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Solution to Exercises

Chapter 1

E1 = 1+5^3+3^3-153
E2 = 1+6^4+3^4+4^4-1634
E3 = 5^6+4^6+8^6+8^6+3^6+4^6-548834
E4 = 1+factorial(7)-71^2
E5 = factorial(1)+factorial(4)+factorial(5)+factorial(6)+factorial(7)+factorial(8)-215^2

pie = pi - (100-(2125^3+214^3+30^3+37^2)/82^5)^(1/4)

format long g
I1 = 53453/log(53453)
I2 = 613*exp(1)/37-35/991
format short

x = (49-27*sqrt(5)+3*sqrt(6)*sqrt(93-49*sqrt(5)))^(1/3)
R = 0.5*sqrt((8*2^(2/3)-16*x+2^(1/3)*x^2)/(8*2^(2/3)-10*x+2^(1/3)*x^2))

Answers: x = 2.5375 + 1.9080i R = 0.8161 - 0.0000i

E1 = cot(pi/5)-sqrt(25+10*sqrt(5))/5
E2 = sin(pi/15)-sqrt(7-sqrt(5)-sqrt(30-6*sqrt(5)))/4
E3 = pi-16*atan(1/5)+4*atan(1/239)

g = sqrt(17-sqrt(17));
b = sqrt(17+sqrt(17));
a = sqrt(34+6*sqrt(17)+sqrt(2)*(sqrt(17)-1)*g-8*b*sqrt(2));
E1 = sin(pi/17)-sqrt(2)/8*sqrt(g^2-sqrt(2)*(a+g))

a = 1; b = 2;
E1 = exp(a)-sinh(a)-cosh(a)
E2 = sinh(2*b)/(cosh(a+b)*cosh(a-b))-tanh(a+b)+tanh(a-b)

L = 1.5; h = 1; r = 1.6;
V = L*(r^2*acos((r-h)/r)-(r-h)*sqrt(2*r*h-h^2))

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Answer: V = 3.2209

g = 60*pi/180; a = 35*pi/180; n = 4/3;
D = a-g+asin(n*sin(g-asin(sin(a)/n)))

Answer: D = 0.4203

k = 7; n =12;
Cnk = factorial(n)/factorial(k)/factorial(n-k)

Answer: Cnk = 792

r = 2.5;
I = (pi/8-8/9/pi)*r^4

Answer: I = 4.2874

c = 5;
K = (4*c-1)/(4*c+4)+0.615/c

Answer: K = 0.9147

B = 0.6;
K = 3/(1-B)^3*(0.5-2*B+B*(1.5-log(B)))

Answer: K = 23.7420

R = 30; r = 12; S = 50;
theta = asin((R-r)/S);
L = 2*S*cos(theta)+pi*(R+r)+2*theta*(R-r)

Answer: L = 238.4998

Fn = 250; f = 0.35; r = 0.4; theta = 60*pi/180;
T = (4*f*r*Fn*sin(theta/2))/(theta+sin(theta))

Answer: T = 36.5875

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A = 1.7; B = 1.2;
D = 1.265*((A*B)^3/(A+B))^(1/5)

Answer: D = 1.5682

n = 6;
M = 1/sin(pi/n);
C = (1+M^2)/4/M;
alpha = acos(sqrt(C^2+2)-C);
aG = M*(1-M^2)*sin(alpha)/(1+M^2-2*M*cos(alpha))^2

Answer: aG = -1.3496

L = 3000; d = 45; V = 1600;
Deltap = 0.03*L/d^1.24*(V/1000)^1.84

Answer: Deltap = 1.9048

E1 = 206e9; E2 = 206e9; nu1 = 0.3; nu2 = 0.3;
d1 = 0.038; d2 = 0.070; F = 450; z = 0.00025;
a = (0.375*F*((1-nu1^2)/E1+(1-nu2^2)/E2)/(1/d1+1/d2))^(1/3);
pmax = 1.5*F/pi/a^2;
za = z/a;
sxsy = -pmax*((1-za*atan(1/za))*(1-nu1)-0.5/(1+za^2))
sz = -pmax/(1+za^2)

Answers: sxsy = 2.0779e+008 sz = -1.2421e+009

E1 = 206e9; E2 = 206e9; nu1 = 0.3; nu2 = 0.3;
d1 = 0.038; d2 = 0.070; F = 450; z = 0.000025; L = 0.05;
b = sqrt(2*F/pi/L*((1-nu1^2)/E1+(1-nu2^2)/E2 )/(1/d1+1/d2));
pmax = 2*F/pi/b/L;
zb = z/b;
sx = -pmax*2*nu2*(sqrt(1+zb^2)-zb)
sy = -pmax*((2-1/(1+zb^2))*sqrt(1+zb^2)-2*zb)
sz = -pmax/sqrt((1+zb^2))

