirt

D. gown

17. Shopkeeper is a person who works in the ....

A. shop

B. school

C. canteen

D. hotel

18. Surabaya is located in ....

A. West Java

B. Central Java

C. East Java

D. East Sumatra

19. Amanda likes .... magazines on Sunday.

A. cooking

B. crying

C. reading

D. singing
20. The cat is .... the chair.

A. on

B. under

C. behind

D. beside

21. The opposite of south is ....

A. southeast

B. west

C. north

D. east

22. The opposite of small is ....

A. big

B. long

C. short

D. thin

23. Bakrie always gets the first rank in his class. He is the .... student in the class.

A. clever

B. cleverer

C. more clever

D. cleverest
24. The traffic sign means that you can't ... here.

a. stop

b. park

c. turn

d. start

25. Train is .... than bus.

a. fast

b. slow

c. faster

d. slower

26. Hani : "Could I borrow your English book?"

Vina : "......"

Hani : "Thank you very much."

Vina : "You're welcome."

A. I'm fine

B. Sure
C. I'm full

D. I'm sick

27. Dania : "Can you show me ... the hospital is located?"

Dinda : "Sure. It is located on Jl. Benteng."

A. where

B. when

C. why

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