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Insert TV Patrol Music
Both: Nerdy Talk with Mj and Alex

Alex: Today, today we are going to talk about electromagnetic radiation

(explosion sound effects)
Mj: It’s cool, it’s fun, and it’s amazing!
Alex: Mj do you know what is electromagnetic radiation?
Mj: Of course! It is a form of energy right?
Alex: Yes! But it’s not just a normal energy; it has a lot of forms
Mj: oh! Now I remember it can be found in radio waves, microwaves, x-rays and
gamma rays
Alex: You are surely correct!
Mj: Of course understanding EM Radiation is easy as one, two, three
Alex: There you go again! You are very boastful hays!
Mj: Atleast I’m correct!
Alex: yes you are correct but EM radiation is wider than you thought!
Mj: then can you explain it to me
Alex: It is a kind of radiation including visible light and as you said earlier it can
also be found in radiowaves and x rays
Mj: And? What else?
Alex: EM radiation is cool because it can be found almost everywhere but,
Mj: But what?
Alex: it has a lot of advantages and disadvantages that we should consider when we
are using EM Radiation
Mj: Can you give me an example, I’m really curious
Alex: Sure but first let’s hear what shield bath soap has to say
Mj: and we are back!
Alex: to your daily noontime podcast
Both: nerdy talk with Mj and Alex
Mj: Previously, we are just talking about EM Radiation
Alex: and now we are going to talk about the Advatanges of EM Radiation
Mj: finally!!
Mj: Advantage of EM Radiation
Alex: EM radiation can be use in many positive ways like using it for health
Mj: in what way?
Alex; Electromagnetic radiation having many hazardous effects on human beings
and other living forms has the other side of having disease curing effect. The killing
and destructive power of electromagnetic radiation can be used constructively for
curing the incurable diseases by eradicating the disease producing pathogens and
micro organisms like bacteria, virus & fungi.
Mj: I didn’t realize that we can use EM radiation to cure diseases
Alex: That’s why learning EM Radiation is important
Mj: Now, I understand, but you said a while ago that it also has disadvantages
Alex: of course! But before we move on to the disadvantages we should hear what
our sponsor for today has to say
Mj: and now we are back again to
Both: nerdy talk with Mj and Alex
Alex: earlier we talk about the EM Radiation and its advantages
Mj: and now we are going to talk about the disadvantages
Alex: you are really excited
Mj: Of course! Because hearing this makes me excited to learn more about EM
Radiation and its importance
Alex: that’s the spirit
Alex: and now let’s go back to our topic
Mj: Disadvantages of EM Radiation
Alex: As I said a while ago EM Radiation can help us cure diseases but it can also
be the reason on how we can get sick
Mj; what? Is that even possible
Alex: Of course because too much exposure to visible light can lead to blindness
Mj: what? Blindness?
Alex: yes you heard it right and not only it can lead to blindness you can also get
cancer if you are expose to too much radiation
Mj: woah! I didn’t even know that is possible
Alex: Well know you know
Mj: yes! i have learned that EM Radiation has advantages and disadvantages that
can affect your health
Alex: and know you know the importance of EM Radiation
Mj: of course!
Alex: and i think it’s time to say goodbye
Mj: good bye good bye everyone!
Alex: till the next episode of
Both: Nerdy Talk with Mj and Alex
Outro song

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