Answers: sx = -5.0360e+007 sy = -3.5432e+007 sz = -1.3243e+008


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e = 0.8;
NL = pi*e*sqrt(pi^2*(1-e^2)+16*e^2)/(1-e^2)^2

Answer: NL = 72.0220

h = 0.03; d0 = 0.006;
d1 = 0.016; E = 206e9;
d2 = d1+h*tan(pi/6);
k = pi*E*d0*tan(pi/6)/log((d2-d0)*(d1+d0)/(d2+d0)/(d1-d0))

Answer: k = 5.2831e+009

alpha = 2e-5; E = 206e9; nu = 0.3;
Ta = 260; Tb = 150; a = 0.006; b = 0.012; r = 0.010;
c1 = alpha*E*(Ta-Tb)/2/(1-nu)/log(b/a);
c2 = a^2/(b^2-a^2)*log(b/a);
br = b/r;
sr = c1*(c2*(br^2-1)-log(br))
st = c1*(1-c2*(br^2+1)-log(br))
T = Tb+(Ta-Tb)*log(br)/log(b/a)

Answers: sr = -3.7670e+007 st = 1.1859e+008 T = 178.9338

k = 1.4; pepo = 0.3;
psi = sqrt(k/(k-1))*sqrt(pepo^(2/k)-pepo^((k+1)/k))

Answer: psi = 0.4271

x = 0.45;
K = 1.2/x/(sqrt(16*x^2+1)+log(sqrt(16*x^2+1)+4*x)/4/x)^(2/3)

Answer: K = 1.3394

c = sqrt(8)/9801;
n = 0;
oneopi0 = c*(1103+26390*n)*factorial(4*n)/factorial(n)^4/396^(4*n);
n = 1;
oneopi1 = c*(1103+26390*n)*factorial(4*n)/factorial(n)^4/396^(4*n);
format long e
pin0 = 1/oneopi0
diffpino = pin0-pi
pin0n1 = 1/(oneopi0+oneopi1)
diffpin0n1 = pin0n1-pi

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format short

Answers: pin0 = 3.141592730013306e+000 diffpino = 7.642351240733092e-008

pin0n1 = 3.141592653589794e+000 diffpin0n1 = 4.440892098500626e-016

r = 10; rc = 3; k = 1.4;
eta = 1-1/r^(k-1)*((rc^k-1)/k/(rc-1))

Answer: eta = 0.4803

M = 2; k = 1.4;
AA = 1/M*(2/(k+1)*(1+(k-1)/2*M^2))^((k+1)/(2*(k-1)))

Answer: AA = 1.6875

n = 5; ep = 0.1;
w = 0.5
T = 1/sqrt(1+(ep*cos(n*acos(w))).^2)
T = 1/sqrt(1+(ep*cos(n*acos(w))).^2)
w = 1.5
T = 1/sqrt(1+(ep*cosh(n*acosh(w))).^2)

Answers: w = 0.5000 T = 0.9988 w = 1 T = 0.9950 w = 1.5000 T = 0.1605

m = 1; n = 2; nu = 0.3; hR = 0.05; Rl = 0.1;
Lm = pi/4*Rl*(4*m+1);
Om = (1-nu^2)*Lm^4/(Lm^2+n^2+1.78*n^2*Lm^2);
Om = Om+hR^2/12*(Lm^4+n^4+1.78*m^2*Lm^2)

Answer: Om = 7.5159e-003

V = 2.9; D = 0.3; ep = 0.00025; nu = 1.012e-6;
Re = V*D/nu;
f = ((64/Re)^8+9.5*(log(ep/3.7/D+5.74/Re^0.9)-(2500/Re)^6)^-16)^(1/8)

Answer: f = 0.0193

n = 3; th = pi/7;
a = cos(th)+(n^2*cos(2*th)+sin(th)^4)/(n^2-sin(th)^2)^(3/2)

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Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.
Answer: a = 1.1168

1.33 [Note: These solutions are obtained with a large amount of user interaction, almost on a line
by line basis.]

x = a*sin(t);
y = a*cos(t)^2*(2+cos(t))/(3+sin(t)^2);
xp = diff(x,t,1);
xpp = diff(x,t,2);
yp = diff(y,t,1);
ypp = diff(y,t,2);
[Nnum Nden] = numden(xp*ypp-yp*xpp);
Nden = factor(Nden)
Nnum = simple(Nnum)
[Dnum Dden] = numden(simple(xp^2+yp^2))

Partial answers: Nden = (sin(t)^2 + 3)^3 Nnum = -a^2*cos(t)^2*(cos(t) + 2)^3*(9*cos(t) - 6)

