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A Grand mother’s Love

A place of crowded people murmured is everywhere and there’s a family who’s want to eat 3
three times a day but they can’t have enough money to buy their needs. Agapito and joy had a son and a baby
in joy’s womb. In their house they live In joy’s mother diding. Diding has only little store to sale foods and
crackers but the little Store can’t supply their needs. Joy opened a conversation to her mom when her tummy
Crave some food that they can’t have. A feeling of wanting but the situation can’t provide.

* Ma, what if I work abroad? said joys to her mom

* How ? What about the baby and your son ? Diding replied.
* Agapito will take care of them surely - joy continued.
* But ma, I don’t want to waste the opportunity to have something nice in my life –day

Diding. It isn’t nice for you to have your own family ? joy I know you are sick and tired of this life but please
forget that materials in your head. I know that there are some things in your head that left you regrettable
Joy stared at her mom like a tiger who already eat his prey. Agapito arrived from work. He got only three
hundred pesos and a dinner for his family but joy doesn’t want to live a life like that because she wanted a
fancy things. A wide house and a easy life to live but sadly all she dreamed was opposite to the reality.
Uncontented always she felt. Agapito feels the cold breeze in his relationship to joy, he doesn’t know how to
make his partner happy. Diding already recognize their small more. She think that her daughter and her
partner ashamed for having the same roof with diding. But diding never felt bad to have them because she’s
been alone when her lover left. Diding want’s to help his daughter and her grand children as well so she will be
happy if they stayed together. Day’s past quickly, it was july 3 1999, when the baby named aljene born. A cried
of a baby never excites joy because she want a solo life with name in fame and an honor to her. Diding cried
with glee to see her grand daughter Aljene, she felt empowered to work hard just to provide what Aljene

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