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Edera National High School

Edera, Basilisa Dibagat Islands

Second Grading Examination for Grade-7 Science
NAME:___________________________ DATE:__________________________
GRADE & SECTION:_________________ SCORE:_________________________

DIRECTION: Read & analyze the question carefully, then encircle only the best answer.
1.) It is a type of substance that donates Hydrogen ions.
a.) Basic b.) Acidic c.) Hydrogen d.) Oxygen
2.) It is a type of substance that accepts Hydrogen ions.
a.) Basic b.) Acidic c.) Hydrogen d.) Oxygen
3.) pH meter is used in identifying the acidity or basicity of the substance. If you spell out this, what is the correct words?
a.) Powdered Hydrogen b.) Power of Water c.) Power of Hydrogen d.) Power of Acids
4.) What will be the color of blue litmus paper if it will soak into an acidic solution?
a.) Red b.) Blue c.) Green d.) Yellow
5.) The numbers below are the reading of pH meter. Which of these numbers belong to the acidic substance?
a.) 1 b.) 7 c.) 7.5 d.) 14
6.) The numbers below are the reading of pH meter. Which of these numbers belong to the basic substance?
a.) 1 b.) 7 c.) 7.5 d.) 14
7.) The plant part can be a good indicator that a substance is either acidic or basic one. Which of the plants below is the right to choose?
a.) Guava Leaves b.) Violet Eggplant Peel c.) Mango Peel d.) Apple Peel
8.) What is the color in plant indicator if the substance is strongly acidic?
a.) Green b.) Blue c.) Red to pale red d.) Yellow
9.) What is the color in plant indicator if the substance is strongly basic?
a.) Green b.) Blue c.) Red to pale red d.) Yellow
10.) What is the color in plant indicator if the substance is weakly acidic?
a.) Green b.) Blue c.) Red to pale red d.) Yellow
11.) What is the color in plant indicator if the substance is weakly basic?
a.) Green b.) Blue c.) Red to pale red d.) Yellow
12.) It is a laboratory apparatus used to observe tiny objects, organisms or a cell.
a.) Telescope b.) stethoscope c.) microscope d.) microscopy
13.) Also called ocular is used to see the objects under study. Its lens contained a magnification of 10X or 15X.
a.) Objective lens b.) Eyepiece c.) diaphragm d.) Glass slides
14.) Course Adjustment moves the body tube ;____________ moves the lenses for more details.
a.) Diaphragm b.) fine adjustment c.) objective lens d.) mirror/ light source
15.) They are lenses with ranges of 10X, 40X, 100X powers which are color coded.
a.) Objective lens b.) Eyepiece lens c.) Course adjustment d.) Fine adjustment
16.) It supports the tube of the microscope and connects to the base of the microscope.
a.) Arm b.) diaphragm c.) stage clips d.) base
17.) It serves to hold the slide with specimen or sample under study on the stage.
a.) Stage clips b.) Glass Slides c.) Specimen d.) Diaphragm
18.) It is just a flat used for placing the slides under observation.
a.) Stage b.) Glass Slides c.) Specimen d.) Diaphragm
19.) It is the tube that connects the eyepiece to the objective lenses.
a.) Stage clips b.) Arm c.) Body tube d.) Diaphragm
20.) It is also known as the Turret. It allows the rotation of the lenses while viewing.
a.) Revolving nosepiece b.) body tube c.) Objective lenses d.) Eyepiece
21.) What do you think is the alternative source of light in a microscope if there is no light source like bulb?
a.) Use a flash light b.) use a mirror c.) use a sunlight d.) both a & b
22.) It is known as the smallest particle of matter.
a.) DNA b.) Atom c.) electron d.) proton
23.) Matter is defined as anything that occupies space, and has mass and volume. Which of these is not a matter?
a.) Light b.) Smoke c.) air d.) gold
24.) Atom contains sub-particles of different charges like positive, negative or neutral. What particle has a negative charge?
a.) Proton b.) neutron c.) electron d.) nucleus
25.) What will happen to the acidic substance if it will combine to the basic substance?
a.) Explode b.) neutralize c.) Evaporate d.) dissolve
26.) Which of the following properties of metal that reflects light as a mirror that is why metals like gold and silver are shiny?
a.) Ductile b.) Luster c.) Malleable d.) Magnetic
27.) Which of the following properties of metal that this can be drawn into wire like copper?
a.) Ductile b.) Luster c.) Malleable d.) Magnetic
28.) Which of the following properties of metal that this can be hammered or rolled into thin sheets without breaking?
a.) Ductile b.) Luster c.) Malleable d.) Magnetic
Edera National High School
Edera, Basilisa Dibagat Islands
29.) The property of metal that will attract to the magnet. Which of the following is a magnetic metal?
a.) Gold b.) copper c.) Iron d.) Aluminum
30.) Metal is a good conductor of electricity or it allows electricity to flow. Which of the metals below is referring to?
a.) Wood b.) Plastic c.) Copper d.) Water
31.) A Dutch draper and scientist in the late 17th century became the first man to make and use a real microscope. He saw
bacteria, yeast, blood cells and many tiny animals swimming about in a drop of water.
a.) Antony Van Leeuwenhoek c.) Antony Von Leeuwenhoek
b.) Antone Van Leeuwenhoek d.) Antone Von Leeuwenhoek
32.) During the 1950`s, a Dutch Spectacle Maker Zaccharuas Janssen put several lenses in a tube and made a very important
discovery. The object near the end of the tube appeared to be greatly enlarged.
a.) Zacharuas Janssen c.) Zacharuas Jansen
b.) Zaccharuas Janssen d.) Zaccharuas Jansen
33.) He was credited with the microscopic milestone of discovering the basic unit of all life, the cell. He used the basic three-lens
configuration that is still used in microscopes today.
a.) Robert Hooke c.) Robert Hook
b.) Robert Hoke d.) Robert Hok
34.) Which of the following plants will grow in acidic soil?
a.) Bananas b.) Grapes c.)Grapes d.) Watermelon
35.) Which of the following plants will grow in almost neutral soil?
a.) Onion b.) eggplant c.) kamote d.) garlic

TEST-II (Identification) Put a check if the substance belong to acidic, neutral or basic substance.

Given Substances Acidic Basic Neutral

1.) Zonrox ( bleach) /
2.) Calamansi /
3.) Soap /
4.) Tooth Paste /
5.) Gastric Juices /
6.) Milk /
7.) Vinegar /
8.) Fresh Egg White /
9.) Drain Cleaner /
10.) Saliva / /
11.) Pure Water /
12.) Rain Water /
13.) Urine /
14.) Blood /
15.) Orange Fruit /

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