Dnum = a^2*(cos(2*t) + 1)*(9*cos(2*t) - 80*cos(t) + 73) Dden = 4*(cos(t) - 2)^4

At this point, we place these results in standard notation and make a few trigonometric substitutions as follows:
3 3'2
a 2 cos 2 t (cos t + 2 ) (9cos(t ) 6 )(4(cos(t ) 2) 4 )
! = 3 3/ 2
(sin 2
t + 3) (a 2 (cos(2t ) + 1)(9cos(2t ) 80cos(t ) + 73))
3 6
24a 2 cos 2 t (cos t + 2 ) (3cos(t ) 2 )(cos(t ) 2 )
= 3 3/ 2 3/ 2
(4 cos 2 t ) (2a 2 cos 2 t ) (9cos(2t ) 80cos(t ) + 73)
3 3
24a 2 cos 2 t #%(cos t + 2 )(cos(t ) 2 )& (3cos(t ) 2 )(cos(t ) 2 )
= 3 3/ 2
23 / 2 a 3 cos3 t (4 cos 2 t ) (9cos(2t ) 80cos(t ) + 73)
3 3

6 2 (4 cos(t ) ) (3cos(t ) 2 )(cos(t ) 2 )
a cos t (4 cos 2 t )3 (9cos(2t ) 80cos(t ) + 73)3 / 2
6 2 sec t (3cos(t ) 2 )(cos(t ) 2 )
a (9cos(2t ) 80cos(t ) + 73)3 / 2

syms a t
x = 3*t*a/(1+t^3);
y = x*t;
xp = diff(x,t,1);
xpp = diff(x,t,2);
yp = diff(y,t,1);
ypp = diff(y,t,2);
kn = simple(xp*ypp-yp*xpp);
kd = simple(xp^2+yp^2);
k = simple(kn/kd^(3/2))

Answer: k = (2*a^2)/(3*(t^3 + 1)^2*((a^2*(t^8 + 4*t^6 - 4*t^5 - 4*t^3 + 4*t^2 + 1))/(t^3 + 1)^4)^(3/2))

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obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a6retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic,
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Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.
syms a t
x = a*(t-tanh(t));
y = a*sech(t);
xp = diff(x,t,1);
xpp = diff(x,t,2);
yp = diff(y,t,1);
ypp = diff(y,t,2);
kn = simple(xp*ypp-yp*xpp);
kn = subs(kn, cosh(t)^2 - 1, sinh(t)^2);
kd = collect(simple(xp^2+yp^2), a);
kd = subs(kd,1 - 1/cosh(t)^2, sinh(t)^2/cosh(t)^2);
kd = subs(kd, (1/cosh(t)^2)-1, -sinh(t)^2/cosh(t)^2);
k = simple(kn/kd^(3/2))

Answer: k = (a^2*sinh(t)^2)/(cosh(t)^3*((a^2*sinh(t)^2)/cosh(t)^2)^(3/2))

z = vpa('cos(pi*cos(pi*cos(log(pi+20))))+1', 40)

Answer: 0.000000000000000000000000000000000039321609261272240194541

z = vpa('exp(pi*sqrt(163))', 35)

Answer: z = 262537412640768743.99999999999925007

syms x
tay1 = taylor(x*(7*x+1)/(1-x)^3, 5, x, 0)
tay2 = taylor((1+x-sqrt(1-6*x+x^2))/4,5,x,0)
tay3 = taylor(2*x/(1-x)^3,5,x,0)
tay4 = taylor(x*(x^2+4*x+1)/(1-x)^3,5,x,0)

Answers: tay1 = 52*x^4 + 27*x^3 + 10*x^2 + x

tay2 = 11*x^4 + 3*x^3 + x^2 + x
tay3 = 20*x^4 + 12*x^3 + 6*x^2 + 2*x
tay4 = 37*x^4 + 19*x^3 + 7*x^2 + x

syms x n e a t
L1 = limit((x^e-1)/e, e, 0)
L2 = limit((1-sin(2*x))^(1/x), x, 0)
L3 = limit(((exp(t)-1)/t)^(-a), t, 0)
L4 = limit(log(x^n)/(1-x^2), x, 1)

Answers: L1 = log(x) L2 = 1/exp(2) L3 = 1 L4 = -n/2

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syms s t
rD = roots(sym2poly(s^4+0.282*s^3+4.573*s^2+0.4792*s+2.889));
rN = roots(sym2poly(0.1*s^3+0.0282*s^2-0.0427*s+0.0076));
Xt = vpa(ilaplace(((s-rN(1))*(s-rN(2))*(s-rN(3)))/((s-rD(1))*(s-rD(2))*(s-rD(3))*(s-rD(4))), s, t),5)

Answer: Xt = (1.3974*(cos(1.9456*t)+0.050033*sin(1.9456*t)))/exp(0.097401*t)-

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