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De-Maneuvering of a Manufacturing Firm

type 1: avoidance

Scene 1:

2 characters (Both are from different departments and had a fight in an interdepartmental meeting)

Char1:( busy on phone)

Char2: (knock knock) Can I talk to you for a minute?

Char1: If you must char2

Char2: I think we should

Look, I want to speak to you about what happened yesterday our little fight.

Char1: I have got Some work now I need to send this email and go for a visit in the shop floor. I am
sorry, I’m busy at the moment.

Char 2 : yeah I can see that. I Have been noticing that you are ignoring me lately You are busy on your
phone and you are not even listening to me

Char1: As I said it's already 4:30 p.m. And I have to send this email as soon as possible you know that I
have a shop floor audit now.

Char2: But you know that we have a meeting on production process today evening.

char1: But we also have the union management project to do.

Char2: I don't really care about the union management project, we have got this production process
meeting and we have to resolve this issue soon.

char1: I understand what you are saying but at the moment I have got other deadlines and
commitments to complete tomorrow. I hope you understand that.
Char2: Fine, I think we are never going to resolve it like this.

Char1: We will but now it's just on the time.

Cha2: Alright. (leaves angrily)


Scene 2:

In a Board meeting: (Discussion on an issue related to safety measures)

Employee1: Sir, I have an idea on improving the safety measures…..

Emp2: (gestures a hand in denial) we can actually have smoke detectors enabled at every place

Emp1: yes that’s a good idea .. but sir I also have a..

emp2: yeah I think we should implement this idea immediately

emp1: Yes but the costs…...

emp2:I think nobody can have a better idea of safety here

Emp1: Ok fine whatever( Leaves the room and really)


Scene 3:

Emp1: Can I talk to you for a minute?

Emp2: I have a business proposal to be addressed. Is investing into that business proposal Clients are
asking to email by an hour or something.

Emp1: There is something that I need to tell you. My uncle just met with an accident and he is no more.
So I have to leave now.

Emp2: I am honestly so terribly sorry. Oh god, what should we do? I honestly should not keep you. The
only issue is I seriously don’t know anything about the proposal. They just asked for a written email
about the proposal and I was just about to mail them that we will reply in an hour. But…..
Emp1: One thing I can do is, as soon as I get time, I can go back to home and email you about the
important things about the business proposal if required. But I have to leave now.

Emp2:I will tell them that they will be slight delay you don't worry about that. It's important that you live
don't worry. Let me know if you want any from my side.

Emp1: Thank you so much for your help

Emp2: It’s ok go ahead.



Emp1: I looked at your report and I think that we should follow the same report since the client is the
same and they welcomed the previous report.

Emp2: I think the current situation is completely different without considering the current specification
we cannot go ahead with the report.

Emp1: The clients are critical if we delete the report from the last report the client may not be happy.
However I have looked at your report, I think points 1 to 5 are a bit far fetched.

Emp2: In that case we can take the. 6 to 11 and amended with the previous report.

Emp1: But still I think it should be more specific.

Emp2: OK I will make it more specific and then it will be a mixture of the old and new report.



2 Training manufacturing companies are bidding for the same Deal. CEOs of both the companies meet.
CEO1: I am Robert, we are the Manufacturing company based out of US. We have a multinational

CEO2: It’s great to meet you. I have also heard about your company. Can you throw some light on the
strength of your company?

CEO1: We are experts in supply chain activities. I lately heard about the bidding for the deal. You have a
competent production platform and we can be great partners.

How about us collaborating together?

CEO2: That’s a good idea!

CEO1: I want to make sure that it works for both of us.


Type 1: Avoidance

After Scene 1: Observations

1. Low concern for others

2. Refusing to talk.
3. Changing the topic
4. Walkway
5. I lose, you lose


After Scene 2: Observations

1. High concern for self
2. Low concern for others
3. Aggressive or rude attitude
4. Lack of co-operation
5. I win you lose


After Scene 3: Observations

1. High concern for others
2. Low concern for self
3. Excessively empathetic
4. “I will agree with whatever you think is best”
5. You win, I lose

After scene 4: Observations
1. Mid concern for others
2. Mid concern for self
3. Meeting in the middle
4. Fairness
5. You win some and lose some / I win some and lose some

After scene 5: Observations
1. High concern for others
2. High concern for self
3. Compromise = Integrate
4. “I want to make sure this works for both of us:
5. You win I win

2. The Curious Case of 123kart


Recently, few workers of 123kart company has read in a newspaper that Japan’s “ kashimoto company”
has introduced air conditions in their factory. Kashimoto is a logistics company. 123kart organization is a
local company which manufactures plastic pipes.

Now the workers demand from the management to introduce ACs on their shop floors as in summers it
becomes very hot for workers to work in the conditions. Sankalpa, is the Union leader and with
majority decision he has decided to take forward this demand to Mr. Abhinav who is the HR manager of
the company.

Scene 1: Dominating

Sankalpa: Excuse me, Mr. Abhinav we workers want to suggest something.

Abhinav: Did you ask for an appointment from my PA? How come you workers are here in my cabin
without any prior permission from me?

Sankalpa: No we have to talk. We thought that the organization is having an open door policy hence, we
can show up on short notice and meet our CHRO and discuss the new issues.

Abhinav: Yes, it is an open door policy but for senior management level not for everybody.
Ok, I am busy right now. I can’t talk right now I will call you later.

Sankalpa: No, we have to talk.

Abhinav: Is this an urgent issue? As anyway you have reached here, what do you have to say? Tell me in
30 seconds. If not then please let me do my work as I have thousand other works to take care of.

