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Bolivarian Republic Of Venezuela

Polytechnic University Institute ''Santiago Mariño''

Civil Engineering School


Current Situation Of The Country

Teacher Student

Suhaila Temponi Pablo Montaño


Barcelona, March 2019

Venezuela, What Can Ido for you?

When my parents married, they were young professionals ( Teachers). and

they could get or buy ( to be exact) our house and their own cars. At that time,
We could travel on vacations and might afford certain luxuries. Nowadays, it
will be almost impossible. For a common professional. The salary, the social
security and even the employ market is reduced. That is why the way my
parents plan our education was based in a Venezuela that does not zexist.

What happened?

A country with the biggest proved reserves in oil.With mineral resourses like
gold, coltan, water affluents, beautiful landscapes and with professionals with
high standars of qualifications all around the world ( those who come from
recognized Universities) sank down in its own richness. or miseries. A wrong
political system with bad alliancies, corruption and wrong guys in essential
spaces made the visionary Venezuela of wellfare became a sadness country. A
hopeless one.

Mayi help?

I think of my parents experience and of course, it will not be the same (each
one reads his own book). We have one of the lowest salaries all around the
world (7$ a month), the social security and the employ market are not the best
one and in fact, it is almost unexist..The insecurity in all orders will not be
attractive for investments. Our educational system will not be prepared to
support the challenge. And what about our energetical or electrical system?
The last black out answered the question. The questión is If our actual political
system can give the answer? I think it will be almost imposible. I think it has
not answer.The speech is over.

What can I do?

Venezuelan people must help to change our perspective about what we need
and what can we do about that. Personally, I ought to be a good professional.
The nation reordering will need that. But being a good citizen is essential. Our
new nation will need good, humble and honest persons. I think that is easier to
prepare a good professional than a citizen one. The concious must be lead in
order to keep in mind that a country can have richness but without good
persons it worths nothing.

Does our country learn the lesson?

I cannot tell that easily. Over and over again, we are sliding at the same place.
Promises are the same and polítics dont change. We must create a citizen
conciousness to help people to think in perspective. Select and elect will not
be the priority. Obviously, its necessary but it is not the central point. Solving
the community problems are the central line.With a plan well structured,
polititia-ns will be only a person to follow the rules that the society lead. If all
the citizens follow the rules that our constitucional book has, I am sure that
education, economy, ecology, health, etc will go ahead. Respecting the
constitution could be a great step. All the rest, will be secondary. That's all We
need. A country with future. A country to live in peace

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