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Problem 8-2

Aquifer Performance
Red Reservoir, History Match of Aquifer Performance
(Hurst van Everdingen Model)

1. The Red Reservoir has the pressure history and aquifer properties described in the previous problem

2. The solution of the previous problem resulted in the Σ(Δp * Qtd) shown below
BO 1.525135035
ce 2.108474E-05
Cum Oil
(STB) Year ΣΔPavg*Qtd P dP bo np*bo N*Ce*Boi*Δp We

0 0.0 0 5,084 0 1.4102 0 0 0

182,625 0.5 168.761 4,905 179 1.4142960655 258285.81897 177414.02586699 80871.7931
365,250 1.0 518.896 4,815 269 1.4163676069 517328.2684 266616.608705141 250711.6597
602,663 1.5 953.956 4,686 398 1.4193368161 855381.07392 394473.644106491 460907.42982
967,913 2.0 1598.446 4,471 613 1.4242854981 1378583.7372 607568.703108741 771015.03411

3. The Red Reservoir Field has produced the following Cum Oil volumes during this time period.
Water Production has been zero 2700
Gas Production is only the solution gas since the reservoir pressure >> Pbp 2400
Cum Oil 1800
Year (STB) 1500
0.0 0 900
0.5 182,625 600
1.0 365,250
1.5 602,663 0.0 0.5 1.0
2.0 967,913

4. The material balance equation for oil production above the Pbp with no water production and no water injection is

We,mb = Np*Bo - N*Ce*Boi*Δp

where Ce = (So*Co + Sw*Cw + Cf) / So

and Bo = Boi * (1.0 + Co Δp)

The values for the above parameters for the Red Reservoir are the following

Cf = 0.0000027 psia-1
Cw = 0.0000025 psia-2
Co = 0.0000163 psia-3

Sw = 0.284
So = 0.716

Boi = 1.4102 RB/STB

The geologic mapping provides a volumetric estimate of Original Oil In Place (N). This estimate was 33,334,462 STB

N= 33,334,462 STB

5. Is the volumetric estimate of N supported by the data?

6. What are the values of the aquifer constant C, size and permeability ?

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