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Touchstone 2nd Edition • Language summary • Level 2

Unit 10 • Lesson D: Texting

annoying (adj)
punctuation (n)

Writing an article giving pros and cons
When you write an article giving the good and bad things about a topic, you can use the
following structure:

• Write an introduction to the topic

Video calling is becoming more and more popular, and some of my friends
now call me every day.

• Write about the advantages (the reasons for the ideas in your article)

It's fun to video call with a close friend if you don't see him or her very often.

• Write about the disadvantages (the reasons against the ideas in your article). Useful
phrases are However, . . . and On the other hand . . .

However, for friends from class, a quick text message or call is much better.

On the other hand, video calls can be a problem.

• Write a conclusion giving your views. Useful phrases are I think . . . and In my
opinion, . . .

In my opinion, video calling is good for friends you don't see very often.

© Cambridge University Press 2014 Unit 10, Lesson D, Page 1

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