Sankalpa: I brought this request on behalf of other workers that as summers are approaching and it’s
going to be hot on the shop floor. Due to this many workers get dehydrated and tired which causes low
efficiency in their work. Also, we have read in the newspapers that one of the Japanese Company
“Kashimoto” which is a logistics company has installed ACs in their factory. So, we suggest you to install
ACs on our shop floor, so that we can do our jobs better and efficiently.

Abhinav: This is a great and costly idea, but of no use for our organization. Organization doesn’t have
money to fulfill your demands.

Sankalpa: But sir, we really need to look into this serious matter.

Abhinav: No, I am busy right now.

Sankalpa: But, sir….

Abhinav: I don’t have time right now, and I told you it’s not possible at all. You may leave.

Sankalpa: Ok. But I am very disappointed with your behavior. This might have bad repercussions for the

Abhinav: How dare you talk to me like that? Just leave, I have seen many people like you in my career.

And the leader left and HR manager gets busy with his work.

Scene 2: Collaborative

Sankalpa: Good afternoon Mr. Abhinav!!

Abhinav: Very Good afternoon, please have a seat. I just want to have a discussion about you idea and
what happened the other day.

Sankalpa: Yes sir

Abhinav: I know that I was a little rude the other day. I would have handled the situation better.

Sankalpa: ------

Abhinav: I request you to speak up so that we’ll be on the same page.

Sankalpa: I was very insulted when you’ve spoken that way.

Abhinav: I get it and I’ll take it onboard. But I also want you to understand that I was very busy on a
very important work which is very crucial for the organization. You know right, if the organization does
good, then we’ll all be good.
Sankalpa: I completely understood that but, you could have been polite in telling me the same.

Abhinav: Absolutely. I accept that and I’m assuring you that it’ll not be repeated again.

Sankalpa: And also you have rejected a few of my other ideas where I worked a lot to get those ideas.

Abhinav: See Sankolpo, I don’t have any personal grudge on you. And to be honest, you’ve come up
with some brilliant ideas in the past, and most of them got implemented as well. But this time, this idea
does not fit into the current situation.

Sankalpa: Why is it not possible to implement this?

Abhinav: Well, I’ll explain. It’s impossible to maintain the air conditioning temperature on the shop
floor. And it is technically very difficult and even not feasible financially as well.

Sankalpa: But, what about us? How can we sustain these temperatures? People might also lose interest
in working

Abhinav: I completely understand your situation. As management, we want every employee to have
safe conditions to work. Your idea may not be possible, but I’m ready to help you on this issue. After all,
it’s our responsibility to take care of our employees.

Sankalpa: Thank you. But how are you going to help us?

Abhinav: I’ve spoken to the higher management and the engineering team. They are working on a plan
to come up with something to reduce the temperatures on the shop floor. Once it’s in action, you’ll not
face difficulties in working.

Sankalpa: That sounds interesting

Abhinav: And we also decided to provide you with cold water dispenser along with glucose. Hope you
guys like it.

Sankalpa: Oh, thank you very much. It would really help us in this hot summer.

Abhinav: Great, so is there anything else that we’ve missed out?

Sankalpa: That’s it for now, Mr Abhinav.


Scene 1:

As the HR manager and Union leader is in conversation with each other. In scene 1 we have created
situation where the HR dominates the situation. And what wrong went there

1. Union leader just came without validation of facts and just by reading newspapers and coming
to a consensus for the demand.
2. He didn’t ask for a suitable time from the manager and just barged in to his cabin.
3. HR is already caught up with his important work. He didn’t like the idea of the leader coming at
that crucial moment.
4. HR just asked to give his ideas and gave little time for discussion and didn’t listen. He could have
politely told him about his busy schedule.
5. HR denied the possibility of his idea and mocked it and straight asked him to leave.
6. Leader gave him threat and left.

Scene 2:

In this second scenario, the approach was collaborative from the HR manager.

1. HR listened to the union leaded about the issue, explained him why he was rude in the previous
scenario and assured him that it wouldn’t be repeated. He also explained the importance of the
organization doing well.
2. When the union leader felt his ideas were not being respected, the HR manager explained to
him about how the organization implemented some of his (union leader) ideas and why it is not
possible to implement this particular idea at this point.
3. He also complimented the union leader for his brilliant ideas in the past along with showing
empathy to the shop floor workers.
4. He also said that the management is always there for the employees. So, he said the
management will come up with a solution for the increasing temperatures on the floor so that
employees can work comfortably.
5. Along with that, he also promised to provide a two other amenities to the workers to show
them that the management cares for them.

3. Hail ! Trade Unions !

Through this script, we are going to show collective bargaining and how the conflict between
management and trade union is managed and resolved.

Scene 1: - This is about the management’s making a new announcement to the workers

Management announces that they will reduce the casual leaves from 7 days to 4 days per year

Worker 1:This is not fair. How can they do this?

W2: Yes, they hardly pay us at par with the industry and moreover this is completely inhuman.

W1: How can they do this, we need to approach the union for this.

Scene 2: - In this scene we introduce the second phase – Resistance to change

TU leader: This is very inhuman of management, do they think we are bonded labors. They need to
explain this ACTION OF THEIRS. We are going to take this issue seriously. We will have a meeting with
the management and will definitely find a solution.

Management: We understand your concern but we are not doing quite well in financials and therefore
we need to increase our production to reach the targets on time. After much a due the management has
reached on this decision.

Scene 3- In this scene we introduce the third phase – Accommodate the change

Both the parties had their views presented before the adjudicator and they finally reach to a

Adjudicator – After listening to both of your concerns, we have finally reached common grounds. It
would be unfair if leaves are deducted in such a manner. It would further hamper the productivity.
Considering that even the company is going through tough times, we have mutually decided that the
company will replace the 4 day casual leave with 2 day flexi leave in a quarter.

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