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Reaction Paper on the story, RICH DAD, POOR DAD

Submitted by: IJ L. MADERA BOT III- A

The story teaches us different outlooks in life that everyone must choose in order for them to live
an achieving living. People have different perspectives on their existence; different decisions to make,
ideas, and principles that reflect there persona of whom they are and of what causes them to be of what
they are now. The book tells us on how a two dissimilar man; the rich man with very little education but
financially knowledgeable, very skilled in the investment game because that’s all he did and the poor man
struggle for success through education but lacks financial literacy that he spent so much time in school
learning about the problems in the world, but have not acquired any valuable lessons about money and
other financial related matters. This book reduces two fundamental concepts: a can do attitude and
fearless entrepreneurship which was portrayed by the two dads. The author presents six major lessons
which one must inculcate in one’s wits such as the rich don’t work for money, the importance of financial
literacy, minding one’s own business, importance of taxes and corporations, on how rich people invent
money and the need to work, to learn and not to work for money.

From the beginning of the story, the author gives much emphasis on accounting knowledge. It is
an actuality that no man turn out to be successful without struggling and sacrificing. It was depicted by
Kiyosaki and Mike as they have worked on a grocery store Mike’s father (rich dad) had offered for them for
them to avoid the “rat race” experienced at their first job. Both boys tired of being so underappreciated
but instead of giving up, both boys chose to learn the moral lesson rich dad contributed to them. This first
lesson taught us that even though some people may not be grateful for our work, never give up but prove
them your worth.

The rich don’t work for money, instead money works for them. This is a lesson that reveals a
reflection that most of man now a day is not committing. The poor and middle class works for money and
uses their emotion rather than thinking with emotions. Others don’t see this opportunities because they’re
too busy seeking for money that they never realize that life just come and go.

The teaching of financial literacy is much emphasized in the story because financial literacy can
help person build a strong foundation by knowing the difference between an asset and liability that
financial literacy begins with a working knowledge of accounting. In relation with people living today, poor
people remains poor because liabilities or their expenses are of large amount than that of their assets.
There is inequality between it and their whole life is devoted paying their expenses. Also this teaches us
not to mind others business. We must stand on our own and mind the things we have. We must strive to be
successful and nurture our own life. It is a ghastly attitude that we are involving ourselves on others’
matter when in fact we can’t even solve our own problem. Pay yourself first and everything will follow.

On the other side, rich people invent money; man must create it first not just waiting it to draw
closer. Since we were a child, our parents and even mentors’ taught , trained us, our minds to learn
different knowledge based ideas in order for us to choose the best fields we would set off all trough our
lives. That we must not wait for luck; we must work for our dreams because individuals builds their own
knowledge base and therefore has more power over those who don’t know. We are intelligent enough to
choose what’s best for us. Before the reward there must be labor. You plant before you harvest. You sow
in tears before you reap joy.

Work to learn, don’t work for money. This is the thought shared on chapter 7 of the book. Many
graduates graduated without any work to fill in. it’s because our country can only offer a limited jobs for
their chosen fields thus majority of them end up unemployed. On the other hand, many of them prefer to
go on jobs which are not related on their chosen fields, and they are not knowledgeable about it. They
have no choice but to accept it than to have nothing at all. At first it may be too hard for them to adjust and
thinks that it is a profession they’re not into but at the end of time they will realize that after all, it is
another learning they may have. That there are other skills people need to cultivate to help them on the
road towards their success. That a successful man has a wide knowledge about everything for him to be
responsive and people who have a one skill are much away from wealth.

Lastly, we must overcome obstacles that we may encounter and we must be generous with what
we have. It is generous to share, even if with small thing we have. God have offered so much. It is true that
we have gained it through great effort but we must not be insatiable. Everything is not intended to be kept
but rather be shared to others. We must stimulate our minds into thinking that: “if they can do it, why can’t


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