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With great power comes great responsibility.

This famous line from Spiderman is

already too old for me yet elegant and cliché but eloquent. It’s truest essence still lingers in
my ears up to this moment since I last heard of it.

To my fellow students, beloved teachers, to our highly respected principal, Mr. Jose
Pedro Dayandante, and to our guests, buenas noches!

It has been six years and the road towards the end of our high school responsibilities
is still blurry as fogs. It wasn’t the one that I expected because I thought it would be easier –
easier than taking selfies and posting it on a social media account. The road was full of ups
and downs which made it exciting and challenging. And us, seniors, this night will be one of
the most glamorous and unforgettable events of our lives, which we believe that this feat will
also be a night to remember by you juniors.

Here with me is a key that symbolizes the responsibilities that we seniors have kept
within the limits of our boundaries and molded through our efforts and passion towards
school service. This kept on reminding us that being the seniors of this institution, we have
the greatest accountability to carry the pride and honor of the school along its greatest

And in behalf of the seniors, it is my greatest joy to pass onto you juniors this key of
responsibility. May this key be your constant reminder to always strive for the best no matter
how hard the road may seem to take. May this key also be your source of hope that no matter
how locked the doors of some opportunities are, there will always be other doors meant for
you. May you all continue serving as role models of the school and do your very best to uplift
its whereabouts to a greater height.

(Turnover the key)

And tonight, your job as soon to be seniors will begin to journey. May you
wholeheartedly accept it together with the heavy responsibilities carved on it. May this, in
the end, pave the way for you to be able to succeed but may you not forget to be grounded.
And we, seniors, will continue looking forward until you pass on that key to your successor.
And through this, we will always be thankful and grateful.

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