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In general the changes were:

 All the clans now have an extra building which they can train a "new" unit.
The "extra" buildings are obtained by upgrading buildings (which ones exactly will
be listed below).
 All clans have "ultimate" heroes, which you get by training some of the
regular heroes (which ones exactly will be listed below).
The ultimate form will give the hero a new ability (i'll leave you guys to find out
what they are...) and more vigor and resistance, but you won't be able to summon
them again if they die.
 Some heroes had to be replaced in the keep for the "new" can
still get them in-game which will be explained in the "Old heroes" part.

========================= DRAGON =========================

 New hero
 New Building
Monastery (Upgrade from Shrine)
 New unit
Monk (Train peasant in Monastery)
 Ultimate hero
Dragon Kenji (Train in Dragon Monument)
 Old hero
Kazan (must trade him with Tao in Monastery)
========================= SERPENT =========================
 New hero
Kenji (2nd form)
 New Building
Soul Flame (Upgrade from Thieves Guild)
 New unit
Ninja (Train peasant in Soul Flame)
 Ultimate hero
Serpent Kenji (Train in Necromancer's Throne)
 Old hero
Budo (must trade him with Vetkin in Bath-house)

========================= LOTUS =========================

 New hero
Nightvol (ninja form)
 New Buildings
Soban's Lab (Upgrade from Peasant Hut)
Lotus orb (Upgrade from Warlock Tower)
(You can still train "Master Warlock" after upgrade)
 New unit
Spider infested one (Train peasant in Soban's Lab)
 Ultimate heroes (Train in Lotus Orb)
No Corruption Zymeth
Ungodly Yvaine
Nightvol 2nd Form
 Old hero
Soban (must trade him with Koril in Soban's Lab)

========================= WOLF =========================

 New Building
Shale Mine (Upgrade from Shalery)
Wolf Orb (Upgrade from Cairn)
(You can still get druidess "blessings" BG after upgrade)
 New unit
Poison Shaman (Train peasant in Shale Mine)
 Ultimate hero (Train in Wolf Orb)
White Wolf Grayback
White Wolf Gaihla
White Wolf (train WildEye)
======================== Issues and feedback ========================
1 - If you have problems running this mod with the GOG version of Battle Realms,
you can try deleting the "goggame.dll" file inside the folder (Credit for discovering this to

2 - An issue that might happen is the mini-map going mostly my case,
simply minimizing and returning solves that problem (alt+tab).

3 - If Battle Realms say it can't open the ".dat" file after you copied the new one,
make sure it is spelled exactly as the old one was...that is, "Battle Realms.dat".
Also, i welcome any type of feedback such as balance suggestions, and suggestions
for new content. Have fun, hope you enjoy the mod!

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