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Spring 2016

Prof. Dr. Lars Linsen

Jacobs University

Due: Friday, April 29, 2016, at 7pm

(in the mailbox labeled “Linsen” in the entrance hall of Research I).

Problem 23: Spline Interpolation. (1+5+3+1+4=14 points)

(a) Based on the property of minimal support, draw B-splines N00 (u), N01 (u), and N02 (u) over knot
sequence (0, 1, 2, 3).
(b) Use the constructions in (a) to estimate N02 (0), N02 (1), N02 (2), and N02 (3). Explain how you obtain
the values. Note that there is no need to derive and evaluate the recursive formula for any u.

(c) Using (b),

Pn−1derive the collocation matrix for spline interpolation at knots 2, 3, . . . , n + 1 using spline
s(u) = i=0 ci Ni2 (u) defined over knot sequence 0, 1, . . . , n + 2.
(d) Is spline s(u) in (c) a natural spline? Explain your answer.
(e) Solve the interpolation problem when assuming knots 2, 3, 4 and respective points 3, 2, 5. Provide
the interpolating spline s(u) and sketch it.

Problem 24: De Boor Algorithm. (6 points)

Derive the de Boor scheme on Slide 351, i.e., derive the recursion for cri .

Problem 25: Least-squares Approximation. (2+1+5+2=10 points)

Given interpolation conditions p(0) = 0, p(1) = 2, and p(2) = 1. Assume that p(u) is a linear polynomial
given with respect to the monomial basis.
(a) Derive the collocation matrix for this interpolation problem and the respective linear equation
system to determine p(u). Note that this leads to an overdetermined system of linear equations.

(b) Derive the error that is minimized when solving the overdetermined system of (a) in the least-
squares sense.
(c) Solve the normal equations, i.e., solve the overdetermined system in the least-squares senses.
(d) Compute the error according to (b) for the solution estimated in (c).

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